Chapter 1
Carmen's POV
I hadn't seen my older brother, Jack Sparrow, in ten years. That was back when I was fourteen. He had done so much in those years. As for me, I just wanted to get away from this society. You know, the type of society where I can't look a man in the eye without getting a few gasps from the proper ladies. With pirates, either you're their special toy, or their co-worker.
The only problem was that he was extremely protective of me. If a halfway decent man just looked at me the wrong way, he would go all big-brother on him. It got kind of embarrassing after awhile, but it was better to be with him than to be by yourself in Tortuga. So, I was going to the Black Pearl for a long time.
I waited at the dock, keeping a weather eye out for both him and your everyday creeps. That's when I saw his magnificent vessel. It had black sails, and was easy to recognize. A ladder was thrown down, and I climbed aboard, where I was instantly embraced by my brother.
"It's been too long, hasn't it, me sister," He said.
"It has been way too long, my brother."
"Now, I want to introduce you to me crew, okay?"
He turned toward his crew, "Mates, I wanna introduce you to me little sister, Carmen Sparrow. I want you to all to be nice and friendly to her, is that understood? Now, let me see, since Gibbs is on his honeymoon in Spain, Ragetti shall make sure she is comfy. And Ragetti? If you hurt a single hair on her head, I'll have to cut your head in two. Is that understood, Ragetti? Great! Now get to it!"
Great, my brother was being overprotective again. He probably in going to make that poor man weigh on me hand and foot all hours of the day.
I saw the man who was assigned to take care of me day and night. He was scrawny, as if he had missed a couple of meals with filthy dirty blond hair. The most interesting part of him was his eye patch. It made you wonder how he lost his eye, I just hoped that it was an interesting story.
"Um... hello? Moi name is Ragetti."
And that was how I met Ragetti.