Don't own, however I like this ship. It seems exciting. Of course I am talking about the Uhura/Spock ship and in no way shape or form should the previous lines be said in a faux-Scottish accent.

Anyways the fact that Kirk was sleeping with the Orion made me laugh. They did mention Admiral Archer and his beagle so I wonder if they stuck with the canon that Orion women actually are in charge. Then this popped into my head.

Three Things

Gaila knew three things.


1+6=7 1+2=3 etc. Math was easy, math was universal, math was pure and math was the same everywhere.

While having a getting to know you with her new roommate, she brought up her theory that if only there was one language, a language of 1's and 0's much like computers, then there would be no misunderstandings in the universe. It would all be much easier and simpler. It was stupid to have so many different languages. Wars had been started simply because a tone or inflection had been wrong.

She did not know at the time that her new roommate wanted to study xenolinguistics, or maybe she had told her but she was not paying attention. By that point the damage was done.

Uhura then gave her lecture about how language was made a culture unique. What would earth be without Shakespeare? What about Vulcan philosophy? Orion songs? Vogon poetry? Gaila knew she was rattling a few more things off but was more impressed by how her roommate was so passionate about something. The thing she remembered most from Uhura's lecture was her saying, "Gaila it is our differences that makes us who we are. These differences while they can cause conflict, are part of us. They give us a base. Besides it makes life far more interesting."

Uhura smiled and said they should join their floor mates down in the mess hall. Gaila knew she was forgiven. They were friends from that point on.


Sadly not for her own life, but she somehow had acquired the knowledge of knowing when someone was in love with another.

She may not have the language skills of her roommate but she could read physical cues like lines of code.

So after two terms struggling in her xenolinguistics classes, seriously three types of Romulan? Gaila had promised Uhura a celebratory dinner for holding her hand, helping her study and basically kept her from outright quitting Starfleet.

She watched from her seat in the lecture hall as her roommate approached the professor, calm, relaxed, probably asking if the elder woman had any texts to recommend over the break.

Then the half-Vulcan walked in. The one with the ears but not the eyes. Gaila heard her roommate mention him once and awhile. An assistant to another professor, he would be teaching the next term. For the time being they were working together on something. She could tell Uhura was developing an interest in the alien. Gaila had seen him around she could understand why plus he was extremely intelligent. More of Uhura's type, Gaila's usually hit first and asked questions later.

Uhura's body language got tense and settled into a state of nervous. Her left hand behind her back, her thumb was touching every finger pad on her hand. It looked like she was counting, in reality Gaila knew Uhura was trying to let some of her nervous energy out subtly around the Vulcan.

What was his name?


By this point the elderly professor had left, it was just the two of them. Well three but they probably did not even notice her.

It was boring watching her roommate try and hide her interest; she wanted to get to the restaurant followed by the bars. There was this cute guy with a cute accent who said he was the most brilliant engineer in the fleet; they were supposed to meet up later. Gaila wondered if her roommate even remembered that they had plans.

Then it got interesting.

Her roommate said something and Spock's lips twitched. It was not one of disgust but one of amusement and interest.

He was interested in Uhura.

She started ignoring the conversation just watching the way they interacted with one another. Her roommate said something else and Gaila saw something that she could not believe she would ever see.

No, wait, what? She did not just see that. Gaila had to investigate. She walked down the hall towards the two. Both finally looked up and acknowledged her presence.

"Sorry Gaila," said Uhura remembering her roommate was waiting for her.

"No worries, I'm just going to get changed."

"Oh Commander Spock this is Cadet Gaila. We've been roommates for the past couple years."

"Greetings Cadet Gaila."

"Hello Commander," said Gaila noticing his change when talking to her. She looked at Uhura, "I'll meet up with you at the restaurant."

"That sounds good, Scot's right?"

"Yes. Nice meeting you Commander. Well see you then Nyota."

"Your first name means star?" she heard Spock ask.

Gaila almost started giggling; she saw that look in Spock's eyes.

He was so in love with Uhura.

Looking back at the two of them she realized she would be a very old woman before they would even admit feelings much less have sex.

This could prove problematic. She had recommended that Uhura get laid, not fall into a semi-taboo relationship with a man whose nicknames included, Green Blooded Half-breed and The Golden Child.

However she did see a posting for an assistant for Commander Spock when he taught next term. Maybe she could persuade Uhura to apply for it.

Earth Men Were Easy

She could walk into any bar with a group of ten men talking about how aliens should not be allowed on planet. Ten minutes later she'd have them eating out of her hand.

Bat your eyes, show a little cleavage, smile, giggle, act mysterious and just when it seems like you are even thinking of going home with them; pull back. Make them chase. Earth men think they actually are the ones who do the seducing.

Then if you want them to leave or getting boring, just tell them you are in love.

Jim had been fun, she might have actually kept him around a little longer but he thought he was so clever. She knew he hacked into the system with her codes. But he did manage to hide exactly what he had done.

Still the farm boy had to go. She however was shocked that he would call her declaration of love weird. She wondered if she was losing her charm, maybe she could keep him around. She did make the right choice by getting Jim Kirk out of her bed, unfortunately not fast enough.

The next day when she figured out he used it to screw with the Kobayashi Maru test, just then Uhura walked in greatly agitated and recounted the story of what Jim Kirk had just done. Gaila excused herself, walked out the room and let out a string of curses. That past year Uhura had spent more time with Professor Spock then anyone else. Gaila had encouraged. Hell she basically forced the human out of their room. She got her roommate to be the best damn assistant and student in the xenolinguists program. Then from the past few conversations Uhura had with her something was possibly maybe going to happen. And now Jim Kirk had to come along and ruin Gaila's carefully laid plans. Bastard.

The Orion took a few calming breaths and realized what was done, was done. Besides there was a cadet she had seen sparring in the fencing court. He looked like fun.

ETA: The 1+1=1 thing is because I have been in the Life fandom a little long. Any Charlie Crews/Dani Reese or Life fans are smiling.