(A/N: Edward's probably really out of character, since I have absolutely no experience writing about him, but I like this, so you'll have to live with it. Enjoy!)


"You need to leave, Jacob," Edward says through clenched teeth. "You can't be around Renesmee anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Jacob spits out. "I'm not leaving."

"Jacob, I'm telling you this because I can't take it anymore. Imprinted on my daughter or not, you and Leah have some…connection, something that you're both trying to deny. And even if some wolf spirit thinks that you're perfect with my daughter, you're not. You need to be with Leah."

"If I'm supposed to be with Leah, why didn't I imprint on her?" Jacob asks bitterly.

"Because," Edward answers. "Renesmee needed you once, when the Volturi came. But now she's managing just fine on her own. It's Leah who needs you now. You didn't imprint on Leah because she's stubborn. It would take more than you imprinting on her to get her to love you. You have to really prove to her that you love her."

"H-how?" Jacob stutters, not believing that his enemy is telling him this. "How am I supposed to prove that to her?"

"You need to leave," Edward repeats. "Leave and never come back."

(A/N: I don't know if Edward would ever tell Jacob about this, but I don't think he would want Jacob hanging around his daughter, so it makes sense if you think about it. Reviews are love!)