AN: Thank you for sticking along for this story! It has taken several years, but now it's finally done and published! Yayy, congratulations for me ^^ And it sure has been a long trip to make, but worth it all the way.
Also, the Slade doll winners have been chosen.
One doll goes to Anna who entered with a fan art piece via email.
The second doll goes to Aguna on fanfiction dot net
Congratulations on the winners! I will contact you and we will go over everything by email!
The passing months sure had been interesting. The time seemed to fly with them both, and overall they were both very content in each other's company. Of course, there were moments when it wasn't so.
Slade and Robin got along rather well, but they always managed to pick up a fight over the most mundane of things. Once they had a small fight over the matter of who gets to watch which channel on TV, which Slade won. In the end, Robin had ended up sulking in his place on the couch with his feet on the table in disregard, shoulders almost to his ears, hands folded.
But as anyone can guess, the pair would have been very lucky if their fights were about such mundane matters like watching TV.
Slade absolutely loathed Robin's friends. It was a hard one to swallow as the man absolutely refused to be civil with his friends or even try to get along. Even worse, the man refused to spend time with them all together. Robin could only be grateful that Slade didn't deny Robin his weekly visits with his friends. Robin didn't mind too much. He knew that if he'd forced the man to come along, things would have gotten pretty awkward rather fast. His friends still didn't fully approve Slade either. Also, the fact that when he was with his friends he had all his attention to said friends, which was a thing they all approved of. It was almost like a rule with them, when you are with Titans, you don't talk of Slade, and the same goes the other way. Of course it upset Robin, but there was not much he could do about it. Not everything could be perfect.
Robin couldn't exactly say that he was drifting away from his friends as he spent more and more time with Slade, but he didn't see them as often as he used to. Robin knew this was all because of his own decision not to meet his friends at times, so it didn't bother him too much.
Some other major fights he and Slade had had were about missions. They had once had a mission where Slade was supposed to kill a rather important person, and of course Robin disagreed. They had had a huge fight about what to do until they both had had enough of each other, Slade had gone on his mission, killed the guy, while Robin went to sulk with his friends.
Robin had stayed almost a week at his friends before Slade had swallowed his pride and decided to come negotiate with Robin's friends to get the boy back.
Of course things had been rather sore after that, but once they finally got in-to an agreement, complete with make up sex, the mishap ended up only strengthen their relationship.
The second major fight they had was when they tried to come in-to an agreement with a lifestyle that suited them both. Slade refused to change his ways about killing and the man had made it painfully clear that he would not stop with his plans to take over the world and maybe even get the Titans under his boot. Robin on the other hand refused to stop his heroic lifestyle for Slade, and he refused to cause harm to innocent people, and unlike Slade, Robin wanted all the best for his friends. Of course at the beginning they both had sulked in disagreement, and the next few days were spent with only the most intimidating glares aimed at each other with more than plenty of hurtful words. At the time, they had even started to fight. Not those normal married couple fights with yelling and throwing things, but an actual fight. The yelling was replaced with kicks, punches, whacks, smacks, and possible broken bones and horrible bruises, and the only thing similar to normal fighting couples was the fact that they did throw objects too. Anything that got on their way was tossed either to the wall to be shattered in million pieces or towards the other in intend to maim and hurt. At the end they had both been equally beaten with some broken bones, swollen eyes, bruises, scratches, burns, and slash marks. It took them time to recover, and as they both sat in their shared bed after nearly a week of refusing to even spend time in the same room, they noticed how much they had truly missed each other. Things weren't always pretty with them, but they realized that if they wanted to make their relationship work, or even to spend it somewhat in peace, they'd have to sacrifice something for it.
The day they were both finally healed they locked themselves in a room where they wouldn't leave from until they had come in to an agreement.
It was Robin's idea that they both write down things that they were not willing to desist on one stack of paper, and things that were not that important in to another stack.
After that it was a little easier to try and mend things in to a somewhat of an agreeable solution.
They had decided to take an indifferent, nearly neutral way with the Titans. They decided that they would not work with them, nor would they try to fight against them. They also decided that they would not work on their cases. If there was a monster causing havoc at the city it was for the titans to deal with, not Robin. It was a hard pill to swallow for Robin, but he agreed. The next thing they agreed on was that they would both need to agree on their quests. They would not harm any civilians, and the guy they were after would be eliminated for the greater good. Robin had to bend his morals to understand and agree on that one. Slade himself had to remind himself every time not to hurt anyone who wasn't part of the mission. He wasn't happy nor pleased, but as Robin had already given up so much, he saw it only fair that he did too. The last thing they agreed on was that Slade could still pursue world domination, but with different approach and different goals. They agreed that Robin would be a part of said monarchy of the world if the situation arouse, and they'd aim to make the world better for the majority of the people and not just for the two of them. Slade had almost decided to abandon the whole deal at that, resuming his old ways, but after some thinking he decided that once he'd shape the world the way he wanted it to, people would, in the end, be content and satisfied with the out coming results.
