
by Lady Alekto

AN: Sorry, that it still took so long to post that %&ยง$ last chapter. I tried, I really tried! *lets her head drop in shame* But I had writers block and I was so busy at school ... like English-test, Bookkeeping-test, Economics-revision, Maths-test, History and Biology exam .... Hope you aren't to mad at me??

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the other characters used in this story aren't mine. They belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just borrowing them.

Pairings: Angelique/George

Warnings: Suicide attempt, angst, blood spells, nice Percy.

Rating: R

The sea is calm
and the wind does no harm
The sun's shining warm
and yet you feel the storm

(Lady Eos Alekto.... The Eyes Of The Storm)


When George woke up his mind was particularly fuzzy. Everything seemed to swirl around him, he didn't even notice for a while that his eyes were still closed. Probably he thought This is a side effect of the blood spell.

I'd rather suggest that the spell is working A voice popped up between his thoughts.


Yeah. It's me

What are you doing?

Taking over our mind, what did you think? came back with a mental snort.

OK, OK, so we can talk telepathically?

Finally realized it eh? Took you just five minutes to process!

George opened his eyes finally, just to look into the already open identical eyes of his twin. "Shouldn't we stand up?" he yawned.

Fred pulled a face "You should brush your teeth you know..."

"You're not any better Gred!" George answered.

Suddenly a knock could be heard at the door. "Come in!" Both twins said simultaneously, grinning as they did.

Percy looked into the room, carrying the Daily Prophet with him.

"Oh no! He decided to make us read the paper" George mocked.

"My lord, we have to run, before he succeeds" Fred grinned at his brother, who grinned back mischievously.

"Good to hear that you both have returned to normal." Percy smiled "I thought you should read this" he said with a suddenly grim voice, holding a certain part of the paper in front of their eyes.

A picture soon caught their attention, as both of their jaws dropped at the same time.

... The body of 23 yrs. old Angelique Nero has been found in Glenwood forest. The young woman who has been known to have connection to You-Know-Who was killed by the Adeva Kedavra curse. There was no evidence of who could have been the murderer, but it is certain ...

"She's dead..." George whispered "I can't believe it".

"Most certainly ... strange." Fred answered. Why can we still access the bond then

Both twins didn't even look when Percy cast a short spell, to reveal that they still were connected. He sighed. "OK, Fred George, we have a problem..."


Okay, it's the end of this story (yes I know I'm evil, but I like open ends... thaz life!!) ... maybe I'll do a sequel, but just maybe, and most certainly not now, because I've got a lot of stress lately. (Kicks bookkeeping teacher for being such a witch, Makes rude gesture at certain classmates that are behaving like 10-year-olds and playing stupid pranks at poor lil Alekto, having yet to be faced with her wrath (If I ever have time to think of a suitable payback). ... Finally breaks down sobbing because she hasn't got time for anything...)