Everyone clapped again when Rosalie finished.

"Okay Ryan it's your turn. You have to sing Temperature by Sean Kingston," Rosalie said.

Ryan was going to say something but he was interrupted by Bella's phone.

"Hello?" She said.


Chapter five


Everyone waited patiently as Bella greeted whoever was on the phone.

"Hey Bells!" A masculine voice came through the speakers.

"Oh Mitch! Thank gods you're alive. I was so worried. If something had happened to you it would be my entire fault. I can't believe I let you go. You're alright right? Not injured or anything?" Bella gasped into the phone. Her voice shone with concern.

With every word she was getting us more and more lost.

"Chill Bella! I'm fine. Calm down .You worry too much. How did your mission go? Did you get hurt? Was anyone injured?" Mitch asked.

"We're fine! This mission…it was a failure," Bella's voice faltered at the end.

"It's alright Bella. I'm waiting for you guys at home. Hurry."

"Of course. We're on our way. Oh and Mitch? We have guests," Bella said.


"The Cullens. I'll explain at home. I miss you," Bella whispered. "I miss you. So much. I can't wait to see you again."

"Me too Bella. Me too. I miss you so much it's hard to imagine," Mitch answered. He sounded sad.

"But don't worry. I'll be home soon," Bella answered hopefully.

"I'm waiting."

"I'm coming."

With that she shut the phone and looked me in the eye.

Once again I felt the pain of a hundred transformations go through me.

My life sucks.


Dear Readers,

I hope you like this chapter and I am trying to update faster. Mostly I focus on updating my best story which is "Death and Poison" but I'm trying to update this too.

I'm trying my best to write but I am in horrifying pain.

I twisted my kneecap when I was TRYING to play football. Keyword 'trying'. So now I can't really walk.

I'll try to update soon.