So in the end, they both had to change their morals slightly for them to work. Robin could no longer maintain the black and white, good and bad kind of lifestyle and he had to think things like: "This will help the majority of people" and "in the end, it's easier to kill this guy so he wont come back to bite us in the ass". Slade also had to extend his way of thinking himself in-to a bigger perspective. The man had to consider other people's opinions too, Robin's opinion being a rather huge factor.
The change came slowly and with a bit of hindrance when they both tended to do things without thinking, ending up fighting afterward. Once they both finally came to actually think about the other before themselves they ended the arguments and fights before any decision could be made, thus ending the mass load of problems, and once they both became adjusted and started to know each other enough to know what the other would think of the situation at hand, they learned to make compromises without fighting over it.
Robin was really glad of that. Later it seemed like they could both understand and appreciate each other's values better, and it sure made their lives easier.
So in the end, Robin wasn't the absolute good person who fought only the bad guys an locked them up in jail, he became the vigilante who took out the trash before they could affect their plans.
Slade hadn't changed from his evil ways to good, no not at all, but he no longer targeted just anyone he was paid to kill, but he picked his enemies more carefully. So far it seemed to work great, They both balanced each other. Slade helped to make Robin understand that he couldn't safe everyone, and that not every person was worth fighting for. Robin on the other hand was pretty much Slade's conscience, or more like "The nagging brat who wouldn't let him get laid if he refused".
The next major fight they had was once again because of Robin's morals. For once the fight had taken place off stage with them both arguing about it almost daily. Robin wasn't glad at all, but Slade was persistent. For once Robin didn't even consider leaving to go to his friends to sulk about it, it was a fight they both had to deal with themselves. Slade wanted Robin to kill.
Which Robin was of course against the whole idea of taking someone's life, but Slade was persistent to explain him that he couldn't be that naive. Some people were evil by default, they said hurtful things, and they never considered anything that was at least a little helpful or kind to someone else. Some people killed, raped and stole things in a daily basis, Robin couldn't possibly be naive enough to feel remorse for all that trash he met. Robin's retort was that everyone deserved a second chance. Slade of course had taken it upon himself to show Robin, that even if you give them chance after chance, they will revert to their ways after a certain amount of time has passed. Their fight had lasted for days, and it only got solved when Slade's life was threatened and Robin had to shoot the opponent himself to safe the one he loved. Robin had been upset after the murder he had committed, and even Slade saw that Robin wasn't made in to a killer, the boy had too strong a conscience for something like that, and if all this sulking was how he would react to it, it almost wasn't worth it. Having a sulking and sad Robin wasn't entertaining at all to Slade. Later the man had to admit that he hated seeing Robin like that because he truly did care for the other.
So finally their decision was that Robin wouldn't have to kill. Slade would deliver the last punch, and Robin would have no say over the matter if he did it or not. Also, they agreed that if there was a life threatening situation, Robin was ordered to kill the one trying to kill either Slade or himself with no questions asked. Also, the main target was a foe who was to be taken out by whoever had the chance, and once again, Robin had no say in the matter.
Of course the decision was bothering Robin and it gnawed at his morals and self conscience, but he knew that it would be better for the both of them. Slade on the other hand was already plotting for a way to loosen Robin's morals even further to shape the boy the way he liked as the time passed. After all, they now had their whole life ahead of themselves if Robin decided to stay.
So of course they both had fights and disagreements. Hell, the two of them in particular had had rather many disagreements, and they fought almost everyday about something, and it sure wasn't easy to get along with the mercenary. At times they were both so completely annoyed and mad at each other they barely could stand each other, but somehow they always managed to make up by the evening and there was nothing better in the world than going to sleep beside the other.
Also, there were times when they both wanted their own space. Neither of them were clingy and they both liked to keep their distance, so it just seemed to work out. At times either of them was on a mission or somewhere on their own for longer period, making the other worry like hell, and they almost always found themselves missing the other. There was nothing better than being separated for a couple of days and then reunite. It was amazing to return home to someone who had been waiting, eat some good food, chat, and then get lost in passion as kisses were laid everywhere, almost as if to check that there were no new scars or bruises anywhere, and then sink in to bed and have passionate sex till the early hours of the morning.
It was always those times that Robin knew that he sure did care for the man a lot, and he could even say that he loved him. Yes, they had their disagreements, but they did have their good moments too.
"I think that I do care for him, Star. I think that I love Slade." Robin said to Starfire as they sat in the roof of the Titans tower. Robin was once again at his weekly visit with the titans, and they had a great day that day. They had gone out to eat pizza, they had talked, and played video games until the alert had gone off. The Titans had asked Robin to come along with them just for old time's sake, and Robin had agreed. By the evening they had all had a small game before everyone went to sleep, except for Robin and Starfire who were sitting at the roof, watching the late night sky.
