Disclaimer: I do not own anything Twilight related or any of the songs that may be mentioned in this story!

First and foremost I'd like to say I am extremely sorry for being an extreme lagger. Life has been nothing, but crazy as hell. I think watching Breaking Dawn gave me the push I needed. I feel so shameless because I want those sexy times and my room to be destroyed and covered in feathers. Can you blame me though? I think I adore the cast just a little bit more. Some more than others. Ha ha.

Hopefully during holiday breaks from school I will be able to update. I don't promise, but I will try. Like I said before I won't give up on this story.

Anyways once again I am truly very sorry!

Hope you enjoy!


I woke up from a peaceful sleep, only to find the room entirely quiet. A little too quiet... I found that extremely disturbing.

There was no being abruptly woken up by Emmett pushing me off the bed, which has been happening a lot since we arrived here in Paris. I confronted him about it a couple of times, but he claims he's asleep and that "if" he really did push me it was unintentional. I know better, though.


There was no being awoken by Jasper's snickers as he pulled some sort of prank on my brother as he slept. The most recent one involved Alice's make-up. How he managed to get Alice to agree to use her make-up was a mystery to me. Unless the weirdo took it without her knowledge. Blackmail material? Why yes, I do believe it is. Am I an asshole? Sure. Sometimes I am, but so is he.

Another thing that mystified me was how, in God's green earth, he managed to put it on Emmett so flawlessly. Quite frankly I didn't really want to know. Shudders.

Alice and him probably play dress up...Ken and Barbie

Ew. Shut up!

You do realize that I am you, right?

I was seriously losing my mind. Is it not enough that my family- I include Jasper as a part of the family- is made up of a bunch of weirdos? Now I have to add Alice, Rosalie and Bella to the mix because lets face it, they're weird. Although, Bella is my cute weirdo. That's not to say I have never been weird, but I liked to think that I was the most normal out of my family. Now I'm getting up there in that department with them.

Okay. So back to the subject of the prank. Even though I was woken up, at the ungodly hour of four in the morning, the sight I was granted after opening my eyes was well worth it.

Emmett, the ogre, had the brightest shade of pink lipstick on, which seemed even brighter by the light on Jasper's phone. The next thing that caught my attention was the copious amount of this bright blue eyeshadow. It started from his lashes all the way to his eyebrows- which looked to be drawn in.

When I got closer to take a look at him I could tell he had mascara on too.

Now the first couple of minutes,as I took him in,I was in shock at seeing my brother like that. Although, after the shock wore off I began cackling like a hyena and had to be dragged out of the room by Jasper so I wouldn't wake-up the sleeping drag queen.

He sorta looked like Mimi from the Drew Carey Show. Let's just say that my phone has tons of blackmail worthy photos.

But back to the matter at hand. I got up from bed and walked around the entire hotel room to find those stooges. After finding neither of them I assumed that they were probably with the girls. With that in mind I rushed to get dressed so I could see my girl too.

When Alice opened the door I saw a peek of the evil that Bella and Rosalie always talk about. I wasn't even the one to get her irritated and she still took it out on me. I didn't even dare to speak or she might punch me in the jewels. She's the perfect height and I wouldn't put it past her to do a "What Happens In Vegas." thing and say "You know why!" when I'm on the floor bawling out a "Why?". When in truth I didn't actually know why. The thought of that actually had me mentally cupping my boys.

I looked to the right and found Bella eying me up and down. I gave her my trade mark crooked grin when our eyes connected. God, she's so beautiful. I slowly started to make my way towards her when Alice moved to the side. I know I said I wasn't going to say anything to anger the evil woman,but

I decided I should greet her. Best be on her good side.

If I would have known that coming over here was going to leave Bella ignoring me and I was going to finally understand the sheer stupidity of my brother and best friend, I would have stayed in my room. Ignorance is bliss after all.

To be frankly honest, when Bella answered the phone and glared at me I found it extremely arousing. Wrong I know, but I couldn't help it.

The kitten wanted to be a tigress... rawr.

I have to admit though that I – including Alice and Rosalie – started getting worried when she started to ignore us. Why she ignored us? I have no idea. Especially why she ignored me. Me of all people. Her boyfriend.

