Disclaimer: I do not own or make profit from the Inuyasha series. Copyrights to Inuyasha and Characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. This plot line however is mine.
A/N: This final chapter is dedicated to each and every one of my readers for this story. I hope you have enjoyed this story, despite it being a 'dark fic' as much as I found myself enjoying writing it.
Now without further ado - I present to everyone the conclusion of 'The Captive' enjoy! XD
Bankotsu was so consumed by his dangerous wrath, which had been brought on by the loss of Kagome and all of his comrades that he had failed to even notice the arrival of the Inutachi.
Having finally picked up the zombies' trail a mere hour ago, they had arrived just in time to witness Kagome falling from the sky as the tentacle was shredded and taking her last breath staring at the mercenary leader.
After getting over their utter shock they slowly become enraged and ran towards their fallen friend.
Inuyasha cradled her lifeless body against his chest. A Son ripped from his chest. "Forgive me Kagome, I should have found you sooner." Amber eyes closed and he wished that they had been in time to have saved the gentle priestess.
He threw back his head and loosed a mournful howl, before ripping Tetsuiga from it's sheathe and sending a barrage of windscars towards Naraku. Amber eyes hardened like glass as his own wrath came to the surface. "I'll kill you!"
The loss of one of their dearest friends sent each member of the Inutachi into their own rage and they all began launching their own attacks toward the vilest demon in existence.
Bankotsu had already begun launching a relentless wave of dragon hammer attacks toward the one being that he now loathed more than all others combined.
At the sound of Inuyasha's mournful howl, he whipped his eyes to the hanyou and narrowed them. "Don't touch her, you filthy half breed!" His jaw tightened. His wide eyes and full attention returned to Naraku.
While the mercenary leader was foolishly distracted, even though he was now weaker from the relentless attacks, Naraku used his remaining strength to knock the famous halberd to the side and drove a tentacle through the mercenary's black heart, raising him into the air as he had done Kagome.
"Since you cared so much for the bitch, I'll even let you die near her." His eyes shined with malice as he twisted the appendage to cause the fighter even more pain.
Bankotsu's eyes narrowed and he hissed, "You bastard!" Gritting his teeth he sliced the tentacle and dropped to the ground beside the corpse of his treasured miko. He sucked air through his teeth as he felt the now unattached demonic flesh began to release its burning miasma deep inside his body.
Struggling to raise Banryu over head, he released one more dragon hammer attack towards Naraku, before he fell backwards and slammed into the hard ground near her body. "Die fucking demon!"
With his last ounce of strength Bankotsu crawled over to lay his head on Kagome's chest. His tears trailed down his cheek and he whispered, "We will be together again eventually," He wrapped one arm around her holding her to his body, before his heart ceased beating.
Across the field Kikyo was growing weaker by the day. She had slowly made her way towards Naraku's aura and had come upon Inuyasha and his friend's fiercely battling Naraku.
Her eyes widened as she noticed the dead body of her incarnation lying amid the battlefield. She notched an arrow. "I will finish what you could not." She released her pink sacred arrow to join with Inuyasha's wind scar.
Miroku's sacred sutras covered Sango's Hiraikotsu as it too began to slowly render Naraku's flesh apart.
Naraku's pain filled cries of outrage filled the sky as Kikyo continued firing her sacred arrows into his heart until the nearly completed shikon jewel fell from his flesh to land on the ground.
Without the jewel to continue regenerating his already weakened flesh, the Inutachi's combined and relentless attacks ripped Naraku to pieces.
Kikyo notched a final arrow and said calmly, "This is the end for you, Naraku." She sent her arrow sailing through the air to land between the eyes of his floating head.
Naraku sent one last cry into the air before the final traces of his body were obliterated. "This can't be!"
Kikyo carefully made her way over to the jewel and fused it together restoring the shikon jewel to its rightful state, before placing it in Sango's hands and saying, "This came from your village so I will now entrust it to you."
Staring the female warrior deep in the eyes, she instructed, "Be sure that your wish is not tainted in any way or this endless cycle will continue to repeat itself." She collapsed to the ground and the last of her borrowed souls escaped from her clay body floating toward Kami high in the sky.
Inuyasha yelled, "No Kikyo!" as he collapsed to the ground sobbing and holding her now empty clay body close to his broken heart.
Tears fell from Sango's eyes as she slowly surveyed the battle grounds lingering on the body of her deceased best friend.
Sensing her immense sadness, Miroku placed a hand on her shoulder. "We all miss her Sango. But remember what Kikyo said before she died."
Sango nodded and a broken hearted sob passed her lips as she realized that bringing Kagome back would only continue to repeat the horrible cycle the jewel had been bringing to the era.
Remembering the wish her friend had intended to make, she wiped her tears away and bowed her head. "I wish for the jewel to leave this world forever and for peace to be restored to all of Japan so that no one else will have to suffer such heartbreaking losses such as these."
The jewel which was clasped in her hands began to tremble and glow before freeing itself from her hands and floating high into the sky. A blinding pink and purple light engulfed the entire atmosphere before it vanished into thin air and the Inutachi fell unconscious to the ground.
Two weeks later Japan had once again become as peaceful as the feudal times could. There was no longer any jewel to stir up even more unruly rebels and most of the wars remained localized to their own regions.
Inuyasha hung his head bemoaning, "I can't even inform her family of her death." as he stared at the no longer working, decrepit bone eater's well. His amber eyes filled with tears as he silently wept for the loss of one of his dearest friends. Deep down he still blamed himself for not rescuing Kagome sooner.
Kaede walked up behind him. "Come Inuyasha, it is getting late and it will be dark soon," as the snow continued falling to blanket the already white ground.
Sango walked up and placed a strong hand on his shoulder. "Inuyasha, you cannot continue blaming yourself for the way things turned out," concern for her friend was evident in her eyes.
Miroku walked nodding and voiced his two cents. "Even you cannot live with this constant feeling of having failed her." Adding dead seriously, "Kagome-sama would not have wanted that. She would have wanted you to enjoy the life you have, with your friends around you." He placed a comforting hand on his hanyou friend's other shoulder.
Inuyasha heaved a heavy sigh and spoke sadly. "You're right Miroku," He followed them inside the hut and sat against the wall staring longingly at the sacred tree through the window. 'Kagome would want us all to be happy and to move on.'
Inuyasha's heart ached so much that he didn't think he would ever get over losing them both, but for the sake of Kagome and Kikyo's memories he would try.
Shippo lay in the back room still crying for the loss of his surrogate mother with Kirara curled next to him offering comfort the only way she knew how.
A/N: Okay, I know it's not my greatest ending, but there it is. I hope everyone enjoyed this bittersweet ending to my dark story. Also to my anonymous reviewers, how can I address your complaints if you don't get accounts or pm me? Also for the future, please try to avoid putting spoilers in the reviews, thanks.
NOW To a particular anon reviewer- 'dark angel lover' Firstly: I totally burst out laughing after reading your review for chapter six - even I'm not that bold! XD
Secondly: I hate whips! *shudders* and besides hiding behind an anonymous name, you can't really harm me, now can you? : P
Lastly: Get an account or PM me K? You seem like someone who would be a total blast to chat with XD