I realized what I just said and groaned when I realized what it meant.
"Fuck my mouth," I mumbled bitterly.
Edward just chuckled and I realized it would be a long trip. Honestly…fuck my stupid mouth.
Chapter 17:
I started out the window as the plane took off. I sighed.
"What's wrong?"
I turned and smiled at Edward.
"Nothing," I replied then laughed. "I honestly don't know why I sighed."
Edward smiled.
I was actually very thankful for the seating arrangements. Carlisle thought it would be great if we got to know our fiancés and I have to admit, a plane ride is the perfect opportunity. Now here I was sitting at the window seat with Edward next to me. Next to Edward was an empty seat because for some reason the person who sat there hadn't caught their flight. Behind us were Emmett, Rosalie, and an old man who had fallen asleep the moment he sat down. Next to Edward and me, in the middle three seats were Alice, Jasper, and a little kid. Behind them were the adults. Not bad seating arrangements if I must say so myself.
"What are you thinking?" Edward asked angrily.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Are you actually mad about the fact that you don't know what I'm thinking?"
Edward nodded.
"Not really mad. Just annoyed because the one person whose mind I actually want to read is blocked," Edward said with frustration lining his voice. "I'd give up being able to read everyone else's mind just to hear yours."
I laughed at that and then widened my eyes when I realized Edward wasn't joking.
Edward nodded again.
I shook my head and looked around the plane. Alice and Jasper were playing a card game with the little kid and by the looks of it, Alice was winning and Jasper was losing, badly. The adults were talking seriously about something and I couldn't see any of my other family and soon-to-be family members. I looked back at Edward and bit my lip.
"Why?" I whispered. "I'm not even remotely interesting."
Edward raised an eyebrow and stared at me with disbelief.
"You really think that?" he asked.
"Of course. It's me. I would know," I said softly.
Edward shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. When he caught me staring he smiled a small smile.
"What? Am I allowed to at least run my fingers through me hair?" he teased.
"Duh Edward. You're not raping it so it's okay. Now if you were," I trailed off and shook my head. "Let's not go there."
Edward chuckled.
"Stop avoiding my question," I told him.
"Which one?"
"Oh wonderful! The vampire with photographic memory forgot the question I asked him. Just wonderful. What next? A sudden desire to eat human food?" I ranted.
Edward wrinkled his nose.
"Trust me, I would never ever want to eat human food," Edward promised. "It tastes nasty. Like mud."
I rolled my eyes.
"Oh yeah and blood tastes great right?"
Edward grinned and nodded.
I shivered.
Then we both bursted into laughter. I giggled and then I remembered.
"The question," I reminded him.
Edward nodded.
"Bella you are very interesting. I don't know how you can ever think you're not but you are. The most interesting person I've ever met. I want to know everything about you. What you're about to say and then don't. What your likes and dislikes are? Your life. Your thoughts. Especially your thoughts," Edward explained.
I just stared at him like he was a fish. Then I shook my head and chuckled.
"You're crazy. You find the lamest chick ever and you think she's the most interesting thing out there," I mumbled and shook my head again.
"Au contraire my lady," Edward said softly and took my hand in his. I gasped when he kissed started to kiss each and every knuckle and finger, keeping eye contact with me the whole time.
I closed my eyes as each and every kiss of his set my body on fire again and again. I love it. I love the way his lips touching my skin make me feel. I love the way they make me shiver and burn at the same time. And he was only kissing my hand. Now imagine how his lips would feel on mine. Oh lord, this man is going to make me go insane.
"Can I offer you a drink sir?" A very high-pitched voice broke through my very amazing thoughts and I snapped my eyes open to see the flight attendant beaming at Edward.
I narrow my eyes at her.
"No thank you but," Edward turned to me and asked," Bella, sweetheart, would you like something?"
"I'll have a coke, honey," I said sweetly. Ha! I love the expression on her face. That's right bitch. He's mine.
"One coke please," Edward said.