After Bella completely shut us down by humming a tune I couldn't place and taking off for a shower. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only person left dumbfounded here. I think the three of us stood there for quite some time before any of us actually moved.

I looked at Alice and Rosalie who looked back at me and shrugged.

"Whatever she is mad at us about she'll forgive us." Rosalie said, "Well at least you and I, Alice."

"True. Sorry Edward."

They walked out of the room and left me standing there with my mouth agape. I briefly wondered if they were messing with me to get a rise out of me. Either way I quickly followed them into Rosalie's room.

"What do you mean by that?" I panicked.

"Don't pay us any attention, Edward. She might forgive you." Alice patted my forearm.

"What do you mean by might?"

"Nothing really"

I sighed in exasperation. "So, she will forgive me right? Wait, I don't even know why she is mad at me."

"We don't know why either," Rosalie shrugged, "but she'll get over it."

"Do you really think that Jasper would have actually gone along with what Emmett, the goof, wanted to do, Edward?" Alice looked at me bemused.

"I honestly think he might have." I chuckled. "He always had a penchant for going along with Emmett's moronic plans."

"What do you mean?" Alice asked amused.

I shook my head and laughed. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes!" They both answered me.

"Alright." I shook my head once more. "When we were seniors in high school someone told Emmett that if you eat 2 bananas and quickly drink a liter of Sprite you would get high..."

"What?" Rosalie laughed.

Alice was just listening with rapt fascination and an amused look on her face.

"...so the dumb-ass my brother can sometimes be believed the guy and ran off to tell Jasper and I. Of course, I knew never to do anything my brother says will be fun. Jasper on the other hand got excited and decided to try it. Right after school we went to the grocery store to buy the bananas and Sprite.

When we arrived at our house, our parents weren't home to be able to tell them how dumb and insane the idea was. Although, knowing my parents they would just watch." I laughed. "My father would have known it wouldn't work, but would have watched just to watch. My mom on the other hand would have been worried on the inside, but at the same time she would watch because she would want to teach them a lesson."

Both girls laughed.

"I really, really, really want to meet your parents." Rosalie laughed.

"So what happened when they did it?" Alice asked in a giggle.

Ha ha ha. She said when "they did it."

Wow, Edward. What are you twelve?


"They vomited." I said simply. "That's all that happened. They just threw-up"

All three of us laughed.

After our laughing fest at the expense of my brother and best friend we went in search for Bella.

When we realized my girl wasn't in the room anymore, Alice suggested that she had probably gone down to talk with Maggie. I couldn't believe she had just left us without telling us where she went.

What if something happened to her and no one knew where she had gone?

When we went down to the lobby we found Maggie and a middle aged man talking and laughing by the front desk. When she saw us she pointed towards a room and smiled.

Bella's back was to us as she talked to Emmett and Jasper. They both looked amused and somewhat irate.

When Jasper noticed us he said something causing Emmett looked over and glare at me. I raised my eyebrows. What the fuck was going on? Why was everyone mad at me? Did I somehow piss them off without knowing I did?

As they made their way out the room Jasper threw his arm over my girls shoulder and told her something that made her and Emmett laugh.

When they were close enough to us Rosalie and Alice glared at their significant others with their hands on their hips.

Uh-oh. That doesn't look good.

"Emmett McCarthy Cullen!"

Emmett winced.

"Jasper Hale Whitlock!"

Jasper visible shrank.

They're totally fucking whip-lashed.

Like your not?

Yet, I still watched in amazement as both of them made their girls swoon. All it took was one dimpled grin and a pout to turn the girls into jelly.

"What did you guys do?" I asked. I knew the girls weren't going to be helpful in interrogating them since they were making smoochy faces at one another.

I received no answer.

"Emmett? Jasper?" I said louder.

Do you know what those fuckers did? They walked away as if I hadn't said a damn word. I looked at Bella who was completely engrossed in her cell. Not paying me one lick of attention.

I feel so cold and alone.

Can you be any more dramatic?

Forever alone.

I guess you can.

Bella walked after them and I after her. I was going to get to the bottom of this. Even if I had to play dirty. As we rode the elevator to our floor I began plotting different scenarios. Some were of me demanding her to talk to me, which didn't turn out very well. Some where of me pouting and pleading, which also didn't turn out well because I envisioned her laughing at me. The only scenario that I could think of was to try and seduce it out of her. Which in theory would be pleasing for both of us.

