The girl had kind eyes, deep blue like sapphires. He wouldn't forget that.

He remembered when she handed him the candy bar, something he hadn't had in a long time, feeling as if he had forgotten the taste. Their fingers had touched for the slightest of moments. Her smile was reassuring in a way, as if she was telling him it was alright to be afraid…

…He was looking at her again, only it had been a long time since then. She had grown into a beautiful young woman, though her eyes still had a mischievous glint to them. Her hair fell lightly to her shoulders, slightly pulled back by a barrette. She was stunning as always, even in a red zip jacket, pajama shorts and an over-sized pair of sneakers.

He was awkward at sixteen, lanky and with baggy clothes. His dark hair was shorter, and he still wore his glasses, habitually pushing them up the bridge of his nose. A ratty pair of jeans, filthy Converse and a dark blue jacket completed his usual look of homeliness.

"What are you doing here?!" he demanded breathlessly, for she had scared him.

She, too, was out of breath, due to the fact she'd sprinted up to him as if her life depended on it.

"I'm stopping you from killing yourself!" she returned shrilly, yanking him back a few steps.

He wrestled out of her grasp. "I know it's on, Annie!" he snapped, "I'm not stupid!"

"What're you doing out here, Ben? Someone from Security is going to see you," she hissed, crossing her arms.

Benjamin Linus heaved a sigh, taking a glance at the pylons that towered above them, stark landmarks in the meadow, reflecting the bright moonlight and leaving strange shadows.

"Not here they can't; it's a blind spot- no cameras."

He smirked, as if that would convince her not to worry about him. Annie rolled her eyes, standing at an angle.

"I get up for a glass of water and I see you strolling right out of the Barracks without a care in the world. I'm out here in shorts and a tank top, in my father's shoes- so you had better tell me what the hell is going on!" she yelled.

Ben couldn't help laughing at her explanation, but quickly stifled himself upon seeing her glare. He looked around furtively for a moment; Annie waited patiently, knowing he would give her some kind of answer.

"I…it's…hard to explain," he finally stammered.

Awareness crossed Annie's face. "I get it. You're going to see him- Richard."

Ben avoided her eyes; she shook her head, letting her arms hang down to her sides. A small breeze rustled the grass.

"More like waiting for him," Ben told her, walking closer to the fence, "You don't have to stay."

He sat down cross-legged in the tall grass, slipping the strap of the satchel he carried up and over his head. Annie just watched him, unsure of what to do.

Ben heard her padding up to his side, her father's shabby work shoes slipping on her heels. He didn't look at her, watching the jungle on the other side of the sonar fence instead, cupping his chin in his hand.

"I know Richard wouldn't hurt us," Annie said, "But I'm just afraid someone will catch you one of these days…both of us. I like when he visits, too…but…" she sighed, her eyes resting on him considerately, "I'm worried your Dad will find out instead of Horace."

"I'm not afraid of him," Ben spat, "He's done treating me like shit. He can do his worst."

Annie bit her lip, finally choosing to sit beside him. The outburst of anger was something new to Ben; she wasn't used to this sort behavior from him.

"Sorry…I should've said Mr. Radzinski."

"Now him I might think twice about," Ben laughed.

They fell into silence, listening to the faint hum of the sonar fence and the crickets in the jungle. Annie sighed, leaning her head on Ben's shoulder. He looked down at her, but remained silent; his pulsed increased slightly and he quietly cursed his stupidity. Fighting every instinct he had, he rested his head gently over hers. Annie let out a small smile and grabbed his hand.

"I trust you, Ben," she whispered.

He gulped. "Thanks."

Squeezing her hand affectionately, he straightened his posture, rummaging through his satchel for something. Annie watched him curiously. She heard the crinkling of a wrapper, and Ben pulled out two Apollo bars, flashing briefly in the moonlight. He handed one to Annie, who thanked him with a grin. She traced the bright yellow letters of the words with her thumb.

"Midnight snack," Ben explained, tearing open the wrapper on his candy.

Annie nodded, watching the grass ripple around them in the wind, marveling how everything was bathed in the pearly-white glow of the moon. Together they ate the Apollo bars, their hands clutched tightly in each other's grasp.

Annie kissed Ben on the cheek. He wrapped his arm around her and she grinned, the latter hoping she couldn't see the sudden redness in his cheeks. Ben studied her for a moment, enjoying the way the moonlight fell across her face. She had finished the Apollo bar, throwing the wrapper into the bag. Annie snuggled close to him, both for warmth and comfort. He could smell the flowery scent of her hair, hugging her closer. She sighed, smiling.

"I love you, Annie," he told her softly.

The words came tumbling out; he couldn't stop them. A jolt of fear coursed through him and his eyes widened at his mistake. Annie pulled away from him slightly.


Ben stuffed the remaining candy bar into his mouth. He shook his head.

"Nuffing," he replied, bits of nut and chocolate flying out of his mouth.

Annie scrambled to her knees, leaning back on her heels to stare at him. She laughed lightly, shaking her head.

"What did you say?!"

Ben shook his head, trying to chew the wad of chocolate still in his mouth. He scrambled backward on his hands away from her. Annie followed close behind, grabbing his shoulders. She pinned him down so he couldn't move.

"Benjamin Linus, you tell me what you said right now!"

She was half-laughing as she demanded this from him, due to the fact his cheeks were bulging with food, but she was completely serious. She leaned over him, her hands on his shoulders, her hair hanging into his face. Ben swallowed the all chocolate only to tell her,

"I didn't say anything."

Annie rolled her eyes. "You are a terrible liar, Ben! Just freaking tell me, and I'll let you up. Or…do you not want me to?"

He managed a laugh, but avoided her eyes. He realized there was no way out of this, so he closed his eyes as if bracing for a punch.

"I love you," he said, queasily.

Annie just stared at him. He popped one eye open cautiously to see her looking back at him in shock. Ben propped himself on his elbows so they were eye-to-eye.

"Look, I know it's dumb, but it just-"

"I love you, too," she blurted.


He never received an answer; Annie grasped him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him toward her, pressing her lips firmly to his. Ben was taken completely by surprise. They had kissed before, but only once. It had been something of a comfort for the both of them then. But now, there was something more to it. There was passion behind her actions; he could feel it in the intensity of her kiss. He finally closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment, gently wrapping his arms around her.

They parted breathlessly, their faces unashamedly reddened. Annie giggled, her breath making his bangs twitch over his forehead.

"You taste like chocolate," she told him with a grin.

Ben smiled at her, managing to sit upright. He pushed her beside him and she yelped in surprise. He kissed her this time, one hand on the back of her head, feeling the softness of her hair between his fingers. When they parted yet again, Annie cuddled close to him, laying her head on his chest. Ben folded his arm behind his head and stared up at the stars above the pylons, a smug grin across his face.

He hoped Richard would take his time.