Starfire had been really friendly during the passing month, and she had always been eager to hear how Robin was doing, if he was well, how was it like to live with Slade, and if he enjoyed the kisses and the "shags" and all those things she had read from various books she had found, or heard from others.
Robin would always blush when he heard her asking those questions, but he would always say that he was fine, he would tell her if he had had a fight and if they had solved it, and that it was actually rather peaceful and relaxing, but not to forget eventful, to live with Slade, and that yes, the kisses were breath taking and sex was amazing. He would always be red from the face and awkward when she asked, but Robin had learned that there was no way he could worm his way out of her questions, and that she would only get more persistent to get an answer if she was ignored. Besides, as embarrassing as it was to have a curious and easily excited friend as Starfire, Robin found that he quite liked her just the way she was. Or at least he preferred the embarrassing Starfire to a moping Starfire that he had gotten rather accustomed of at the early stages of his and Slade's relationship. It seemed that Starfire acted cheery and happy every time Robin was around, but the moment he left she started to cry, worry, and get generally depressed as she had lost her love. Sometimes Robin had stayed in the shadows to look after Starfire. He felt sad that she had taken it so hardly. It took him a lot of explaining and assuring that one day she'd find her own Mr. perfect and that even if they could never be truly together, that didn't mean that they couldn't be close friends. And after a certain amount of time, the facade of being happy changed in-to a genuine feeling of happiness. Robin could still see the jealous looks sent at Slade's direction and the longing look that was reserved just for Robin every now and then, but Robin knew that deep down Starfire was truly happy for them. Robin knew that she wouldn't desert him.
But now was no time to think of that. It was the last day of their one month agreement and Robin would have to know his answer if he ought to stay or not once he decided to return to Slade.
Today, the mood was peaceful and the calm ease lingered in the air. Starfire was asking questions like usual, but this time she had asked if he loved Slade. Robin guessed that she only wanted to know if he was happy and if it was truly so, then he should say yes to Slade today. To be honest, Robin didn't know how to answer. He was rather content with the setting, and he truly did care for the man, but he was still concerned for his friends.
"That is the most delightful to hear, Robin." Starfire smiled and hugged Robin. She was glad to know that Robin truly was in love, her friend did deserve happiness.
"Friend Robin, does Slade also love you?" Starfire asked the most innocent and sincere question. Robin had to take a moment to think about it. Robin did not know, Slade had never said the words to him. Slade was too proud and too wary to say such a thing. The man probably thought that admitting that he felt so strongly of someone might be a weakness that could only be used to blackmail. Robin hoped that the man would say them though. It wasn't every day that Robin heard such words, and it sure was reassuring and lovely to hear him say it. Robin himself was almost too scared to say the words too. Maybe he was scared that Slade wouldn't know how to answer him, or if the man wasn't able to say the words back. He wasn't scared of abandonment or the man leaving or deserting him, but he still was nervous.
But the question remained: Did Slade love him?
Robin had to think back about their whole relationship: if there was anything to prove how much the other cared for him. Yes, they had fights, but now he searched for all those good memories. Slade was a man who wasn't too talkative. The man would merely nod or make a small hum like sound to tell that he had heard Robin. At first Robin hadn't even been sure if the man paid any attention to anything that he said, but when he asked the man what he had said, the other could easily repeat Robin's last words word for word. He hadn't questioned Slade after that.
The man sure wasn't too vocal, but the other was always doing something with his hands. Robin had noticed that when the man was reading papers he used to play with his pencil and roll it with his fingers. When the man was reading a news paper he usually was tapping his other foot on the floor, and at times when he sat, the other wasn't even aware but he tapped his fingers on any surface he had. That only happened when Slade was really comfortable with himself and his position, but Robin found the habit rather soothing. At least then he could tell that the other was truly concentrating on something, or that the man was comfortable. Other wise Slade was still like a statue, not giving away anything by his body language, his speech, or his looks. Every time they stepped outside their base Slade came stoic like a statue, and it was clear that the man didn't feel comfortable out in the open, the man was almost paranoid. But thus it was clear that the man was one of those "do it yourself" handy men. After all, it was really admirable of the man how he had build and designed his robots himself, and how he had managed to build the simulator. Slade truly was smart when it came to those things.
Robin could remember how he used to read books. Slade had made him read a lot of books about weapons, how to fix them and take a part, fighting styles, and many, many other books, and Robin had actually been rather interested himself about the subject. He found himself asking for more books, and of course Slade would always find him something. Robin enjoyed studying new things. But of course when you get a lot of books, you run out of space for said books rather fast. The tabletops were full of books and they seemed to be everywhere. Robin of course had complained about it to Slade and the other had only hummed as his usual reply and Robin had sighed and gone out for a long walk. Once he returned back to their base he saw that there was a rather huge, cool looking bookshelf that was made out of stainless steel. Robin went to look at it immediately and noticed that it was brand new. He could also see that it was self made as the welt junctions were slightly protruding, but it was excellent work. Really stylish, and the gray bookshelf seemed to match with the black room.
