Thanks for all of the reviews! I will admit that I really didn't like my last chap, but it just came to me. I hope it didn't disrupt the story too much, for now I hope to finish this story. This will be the last chap of this fic. Here you go!



They were in the hospital for hours. The amount of people suffering from serious burns and injuries seemed to outweigh those with smoke inhalation and small cuts. Booth and Brennan were both treated for smoke inhalation. She regained consciousness in the ambulance on the way to the hospital as she was given oxygen. Now they sat on a hospital bed in the hallway, watching as doctors and surgeons rushed past, as well as worried family members.

'Are you okay, Bones?' he whispered and she leant her head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her snugly against his side. He placed a gentle kiss on her head. There didn't seem much more to say. They had checked the wall of people who had been admitted to the hospital and found a picture of Daniel, who had been treated and released for smoke inhalation. During the panic of people leaving they had been split up and he had gotten out intact. After a quick phone call Booth had assured him that Brennan was fine and being treated for the cut on her leg. Angela had been given a lift home with Hodgins once he arrived, pleased with Booth's insistence that Brennan was alright.

Brennan reached over to take Booth's hand in hers. 'You saved me again.'

'Didn't I tell you that I'll always be there?' he looked down, meeting her gaze. He rested his forehead on hers. 'You have to stop nearly dying, Bones.'

'I'll try,' she whispered with a chuckle. She closed her eyes, resting her head on his chest. 'Let's go home.' He smiled, squeezing her gently.




The following days were hectic to say the least. The news was riddled with theories and accusations about who dared to launch an attack on the conference centre. Booth had stayed at Brennan's apartment for one night, but returned to his own to allow her to have her space. With all the police reports and time off work it was late the following week that he was able to return to her apartment, Thai food in one hand, beer in the other.

'Booth!' she said happily as she opened the door. He followed her into her kitchen, putting the Thai food down and handing her a beer.

'I've been so bored, Bones!' he nearly yelled. 'Daytime TV is horrible. I can't wait to get back to work on Monday.'

'I've been entertained,' she said. 'I've written three new chapters for my book.'

'Well I've been bored,' he said, leaning against the counter and sipping from his beer. 'How's your leg?'

'It's a bit sore, but healing well,' she relied. They fell into an awkward silence.

'What happened to us?' he asked.

'What?' she looked at him quizzically.

'We used to be the best team, partners, the centre,' he said. 'And ever since we realised that we couldn't keep our hands off each other we just fell apart.' She nodded silently.

'Before I went on my…' she swallowed stiffly, 'my date, you said that we would talk about this…us.'

'So there's an "us"?' he asked, raising one eye-brow, his charm smile crossing his face.

'Of course. We've known each other for four, nearly five, years. We're obviously attracted to one another. You've saved my life numerous times.'

'You've also saved my life,' he said quietly. Another silence washed over them, this time its presence was not unwelcomed. Booth remained leaning against the counter, Brennan opposite him against the fridge.

'So what now?' she asked. He closed the gap between them, one hand falling to her hip, the other coming up to cup her cheek.

'Are you ready for this, Bones?' he asked quietly. 'I mean, really ready for this. Do you want to have a relationship with me?'

'Yes,' she replied seriously. He gently lowered his lips to hers, barely brushing their mouths together. When he pulled apart their eyes locked. 'I imagined this differently.'

'You've imagined this?' he asked, chuckling. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him in a close embrace before spinning her around the room, her feet lifted off the ground. She laughed against his shoulder. When he softly dropped her back to the ground she left her arms wrapped around his neck. 'How exactly did you imagine this?'

'Torn clothes, passionate kisses, eventually making love,' she said. He looked at her with a interested grin.

'Making love, huh?'

'You promised me that one day I would make love,' she said quietly.

'And you will,' he grinned. He paused for a second. 'Passionate kisses?'

'Yes, I assumed that when we first crossed your line that it would be passionate. Angela says that we have sexual tension between us.'

'I think that could be arranged,' he said quietly before lowering his lips to hers once more. He started slow, but when she opened her mouth to his he was unable to help himself from gently pressing his tongue to hers. He lifted her up, gripping her thighs to allow herself to wrap her legs around his hips. Pushing her against the front door, he kissed away her moan of pleasure. He launched a full-blown assault on her lips, gently nibbling on her lower lip. She gasped as he began to place kisses along her jaw-line. When he reached her ear he pulled back, looking up at her.

'I need you to know that I love you, Bones,' he whispered, the husky tone not going unnoticed by her. He could see the shock in her eyes and gently kissed her lips. 'I don't need you to reply,' he added quickly.

'I…' she took a deep breath. 'I think I love you too.' He couldn't hide his joy, his child-like grin reaching his eyes.

Hours later they lay together, both still wrapped in the other, legs tangled, arms clutching onto the other.

'Booth?' she asked, her head lifting off his chest.

'Yeah, Bones?' he said breathlessly, his hand absentmindedly moving through her hair.

'I love you,' she said, her eyes connecting with his.

'I love you too, baby,' he whispered.

'Baby?' she looked at him sternly.

'Yeah, get used to it,' he chuckled. She didn't even bother arguing, moving to rest her head against his chest once more.

It was then that the partners were finally able to become what they had been for so long. Lovers in every way.




Cheesy huh? Review if you liked it, also let me know if you didn't. Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed!