Last chapter... Are you as excited as I am...? Read and review, please.... Also, check out the sequel, Emotional Torture, which I will update as soon as I update this one... I realize it was a spur of the moment sequel, so I apologize if some of the details don't fit.... I'm not much of a planning ahead person...


Kaoru opened his eyes slowly, then closed them again, turning his head away form the bright light that shone in his eyes with intensity he didn't know light could have. In all reality, the small room he was lying in (how did he get here again...?) was lit by a rather dim light bulb, but to Kaoru, it was brighter than staring into the sun.

Without meaning to, Kaoru groaned, sending shock waves of pain through his throbbing skull.

Did I get drunk...? he wondered, opening his eyes a crack so that his eyes would get used to the light slowly.


He vaguely recalled a party, Hikaru and Haruhi making out after making up, something being jabbed into his wrist.... But he didn't remember what was jabbed into his wrist or how it was jabbed into his wrist at all.

How long ago was that, exactly?

He mentally checked himself over; slight, but dimming, pain in his wrist, throbbing skull, aching shoulder and arm muscles, nausea making his stomach heave slightly, and the desperate urge to pee...

What time was it..? he wondered, wincing as he slowly pushed himself off the floor he was lying on. A rather disgusting and grungy floor, he noted. Was he in a closet?

Finally adjusted to the light he took in his surroundings. There were brooms, mops and cleaning supplies.

Definitely a closet.

He needed the time. He had to go warn Hikaru before....

Before what?

Kaoru sifted through the recent, but blurry, memories.


Kaoru wrote it off as unimportant and slowly rose to his feet. Even if whatever it was he had to tell Hikaru had been forgotten, he still had to find his twin and Haruhi. That is, if Haruhi was still here. Depending on what time it was...

Kaoru stumbled to the closet door and clumsily opened it.

Maybe he had gotten drunk.


Hikaru was content. He had never been so content in his life. He was so amazingly happy, that he doubted he could get any happier, ever! He hoped he stayed this happy as long as he lived.

He was sitting on the balcony, still, with Haruhi in his lap, back against his chest and his chin resting on her head. It was the most amazing feeling in the world, like flying.

He never ever ever ever wanted to leave this place, this moment! Not ever in his lifetime. He wanted to stay right here. No where else was as amazing as this place was, with the girl he loved in his arms.

"Hmmm... Hikaru?"

"Yeah, Haruhi?"

"Shouldn't we get back to the party?"

"..... Why?"

"Kaoru will be worried about us, right?"

"..... I really don't wanna move right now."

She nodded her head, and his chin nodded with her. It was a strange feeling. "Neither do I Hikaru...."

He grinned, and interrupted her, already knowing there was a 'but, Hikaru' coming on. "Ten more minutes? Pleeeeease, Haruhi?"

".... You're such a child, Hikaru."

"If you say no, I won't kiss you for a week!"


He pouted. "Haruuuuhiiii....."

".... Fine..."

He grinned.

"For five minutes, but that's it."


He could practically hear the smile in her voice. "But if Kaoru gets frantic, I'm blaming you."


Tamaki watched from the shadows of the trees, jealousy and hate burning in his throat. They were so happy; it was disgusting. So utterly disgusting he almost wanted to throw up everything he had eaten that night, which was very little, but he still wanted to throw it up.

He hated that rotten Hikaru. He hated Haruhi, too. He wanted them both to suffer. To suffer so much, they were on the brink of death. Then he would give them a little hope, a little bit of solace that would slowly bring them back to the point of desiring to live, and then snatch it away from them.

The thought made a sinister grin crawl up his face. Oh, how he loved this plot. How he loved the anguish and torment he would cause them. He adored the plan, the complicated but oh so simple plan that would destroy both of them.

He chuckled giddily.

Oh, how he wished that a year would pass swiftly. Then he would destroy it all. Take it all away, destroy everything they had built up.


It was Kyoya. His accompliss. The one who would help him destroy them. Kyoya, of course, had a purpose other than cruel malice behind helping Tamaki. He was doing it in the study of science.


"We should get back. To the party, that is. Kaoru should be waking up soon."

Tamaki nodded and followed Kyoya through the trees to the house in a way that Hikaru and Haruhi wouldn't see them.

He threw one last glance at the couple before grinning wildly.

Their happiness would end.

Oh, it would end.

The End.... Unless you read Emotional Torture.