When Robin had turned around he saw Slade at the doorway, watching him: "You can put your books in it." He had stated, but before the other could make his exit Robin had run over and kissed the man straight on the lips once he had moved the mask slightly. "Thank you, Slade!" he had said as the man made his hasty retreat. Slade wasn't too sentimental. Once the man had left, Robin had immediately started piling his books in the shelf. It was clear that Slade had build the bookshelf himself, and Robin was truly glad. It was kind of sweet of Slade to do that.
Robin could remember other similar cases. There was one time when Robin complained about the worst migraine he had ever dealt with, and when he went to get some water, there had mysteriously appeared painkillers on the table.
It seemed that Slade tended to Robin's need when he needed it even if Robin hadn't actually asked for anything. There were also times when Slade just seemed to know what Robin wanted, and it was great to know that someone was looking after him. Also, there were all those small touches and looks, and not to mention, Slade's jealousy.
It was true, Slade, even if he denied it every time you'd ask the man himself, was rather jealous, not to mention possessive. Slade got agitated if he knew that Robin was possibly with someone, or at somewhere, where Slade couldn't reach him. It was clear that the man did not like sharing. The man from the gala had already suffered his fate as he had mysteriously gotten in to an accident when moving one of his shipment boxes, but the said box had dropped on the man's hands, breaking his fingers for good. The man could hardly hold a pencil anymore! At first Robin had been furious for such a narrow minded act of pure selfishness, but secretly Robin knew that he was flattered. Not that he would ever tell anyone about that. But overall: yes, Robin was sure, the man did love him. Slade may not have said the words aloud, but his actions proved his feelings way louder than his words ever could.
"I know that he does." Robin said with a smile, and Starfire hugged him again and she seemed to be joyous. "That is the most relieving to hear, now go tell him that right away!" She was already pulling Robin up to his feet and pushing the other to be on his way. Yes, it was rather late, and Robin was supposed to give his answer today, so Starfire did have a reason to be hurrying Robin.
"I'm going, I'm going!" Robin exclaimed with a laugh before he waved his hand to Starfire before he got on the road.
Robin walked as slowly as he could to stall for time. It seemed that his situation was rather simple and that his answer would be obvious, but Robin couldn't be sure. Could he seriously change his ways for good just to be with Slade? Was it worth it?
Well, Robin would think about that later, but now he had his answer to give. Robin went straight to Slade who he knew to be waiting for him at the doors of the base.
The man's posture didn't tell anything, but Robin knew that Slade was nervous and itching to know Robin's answer. Otherwise the man wouldn't be waiting for him to come back. Yet there he was, standing at the doorway of his base with a posture that was supposed to look patient, but Robin knew that the man truly wasn't.
"Welcome back Robin." Robin smiled at the other as he walked to stand next to him. Slade had not changed much. Some people say that when you begin a relationship the person changes, and maybe for a moment that is true, but that person clearly did not know Slade. Maybe the man was just a little bit more open minded and relaxed, and nearly not holding back as much as he used to in Robin's company, but the truth was that the man hadn't changed at all. He was still the iron willed man who had a tight discipline. Robin was thankful that he was at least as organized as the other, since both of them frowned when they saw things out of their places.
"I take it you went to see those friends of yours again?" Slade asked as they both walked inside the base. It wasn't cold outside per se, but they both preferred to stay indoors.
"Yeah. They are all doing fine." Robin informed just to smite Slade. He knew that the man was secretly waiting for any kind of bad new to happen for the titans, and it was almost funny how spiteful the man could be. "Good to hear. I bet your friends were trying with all their might to turn you against me." Slade said with a more serious than a joking tone. Robin had a small laugh at that. "No, no they didn't. If you'd visit them even once you'd see that some of them are actually rather okay with us." Robin was fully referring to Starfire, but Slade wouldn't know about that. The man decided to keep his distance from the other Titans. Just because he happened to like one of them didn't mean that he'd have to suddenly be friends with the whole lot of the damn brats.
"Your friends must be sadists then." That was Slade's way of joking, he didn't master the art at all, but at times the man had some really nice comebacks. He was learning, but slowly.
"Not so much as they are opportunists." Robin mumbled as he remembered how Starfire had shooed him to come talk with Slade in the first place.
The two had nearly walked their way to their bedroom, but as they were standing by the door Slade had halted Robin, and the man was obviously impatient, even if his posture didn't say so.
"So what did you decide, are you going to stay or not?"
For once Robin didn't have to wait too long for his answer. He felt comfortable right here, and his answer seemed to make sense in his head.
Robin rose up to stand on the tip of his toes as he lifted Slade's mask to lay a long and passionate kiss on the other's lips. The kiss was not urgent, nor was it slow and tender, but it was one which made Slade groan and kiss back while maneuvering them around so Robin was pushed against the wall. The kiss itself was enough to make chills run along Robin's spine, and make Slade tighten his hands around Robin's arms to make sure that the other could not pull back. It was as if they both were trying to devour each other and get as much of the other's taste and feel that they could. Robin would have locked his arms behind Slade's neck if he could, but the man held Robin's arms against the other's chest so he couldn't, so instead Robin opted to dig his hands on Slade's uniform and feel the man's waist and abs through the material. Robin was more bold than usual during the kiss and he groaned as he bit on Slade's lower lip before sucking on it after pulling back, leaving them both to pant heavily.