We ended up in our room. The guys room that is. As in Jasper, Emmett and I. I don't even really recall how we ended up on the couch watching a movie. I don't even know if the happy couples talked about what happened. All I was concentration on was my girl and trying to figure out why she was mad at me.

I hated her not talking to me and this distance between us was pure torture. I didn't like it one bit. At all. My fingers twitched to touch her. To kiss her. I knew it hasn't been days, but a mere couple of hours. Yet, I can't stand it.

I need this girl.

After the movie ended, everyone went their own way except for Bella and I. We both stayed on the couch. Her eyes on the TV. Casually flipping through channels as if I wasn't here. My eyes stayed trained on her.

After about five minutes she got up and walked to the kitchen. I got up quietly and walked in her direction.

When she saw me I saw her swallow. She was nervous.

I walked her backwards until she was pressed against the wall. She couldn't avoid me now. Her beautiful brown eyes widened and she brought her lip into her mouth and bit down on it. I wanted to devour her mouth, but I digress. I was a man with a mission.

Don't you mean little boy with the way you've been acting?

I closed in on her and put my mouth by her ear. "Bella?"

No answer, but I did earn a shiver which cause me to smirk.

"Baby?" I breathed after placing a kiss behind her ear.

"Hmmm?" Finally!

"Are you going to tell me why you've been ignoring me?" I asked as I trailed my lips down her neck to her collar bone.

Her fingers gripped the sides of my shirt as her head tilted to the right, but I received no answer.

I placed an open mouth kiss on the juncture between her neck and shoulder. "I'm waiting for an answer."

"Oh! Umm..." She moaned. "You...you.."

At least she is somewhat speaking to me.

"Yes?" I asked cockily placing more kisses on her.

"You...I...not there..." She said incoherently. I was pleased in the fact that I could make her incoherent, but I really wish I could decode what in the world she was saying.

I was about to ask her what she meant when...




Then... "Jasper!"

Of course.

If it's not one brother it's the other.

Why? Just why?

I pull back and look at Bella.

We stare at each other with wide eyes for a while until we hear another moan and then burst out laughing as we make our way to our room.

We fall down on the bed and continue to chuckle and giggle. When our laughter dies down we just stare at the ceiling in comfortable silence.

After a few minutes Bella blurts out something that has me completely off guard and in disbelief and in complete shock that it takes me a long while to reply back.

"I'm a virgin!"

...and I don't think my answer was a very appropriate one.

I looked at her and laughed... loudly

You fucking idiot! my internal voice screamed at me.

When I looked back up at her my laughter stopped instantly. Her eyes were gleaming with unshed tears.

I think she was serious, Edward.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have just blurted that out the way I did."

Oh shit!

"Oh fuck." I gripped my hair. "Bella..."

"Maybe I should go..." She stood up from the bed.

"No!" I shouted as I jumped up off the bed. Scaring her in the process. "Shit! Sorry. What the fuck is wrong with me?" I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to sit on the bed. "I didn't mean to laugh sweetheart. It's just that you caught me off guard and I mean your just so beautiful...I would have thought that...well you know.

Especially, since now-a-days girls are losing their virginity at a young age. I...I...are you serious Bella?"

She nodded looking down. She was embarrassed.

Jesus! She's just making me love her more and more. The possessive man in me was extremely pleased that no man had ever touched her that way. I wanted to be the only one for her.

"Look at me, Bella." When her eyes met mine I smiled. "Don't be embarrassed, love. You should be proud of that." I pulled her onto my lap. "I don't want to sound like a cave-man, but I am very delighted that you are. I love that no man has ever touched you."

She blushed. "Really?"

I smiled and placed a soft kiss on each of her eyelids. "Yes. Really."

She encircled my waist in her arms and placed her head on my shoulder. With a sigh of contentment she said. "You're amazing, Edward."

"No, Bella. You're amazing. A truly amazing woman."

We stayed like that for a while. Just enjoying each others presence.

"So...is that why Rosalie and Alice call you a prude?"

Reviews are lovely.

So what did you guys think of this chapter? I know it wasn't as long as the other ones, but I wanted to at least post something.

What did you guys think of Breaking Dawn: Part 1?