
"Who is Mitch?" Alice asked as we headed back to the living room.

"Bella's best friend," Emmett answered and rolled his eyes. "I swear when you see them together you'll think they're a match made in heaven. You'll never find Bella or Mitch without each other."

I felt my chest surge with jealousy when I saw Bella blush.

"You're crazy," she told Emmett who just grinned.

"So are you going to open it?" Jasper asked.

Bella shook her head.

"Later," she answered.

Jasper nodded casually.

"Why?" Emmett asked.

"Because," Bella answered simply.

"Because what?" Emmett asked.

Bella sighed.

"Emmett?" Jasper said.


"Just shut up," Jasper said.

"Edward can I go put this upstairs?" Bella asked turning to me.

"Sure. I'll go with you," I said.

Bella nodded though hesitantly.

"Can we come?" Emmett asked.

We nodded.

Together we headed upstairs. Alice was at the front with Bella and me taking up the rear.

Alice opened the door to my-Bella and my room and screamed.

Chapter 13:


"What happened?" Rosalie asked.

"It-t-t-s," Alice stuttered. "S-sp-sppii."

"English please?" Emmett asked.

"She's speaking English you goofball. She's just stuttering," Jasper hissed and elbowed Emmett who winced.

"No need to be so defensive," Emmett hissed back.

"What happened Ali?" Rosalie asked.

"It's a spider, " answered a scared Alice.

Emmett and Jasper laughed.

"You are a vampire!" Rosalie hissed. "You aren't supposed to be scared of spiders."

"Guys. Let Bella pass. She has to put away her present. She's not scared of spiders," Jasper said.

Bella smiled. She looks up at me and took my hand. I smiled as Bella led me into the room. She placed the gift on our bedside table and let go of my hand. Walking over to the spider she took it into her hand.

"Hey little guy," she whispered.

Bella walked over to the window and opened it. Then she placed the spider outside on the windowsill.

"Bye little guy," she mumbled.

We all the stood there watching Bella watch the spider until….

"Holy Shit! It's an iphone!" Emmett yelled.

We all whipped around to see that Emmett had ripped open Bella's present.

"What?" Bella cried. "A phone?"

She was by Emmett's side in an instant. Emmett passed it over to her and her eyes gleamed.

"This is so cool!" Bella squealed.

We all watched in amusement as she jumped up and down like a little kid.

Girl you know I-I-I, Girl you know I-I-I
I been feenin
Wake up in the late night
Been dreamin about your loving, girl
Girl you know I-I-I, Girl you know I-I-I
Don't need candles and cake
Just need your body to make...
Birthday sex... Birthday sex oohoohoohooh
(It's the best day of the year girl)
Birthday sex... Birthday sex oohoohoohooh
(G-spot g-spot let me hit that g-spot g-spot girl)

"Oh my gosh!" Bella yelled. "It's ringing."

"Birthday sex?" I said, confused.

"Isn't that the song you and Mitch danced on?" Emmett asked Bella.

She blushed.

"Can I pick up,Edward?" my angel asked me.

I nodded.

"Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Bells?" said a sexy (hate to admit it) male voice.

"Mitch?" Bella shrieked.

"Who'd you think it was? George Bush?" Mitch asked sarcastically.

Bella rolled her eyes.

"So what up?" Bella grinned.

"Nothing much except missing my favorite hook up."

Hook-up? He didn't mean Bella did he?

"I was a hookup huh?" Bella asked in a playful voice.

I growled. Everyone ignored me.

"Kinda except we never really got anywhere," Mitch laughed.

"So the graveyard scene was nothing huh?" Bella teased.

"It was nothing. We didn't even get to kiss," Mitch complained. "If only Jasper hadn't interuppted."

"It's a good thing he did or Emmett would've ripped your head off," Bella laughed.

"It would've been a worth it. A kiss from you is worth so much more than a headless life."

Bella laughed.

"Anyways," Mitch continued. "How's the vamp family? You get raped yet?"

Rosalie, Alice and I growled while Emmett and Jasper just laughed.

"Mitch!" Bella scolded. "You shouldn't say such things."

"Sorry hon," Mitch apologized. "I miss you."

I wanted to kill him for calling Bella 'hon'.

"I miss you too Mitch," Bella whispered. "A lot."

"Will you visit?" Mitch asked quietly.

"I'll try," Bella said softly. "I have to go Mitch. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah. Don't forget to call Bells," Mitch said. "Bella?"


"I told you we should've eloped," he whispered and hung up.

Bella looked like she would cry. It broke my heart.

"Elope?" Alice asked.

"Yup. When Bella and Mitch got drunk for the first time they promised each other they would get married," Emmett laughed.

"It was your fault," Jasper reminded Emmett. "You spiked their punch."

"Oh yeah!" Emmett exclaimed thoughtfully.

Jasper laughed.

Bella just smiled.

"At least I didn't promise the headmaster he'd be the first to know if I turned gay," Bella teased Emmett.

The three of them laughed.

"I was drunk!" Emmett said defencivly. "Hey! You and Mitch also said you would have two children. A boy and a girl."

Bella blushed.

"Well that isn't going to happen now is it? It doesn't matter," Bella sighed.

I think I just died from guilt.