"Was that a yes?" Slade asked only slightly out of breath, but Robin knew that the man was aroused as well, he could feel Slade's heat and more importantly, the man's groin that was pushed against Robin's lower stomach.
"If you took that as a no, then I must have done something wrong." Robin mused, and he was practically eating Slade with his eyes, and inhaling the man with his breath as they stood so close. "Let me try that again." Robin mumbled against Slade's lips before he kissed the man again, and Robin knew immediately that Slade was more than pleased with his answer if the way the man was devouring his lips had anything to go by. Slade slid his hands down Robin's arms and then he lifted them above the other's head, holding them in place with one hand while the other traveled down Robin's chest. Robin moaned in to the kiss as the hand brushed his nipple and Robin kissed back even harder while thrusting his crotch against Slade. The kiss they had was almost bruising, and they both seemed to be reluctant to pull back to breath. They both had pressed their foreheads against each other as they panted hard. "Dear god, Robin, how long have I waited for you to be mine." Slade growled before he sunk his teeth on Robin's neck, biting down hard to make a visible bite mark on the other's neck. "Say it, Robin." Slade pleaded, or more like demanded as he laid small kisses and an occasional bite on Robin's neck as he slowly traveled upwards.
"I'm yours." Robin mumbled, totally lost in the pleasure as the other teased him with those delicate kisses, and just as Robin was getting used to the tender feeling the man bit down, making the other jolt and gasp of delight. He knew that he wouldn't be wearing anything but turtlenecks for a while because his neck area was completely littered with hickeys. Deep down inside Robin knew that he would do no such thing as he took pride in every single mark. He felt proud of them, they were marks of Slade, the tags the other used to mark him, to mark his property. "I'm yours, yours only, please take me." Robin moaned as his knees almost gave out as the other pushed their pelvises against each other, and Robin could feel the other's manhood through the clothes that separated them from each other. Robin wanted to be free from the man's hold, he wanted to kiss back, he wanted to feel the man, and he wanted to let his hands roam around the other's body and strip the man naked one article of cloth at a time.
"Only if you promise to never leave. To stay by my side till the end of days." Slade groaned on Robin's ear with voice so deep Robin's knees buckled and he was glad that he was held in place by Slade who pinned Robin's body against the wall with his own. "I promise, I'll die fighting beside you." Robin groaned and reached to bite on Slade's jaw that was finally in reach. "Good." The other murmured and devoured Robin's lips once again in a chaste kiss with tongues clashing, but Slade pulled back before the kiss could get any further. "I finally can admit that I trust you enough to show you something very personal, and I trust you to never abuse this." Slade spoke with grave voice and then tightened his hold against Robin's wrists enough to cause the other to flinch as the pain traveled through his body in shocks. The hold said that Robin shouldn't even consider crossing Slade with this one.
Slade let go of Robin's hands and let them fall against Robin's sides and the other felt a small ache at his shoulders as the blood rushed in his veins. Slade stood back enough so they were no longer touching, but the man didn't go far. Robin was confused of what the man was about to do before he saw the other's hand travel up to the other's face and grab the chin of his mask. Robin stood breathless as Slade tore the mask off and threw it on the floor. The man's face was hidden for a moment as the man stared on the ground and shook his head to let his hair move more freely after being hold in place by the mask, but as the man finally lifted his face to look at Robin, the other got breathless. It was as if Slade's stare was drilling in to Robin.
Slade actually did have blue eyes. Not dark, almost silver, clear blue, almost steely eyes that appeared dark under the man's mask. Slade had white, army style cut hair and a goatee. He had a handsome face and Robin couldn't resist running his palm over the other's skin, feeling the surface and the shape with his hand. The man was stunning, but the most attention seeking part of the man's face was his black eye patch. It appeared that the man truly had lost his other eye. Robin curiously brushed his thumb over the other's cheek and the eye patch, feeling the material. He didn't dare to put any weight on the delicate touch, he feared that it might hurt Slade.
