Come Home Puppy
No Worries For Now
Kagome had only popped back into her time for some supplies and to see her family for a little bit. After a day, she was ready to go back down the well and to get her dog back. No one was to have Inuyasha except her, and she would make sure that Inuyasha and their backstabbing friends would understand that. The miko went back to the well with her yellow bookbag weighing heavily upon her shoulders and threw it down before following it into the darkness of the Bone Eater's Well. She didn't pass through the swirling blue and purple lights that signaled her time travel and when she saw that the latter was still there, knew for sure that she hadn't been transported to feudal era. This pissed her off to no end. Who in the hell had sealed the well from that side because she damn sure hadn't. She wanted to get Inuyasha back, he was hers to do with as she saw fit and she wasn't about to let some arrogant prick on the other side think she was too weak to get through the well and make the dog hers. She threw everything that she knew into the well (wasn't much) and tried to go through the well again, but she still didn't come out on the other side. She growled in frustration and vowed to come back the next day when she had regained some of her strength back. She was going to get back to the feudal era to get her dog, if it was the last thing she did in her lifetime.
Inuyasha was achy, sore, and tired beyond anything he had ever felt before. Sesshoumaru had been so demanding and dominant, Inuyasha just couldn't day no. Even though he hurt in places he didn't know could hurt, he was happy. He and Sesshoumaru were mates and that made him happier than anything. Nothing was going to put out his good mood. Inuyasha decided to roll over and go back to sleep since that was the one thing that he could cure (that and Sesshoumaru was bathing in the hot springs). As the pup slipped happily off into the land of dreams and healing, he felt an all encompassing peace wash over him. It was a peace that seemed to be telling him that it wasn't his fault for not being able to get to Kaede sooner and soothed away all his other fears about what his future held in store for him. No one noticed the soft glow that emanated softly in one corner and the smile that was the only visible feature of the transparent light. It disappeared as Sesshoumaru re-entered the suites.
Sesshoumaru was just in awe of the situation he currently found himself in. His lands were prospering well, there had been no significant disasters to take care of, he had two wonderful children that he couldn't love more, but most importantly he had Inuyasha, his otouto as his mate. With Inuyasha they would be able to make their own pups, pups that were made through their love, bond, and acceptance of each other. He couldn't help but smile stupidly at that thought and was glad that there were only two people in the room, one of which was asleep. Sesshoumaru just stood watching his young beta sleep on their bed, the bedsheets a tangle about the small, lithe form and his heart burst again with love for his mate. As he watched Inuyasha, his thoughts took a darker route.
The miko, Kagome, had escaped and it was disconcerting to say the least. No matter how powerful the demon, priestesses could still cause significant and often fatal damage to them. He knew that he would give his life to save Inuyasha, but he also knew that should he die, there would be no one to protect Inuyasha from the insane girl besides the humans Miroku and Sango that were living within the palace walls. He needed to have something planned to keep his vulnerable otouto safe from the miko's devious plans for them. That would be handled once Inuyasha was busy spending time with Shippou and Rin. He still didn't understand why the hanyou wanted to take the care of the children upon himself, but it was a trait that he admired and loved about his submissive.
Sesshoumaru's eyes were diverted when Inuyasha shifted in his sleep revealing more of the tempting tan skin hidden beneath the sheet and Sesshoumaru couldn't help his arousal. He has had Inuyasha countless times over the past week and he has learned one thing from the entire event, he couldn't get enough of the pup. No matter how many times he took Inuyasha, one look at the smaller male could send him back into a painful state of arousal. He wouldn't act upon his lust this time, for he could see the exhausted state that his otouto was in. He didn't feel guilty for putting the younger inu in that state either. He crawled into the bed with Inuyasha and laid next to him while pulling the smaller form to his and cuddling Inuyasha. The beta began to purr at the presence of its alpha and the alpha responded in kind until they both fell into the deepest realms of sleep.
Shippou was overjoyed when Inuyasha came outside while they were playing. He had missed his papa while the season had been going on. Rin was fun and everything, but it just didn't feel the same with Inuyasha not there. The kit jumped into the inu-hanyou's arms, his little arms wrapping tightly about Inuyasha's neck as he repeated over and over again how much Shippou had missed him. Inuyasha could only chuckle at the fox kit's antics and reassure him gently that he would always be there even if he couldn't 'be' there. He wasn't going to leave Shippou and that was final. Rin, once Shippou had detached himself from Inuyasha, went up to the inu-hanyou and peppered him with childish kisses while bombarding him with questions.
"Are you going to play with us? Is Father going to play with us? Can we a picnic in the garden? Are we going to visit your rooms again? They were really pretty. Are we going to have a little brother or sister soon?-" she went on enthusiatically. Inuyasha's mind finally caught up with the brother/sister and she stopped her rampant flow of questions by the tensing of Inuyasha's body. Inuyasha hadn't talked with Sesshoumaru about that before they had dived into the season's required activities. The thought was enough to nearly have him faint. He didn't think he was ready to be a carrier yet (he refused to say mother, he was not a female). He set Rin down and excused himself as he headed back to the castle at a brisk pace.
Inuyasha walked quickly through the many corridors that lead from the public gardens to Sesshoumaru's private study within their rooms. He didn't particularly care that he was supposed to knock on the door before entering and just barged in as soon as he arrived. Sesshoumaru looked up at the invasion of the quiet that had blessedly surrounded his study for most of the morning, a new record for him these past couple of months. He was about to make a snappy comment about Inuyasha's lack of decorum, but he caught the horrified look that was expressed all over Inuyasha's beautiful features.
"Is it common to get pregnant during the first season?" Inuyasha asked, hoping against all hope that Sesshoumaru did not say yes. Fate was against him it seemed as what Sesshoumaru said next only confirmed Inuyasha's fears.
"Yes, it is very common. Why?" He was puzzled as to why his brother would ask such a question.
"How long before a pregnancy can be detected?"
"Usually a few days after the season is over. Inuyasha wh-. Oh. OH!" Sesshoumaru finally caught the reason of why Inuyasha would be asking such questions. The younger inu was worried about parenthood. This was an issue that he hadn't foreseen when he had asked Inuyasha to mate with him.
"Inuyasha, should you be pregnant we will handle that when the time comes. I am here for you and so is Shippou, Rin, Miroku, and Sango. They will help you. Don't worry yourself so much." Sesshoumaru came about the desk to comfort his panicking mate. Inuyasha buried himself into Sesshoumaru, taking in all the comfort and assurance that the alpha was offering him. He purred back his reply to the sweet gesture and Sesshoumaru pulled away to give him a dopey smile which Inuyasha returned.
A/N: There will be a sequal to this, for those who review.