The attendant nodded and then-I will kill her- gave Edward a very big, flirty smile.
Edward shifted uncomfortably.
"Are you sure you wouldn't like anything sir? Anything at all," the flight attendant said and she had the nerve to say it in his ear.
"No thank you Mrs.?" Edward faltered and I smirked as I watched the smile fall off her face. Fuck! It just came back.
"Ms. Ms. Clime," The attendant said and then whispered. "But you can call me Janine."
I glared at her.
"Baby can you ask the nice attendant what's taking so long?" I whispered loudly in Edward's ear and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Here's your coke," The attendant growled and shoved the cup of coke at me. I grinned widely as Edward took it for me and set it on the pull-down table.
"That will be all Mrs. Clime," Edward said briskly, emphasizing the Mrs.
"Ms," she mumbled but moved on to he next guy.
I giggled as she left but didn't remove my head from Edward's shoulder. It felt nice.
"Edward honey can't you ever go somewhere without getting any admirers?" I teased him.
"Well sounds like my baby is jealous," Edward teased back.
"Am not," I added, "sweetie pie."
"Sure cupcake. Sure," Edward said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
We both laughed at our little, weird conversation.
"What are you guys laughing about? And what's with the nicknames?" A loud voice boomed and we turned to see Emmett resting his chin on the back of Edward's seat.
That just made Edward and me laugh some more.
"Bella is just jealous that I have so many admirers," Edward said.
"I am not," I said loudly.
Ms. Clime glared at me from down the aisle.
"Awww Bella is jealous," Emmett sang.
I gave him the evil eye.
Rosalie propped her chin up on my chair and I swear my self-esteem dropped a couple of notches when I saw her face up close. Not a single flaw. So perfect. So perfect that you can't even call it fucking perfect
"So what happened?" Rosalie asked.
I shrugged.
"Oh nothing. Just that the flight attendant tried to pick up Edward," I said as nonchalantly as I could.
Rosalie giggled at my choice of words.
"Typical," she mumbled loudly and we all laughed, Edward even smiled.
"So what were you guys doing?" I asked once we had all calmed down.
"Emmett was telling me some funny stories," Rosalie told us. "If I wasn't a vampire I would have retched."
I giggled.
"I think I know which stories you're talking about," I said.
Edward groaned and I looked at him questioningly.
"Emmett's thoughts," he explained. "Disgusting."
"That's nothing. Wait till you hear the one about the guy and the Viagra," Emmett boomed.
"Emmett," I moaned. "No one wants to hear that joke."
Emmett pouted and I shook my head at him. Damn I was doing a lot of head shaking today.
The rest of the flight was pretty eventful. Emmett drew a moustache and goatee on the sleeping man with permanent marker. Still, the old man slept on. Emmett got the flight attendant's phone number, much to Rosalie's disapproval I saw. Jasper came over to visit us later and told us how the kid he was sitting with was evil.
"What did he do? He looks so innocent," I asked, confused.
Jasper shook his head.
"No way Bella. Looks can be deceiving. When Alice was talking to Esme he told me to stay away from her because he thought I wasn't good enough for her. Then he said she even gave him his number and they were moving on pretty fast. Oh did I mention he wants to marry Alice. He says he doesn't care what the society thinks," Jasper explained.
We all laughed ourselves silly at this.
"Sounds like someone is jealous," I teased.
"I'm not jealous. Just a little freaked out by the kid. I swear our generation was never like this," Jasper huffed.
I giggled.
We just talked about random stuff and very soon Jasper went back to Alice and the "evil" kid. Eventually the plane started to land and then we had to run to catch another flight. In the next flight, the seating arrangements were slightly different. This time I sat between Edward and Emmett. In front of us sat Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie. Behind us sat Charlie, Esme, and Carlisle.
I sighed again as the flight started to take off.
I couldn't wait to get to Volterra.
Dear Readers,
Sorry about not updating for a while. I'm running a little short on ideas so if you have any please do tell in a review or message me.
And Review some more.