"You took your mask off." Robin said astounded as he tore off his gloves to feel the other's skin even better. "I like it." Robin buried his fingers in Slade's rough and short hair as he kissed the other. The kiss was slow and tender, and Robin didn't want it any other way. He slid his hands down Slade's neck to his shoulders and then down his arms until he was holding the other's hands in his shaky hold. As Robin retreated from the kiss he gave Slade a small squeeze on the hands to reassure himself more than anything. Robin was kind of nervous, he knew that he trusted Slade and that he should not hold secrets from him, but he was nervous. It had been so long since he had done anything like this. Robin lifted the other's hands and almost let them drop from his grasp when he hesitated, but finally he decided to act brave and just do it. Robin lifted Slade's arms to the sides of his own mask and held the other by his wrists to keep them there. "Now mine turn." Robin whispered, almost scared of the mere words. He hadn't showed his eyes to anyone in a long time. Only some people in Gotham still knew what his eyes looked like without the mask, but here in jump he he had learned the habit of keeping it always on. At first he wore it because he forgot to take it off after a long day, and soon he learned that he didn't have much time to rest at all and he had to be ready 24/7 so he didn't have time to glue the mask on every single time. In the end, he had gotten accustomed to the mask, and he even forgot that he was wearing it.
Robin saw how Slade took his gloves off before he clawed his fingers under the mask, and Robin hoped that the man would tear it off like a plaster. Taking off the mask didn't hurt at all when you used the solvent, but when you tore it straight off, it would sting. After all, the mask was designed to stay on even in the most intense of fights.
Thankfully Slade did it as fast as he could. Of course Robin flinched and grimaced, and sealed his eyes shut as if to prevent the tears as his face got irritated, but thankfully the pain dulled fast and Robin could open his eyes. It was weird being without his mask: the air felt cold against his face and everything looked slightly brighter, almost more clearer.
"Your eyes are bright." Slade stated as he locked Robin's head in place by cupping the other's cheeks. Slade stared Robin straight in the eyes as if he was judging them, taking in to memory every single detail and shade.
To Robin this was extremely unnerving. He still had to get used to seeing Slade's face, not to mention the man's emotions when they were apparent on the other's face. It felt so different now when the man had a face to go by, he was no longer the anonymous character with no expression, and suddenly the man seemed way more human.
So as Slade observed Robin's eyes, Robin had his chance to feast his eyes upon the man as well. The eye patch was still a huge question that remained unanswered. Robin loved to listen to Slade tell the stories about how he got his scars, in return Robin would do the same. It was one of their favorite pastimes when they were both exhausted after a good round of sex: laying in the bed, tracing the scars as the other told how he got them. Robin had most of his scars thanks to knife cuts, gun shots and fires, but Slade's scars seemed even more interesting, they all had a story behind them. Not that Robin's hadn't. Most of the scars were thanks to his own stupidity and indiscretion as he no longer had Batman to help him out, or maybe they just didn't feel like anything special since they were so familiar to him.
"How did you lose your eye?" Robin broke the silence, and he was afraid that Slade wouldn't tell him, but the man only smiled almost evilly to him: "I'll only tell you if you tell me how you got the gun shot wound on your shoulder." Slade pushed his palm against the exact spot where the scar was and Robin bit his teeth. He had left that one unmentioned, it wasn't as if he was ashamed of it, but he somewhat feared that it would reveal too much of him.
But after all, they had already stripped off their masks, so he might just as well tell? Right?
"The Joker shot me. He shot me straight on the chest and almost ended up killing me. Batman got really worried and scared and decided to kick me off from the business in attempt to keep me safe. See how that turned out." Robin shrugged and Slade was obviously looking if the other was telling the truth. He nodded, so he must have been convinced.
"I see." He said as he soothingly rubbed his thumb over the old scar.
"I once participated on a military test. It was a long time ago and I'd rather not dwell on it too much. Basically, they wanted to create super soldiers, namely: me." Slade started, and Robin understood that the man was now telling him way more than just the story of how he lost his eye. They both took that as a sign to move to their room and take a seat so they could indulge in the recitation. "Not many survived." Slade took that moment to brush his goatee, but he continued the story swiftly "But the ones that did got power. You may have noticed yourself that most of my physical powers are stronger than other's, and now you know why. Rapid healing powers that make you nearly immortal is just one of them." He mused and of course Robin took this moment to interrupt: "Wait, you just said that you can not die? Do you mean that me and the Titans have been fighting against an invincible foe for all this time?" Slade only shot him a grave look and said: "Me and the titans, as in, you no longer consider yourself as a titan?" Robin huffed at that and crossed his arms in defiance "I will always remain a titan!" Slade left Robin's question unanswered.
"After I realized the advantage I had, I became a mercenary. I did many things back then, and as you know, if you aren't careful enough, things might just come back to haunt you later. They wanted to know who hired me, and they had a hostage." Slade didn't seem too nervous on the outside, and maybe he truly wasn't. Robin couldn't tell. "They had my son."
"You have a son?" Robin exclaimed in disbelief. He didn't know how to react if he ever saw him. "Two sons, and a daughter actually." Slade mused and laughed at Robin's dumbfound expression.
"Do I know them? What if I meet them?" Robin was somewhat of nervous, he didn't want to deal with the sons of his lover. What if they were older than him, they'd probably have a grudge. And then it dawned to him: "You have a wife?"
"If you see a woman around in this base, let me know. No. I don't have a wife. And you just might have met my family, one can never know, but we aren't exactly close, no need to worry about them." Slade dismissed Robin's questions and went on with the story: "Anyways. I couldn't rescue my son before they slit his throat wide open. No need to worry, his fine. He can't speak anymore since his vocal cords were destroyed, but he is still alive. My wife wasn't too glad to find out that her husband was off killing people and thus getting his family in danger, and as an army combat instructor she really had no problem aiming a gun." Slade ended and made a mimic of a gun with his fore -and pointer finger and made an expression of shooting himself in the eye. Robin still had his mouth open, jaw hanging low as he was so confused, and Slade's almost comical expression managed to snap him out of it. Too bad he didn't have much better things to say than an "Oh."
"But anyways, that's in the past. You can't redo it, and even if given the chance, I wouldn't." Slade said and leaned closer to Robin. They were both sitting on their bed since the bedroom didn't have many chairs in it, and thus Slade leaning forward made Robin have shivers as he anticipated what the other would say next: "I'd rather focus on the here and now." The other put pressure on the words "here" and "now" as he crawled on top of Robin, making the other fall on his back on the bed. Robin felt intimidated as he saw the man's expression, it was like the look of a hunting beast who was nearing it's pray. It made Robin even more excited.
"Now where did we leave off, I think it was something like this." Slade groaned as he pressed their crotches together and trapped Robin's lips in a searing kiss. Slade was on a dominating mood as usual and made sure that Robin was so far gone in ecstasy that he hardly had anything to say in defiance. Not that he would have, but right now Slade wanted to hear only moans, groans and maybe some shrieks and shouts from the other.
Slade pinned Robin down with his body as he let his hands travel on the other's sides, teasing the other, touching with his fingers the most delightful of ways, making the other sink in bliss when Slade touched the bare skin from under the hem of the other's shirt, but never traveling further.
"Slade," Robin moaned as he arched his back as he tried to get more friction "Please, stop teasing me." Robin clawed Slade's back as he tried to get the other closer, or steer the man to go further, but Slade denied him. "What do you want me to do?" The other asked as it was the most simplest of thing, and Robin groaned. "Touch me." And Slade did. There was a small line on Robin's stomach visible as the other's shirt had ridden up and Slade traced his fingers along the skin. Robin was hot under Slade's touch, and Slade enjoyed the warmth. Robin was squirming and trying to move under Slade, trying to get more contact, but Slade held the other still.
Slade buried his face in Robins neck and he laid small bites on Robin's skin, traveling further down, and Robin could feel the other's nose move on his skin. It made him ticklish. Robin sneaked his arms around Slade and pushed his arms under the other's shirt to massage the other's back and make Slade groan as he once again pushed himself against Robin, making their erections brush against each other. The clothes they wore were starting to get on the way.
Slade lifted himself up a little so he could pull Robin's shirt off, and the other didn't hesitate to lift his arms to help Slade on his task. They were almost tearing the other off of their clothing, stripping each other as if it was urgent. And maybe it was, Robin felt like he would burn alive if he didn't get the clothes off his skin. It didn't take them long to get fully naked, and Robin felt the cold air of the room hit him, but thankfully he had the hot body of Slade to keep him warm. Slade had pulled Robin to sit on his lap, and Robin was eagerly rubbing their naked bodies together, feeling their erections brush as they got pinned between them. Robin had his arms locked behind Slade's neck as Slade held Robin's waist in a firm hold.
"I feel nice so I will let you ride me, with lube." Slade murmured on Robin's ear as he fished the tube from the nightstand drawer and gave it to Robin. The other nodded in response, and Slade could feel every nod on his shoulder as Robin's chin got pressed against him. Slade let his hands travel against Robin's back, feeling every curve. He traced his hands down the backbone, feeling the arch of the other's back, and he kept going until his fingers were between the other's butt crack. Slade traced his fingers down, not too down to even touch the puckered entrance. He slid his hand up back again, then down, reaching maybe a millimeter lower than before, causing Robin to shiver. The skin down there was so tender, and having Slade caress the skin was even better, it made Robin want to arch against the fingers and plea the other to move lower.
Robin hissed a moan once again at the feeling, but soon remembered that he had the lube still in his hands. Robin snapped open the cork and took Slade's hand from his waist and squirted some on the other's palm. "Since you are already down there." Robin laughed before he took some himself and started to rub it on Slade's cock.
Slade hummed and resumed caressing the tender skin between Robin's butt cheeks as he teased the entrance with his other hand.
Robin shivered as the cold gel made contact with his ass, but the feeling was short lived. Robin worked more smoothly on Slade's shaft to fasten the foreplay, already eager to skip to the fun. Slade's cock was hard, and when he slid his hand down, the gel made it slippery. Robin had both hos hands on the job, one keeping a firm grasp on the base as he pulled back the skin, and the other teased the tip, and Robin knew that Slade was already leaking.
It was then that Slade shoved two of his fingers deep in to Robin, causing the other to gasp and give Slade an unintended squeeze which the other welcomed with a groan.
Slade worked fast to stretch Robin, he himself was getting impatient to be buried withing the warm tightness of Robin.
It didn't take long until Slade pulled his fingers away and had his hands back on Robin's waist as he lifted the other up so he could position his cock right on the other's entrance. Robin could feel it nudge against his hole, and he enjoyed the feeling as Slade moved his hips, causing the erection to brush against Robin's hole, and then sliding between his cheeks. Robin reached down to take a hold of Slade's shaft to position it correctly under him so it would be easier to lower himself on the other. Robin took a firm hold of the other and positioned himself so that he would be right in top of Slade's erection, and as Robin bend his knees he let himself be impaled on the hard erection. Slade groaned as he took a firmer hold of Robin's waist and lowered the other slightly, letting himself sink withing Robin's cavern.
Robin did not need long to adjust on Slade's length, a fact that both of them were rather pleased with. Robin didn't need to be told to start moving. He started a slow rhythm, and with a small assist from Slade, he improved his pace. Slade's cock made it's way withing Robin's tightness every time Robin sat down on Slade's cock, devouring the whole length. Slade hummed in pleasure every time Robin slammed himself down on him, and he sighed when the other slid up, milking him with every stroke. Robin tried to angle himself just right so Slade would hit his prostate, and when he did, the other moaned loud and bit on Slade's shoulder. Robin fell off the rhythm with his moves but thankfully Slade kept him in array and helped Robin keep up the pace. Slade grunted as he got more impatient and couldn't sit still any longer, but moved up every time Robin slammed down, making the other moan as he hit his prostate. Robin was already at the very edge, his cock weeping precome and waves after waves were traveling up and down his spine every time he slammed down. He could feel his cock throb and his balls tightening as he was closer to coming: "Slade, I'm coming!" Robin yelped and shot his load on Slade's stomach. "Slade, I love you." Robin moaned as he was shaking with the tremors of the orgasm, and that exact moment Slade came too, buried deep withing Robin. He panted loudly on Robin's ear as he emptied himself withing the other, waiting for the white spots behind his vision to die out. Slade noticed that he was holding Robin in tight grip with his hands around the other, Robin snuggle in his embrace. "Likewise, Robin." Slade finally admitted, he did love the other, but he was a coward because he couldn't say the words out loud.
Slade slipped out of Robin and turned them around so Robin was resting on his back. Robin was still sated, and he was glad that he had dared to say the words. He was also glad that Slade had returned his feelings to the best of his abilities. Robin was really comfortable when Slade kissed his lips long and passionately, mapping every inch of the other's mouth, before he broke the kiss and went to clean himself. Robin watched tiredly as Slade swiped off Robin's come from his stomach with a towel before the man put some clothes on.
"I'll go lock up, I won't be long." Slade mentioned and Robin nodded tiredly. It was already late, and the day had been tiring for him. Slade looked at Robin with longing, obviously wanting to join him in the bed, but he knew that he'd have to go lock up for the night.
Slade went to walk out the door, but turned around in the last minute. He went to retrieve something from his work desk drawer and he then placed it on the nightstand by the bed. Slade laid a quick kiss on Robin's forehead with a murmured "good night" before he exited the room.
Robin yawned tiredly but he was too curious to see what Slade placed on the table to go to sleep. Robin had to lift himself up some to see that on the table there was a small folded paper and a keyring with keys. Robin looked at the keys for a while, but decided to pick up the note instead, and he opened it.
Robin, you know that I care for you
and if you got this note, then I assume
that you do too.
I know that I don't say the words
too often, but I do love you.
I leave you two keys, they are
with the letter. One key is for
your new motorcycle since
your original one was left with
the titans.
Besides, since you now go
by my colors, I only saw it as a necessity.
The other key is a master key
for every room and door in this base.
If you dare to lose the key I will
not let you in before you find it
again, is that clear?
Also, if I were you, I wouldn't
bring your friends to stay over
without permission.
Robin jolted up to sit on the bed and he had to read the note again three more times to fully understand the note. He got keys to the base? Full authority to anywhere withing this base, this base was huge! And a new bike! He couldn't wait to see it! But that would have to wait for tomorrow, Robin was too sore and tired today.
"You were supposed to be asleep." Slade murmured as he returned to the room, and the man barely got to bed before Robin had jumped the man, hugging the other. Slade was surprised at the gesture, but he let Robin hug him long enough for Slade to get a full lungful of air. "Thank you, Slade." Robin purred and kissed Slade on the cheek as they parted. Robin didn't get to pull away though, as Slade took a hold of Robin's chin to lay a long kiss on the other's lips before they both went to sleep, Robin once again in Slade's arms. "Promise me you'll show me the bike tomorrow?" Robin mumbled and Slade ruffled the other's hair. "First thing in the morning." Slade promised, and they both fell asleep.
Right now they were comfortable in each other's arms, and right now they were both happy with just the two of them. But who knows what tomorrow brings along. Not that either one of them were concerned, they'd face it together.