Keiichi Maebara walked calmly down the road to meet his friends before heading to school. A warm breeze drifted through his brown hair he smiled. He couldn't remember any days like this in the city, a beautiful sunny day, the only noises were the sound of birds and cicadas chirping. Keiichi loved it here in Hinamizawa, in more ways than one.

Rena waved wildly at Keiichi, Keiichi returned the wave which made her smile broadly.

"Good morning Kei- kun. You are early today." Rena said stepping along side the boy.

"Morning Rena, my parents are going out of town so they woke me before they left." Keiichi said bringing his hands up behind his head. "If I'm early how long do you usually wait?"

"I just got here today. I usually wait ten minutes." Rena smiled.

"Good to hear. I might have kept walking if you weren't here."

"What!?! You wouldn't wait for me, you are mean Kei-kun." Rena panicked her face looking like a hurt child. "I'll tell Mi-chan on you. I'll tell."

Keiichi laughed at her antics which only made her blush making her face turn a deeper shade of red than her hair. "Of course I would wait I'm not a complete jerk."

Rena relaxed dis spite Keiichi's bad idea of a joke, he always enjoyed watching her. She always showed her emotions on her sleeve something Keiichi respected her for.

The pair walked down the path chuckling when a pair of arms wrapped around the pair pulling them together, a third head appeared between them. The green hair and green eyes alerted the pair of their culprit, Mion Sonozaki.

"Well isn't this a cute pair. Shame on you Keiichi hitting on poor little Rena." Mion smirked.

"Hey I haven't done anything!" Keiichi defend himself but was ignored as Mion turned to a blushing Rena.

"Good morning Mi-chan. You seem more energetic today than usual."

"Morning Rena. I have a game I want to try today but I will tell you more when we get to school." Mion smiled.

"What is it you can give us a hint." Rena begged only to have the older girl charge ahead.

"This old man isn't going to give much away on a surprise." Mion laughed.

"So you don't know the rules and are trying to make them up as the day passes." Keiichi said making the green haired girl blush.

"I don't know them entirely, but that never stopped us from having fun with games before." Mion gave Keiichi a playful nudge with her elbow. "Plus my english isn't great so I'm bound to get something wrong."

"So it is a foreign game." Rena piped up making Mion pale, earning a giggle from the red head.

"I said too much. I will meet you at school." Mion said charging ahead of the pair.

She heard them shout behind her. Turning her head see looked into the headlights of a van coming towards her, Mion froze mid step. Rena and Keiichi's shouts were drowned out by the screeching of tires.


Mion's body felt heavy like she was wearing clothes made of lead. Low voices echoed in her head, some sounded familiar but she couldn't place them to faces they all sounded depressing. A wet feeling suddenly crept along her fingers with a slight pressure, confusion ran through her mind forcing Mion to try to open her heavy eyelids.

"I think I saw her eye twitch." A small voice said, it was high pitched and girly. Satoko maybe.

"You are trying to pull our legs, Mion has been like this for a week." A deeper voice said. It was male it had to be Keiichi.

'I've been like this for a week. That is just great.' Mion thought struggling to open her eyes again. 'I have rested long enough to be two old men.'

"It moved again!" the voice I believe to be Satoko said happily.

"I saw it too." a soft sweet voice said. "Mion can you hear us?"

'How am I supposed to answer?' Mion thought for a few seconds before trying to squeeze her eyes shut.

"I'll take that as a answer. Nippah." the soft voice said getting a smile from Mion. "You were hit by a van. Keiichi and Rena brought you to the clinic."

"Onee-chan wake up, we need you to wake up." a voice whimpered, Mion frowned at the thought of Shion sitting beside her bed in tears.

"Uggg..... but I.... will have..... so many .... chores to... do." Mion said weakly making everyone in the room jump, her eyes crept open the brightness in the room almost made her close them tight.

"Onee-chan!" Shion draped her arms over her big sister in a hug, her eyes red from crying. "Don't ever worry me like that ever again."

Mion weakly lifted a arm and dropped it on Shion's back. "I didn't plan to worry anyone like this in the first place."

Looking through the room the smiles of her friends greeted her. Rika was at her right her head barely over the edge of the bed, Satoko and Keiichi stood at the foot of the bed, Shion was draped over her but a chair Mion could only guess she was sitting in was nearby. Suddenly it came to her, one of her friends was missing.

"Where is Rena?" Mion asked weakly, Keiichi scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"She blamed herself for you getting hit and is taking it very hard." He explained. "We tried to tell her it wasn't her fault but she wouldn't listen. Just saying that if she didn't say something about the game you wouldn't have ran off."

Mion frowned at the thought of one of her best friends depressed. "It was a accident."

"Well when you get out of here you can tell her." Shion said patting her sister lightly on the head. "Now that your up are you hungry?" Mion nodded with a smile.

"I'll go get Irie. He will know what you can eat." Satoko piped up raising a hand.

"I'll go help." Rika said following Satoko out the door.

Keiichi moved to where Rika stood and laid his hand on Mion's. A warm look in his eyes, Shion gave a sly smirk and stood up.

"I will excuse myself, I haven't left your side for a while and I need to pee. I'm so happy you are awake Onee-chan." Shion smiled and rushed out the door.

Mion smiled at her sisters exit but hen realized she was alone with Keiichi. A blush appeared on her cheeks getting a a hand to lay on her forehead making her jump slightly from his touch.

"Well your not running a fever. Why did you suddenly go all red." Keiichi said pulling his hand away.

Something within Mion wanted him to keep his hand there. Mion closed her eyes a small smile on her face, its so sweet that he cares so much for her.



"I want to tell you, I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life after the accident. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to hear you laugh or smile ever again."

"It is ok."

"No it isn't. I thought I saw someone I care for die in front of me." Keiichi clutched her hand tightly a tear was forming in his eye.

"Keiichi. You are not going to be able to get rid of be that easily, and I care for you too." Mion smiled getting a smile in return from Keiichi.

"When you get out of here I will treat you to anything from the Angel Mort." Keiichi said getting a nod from Mion.

"It's a date." Mion said getting Keiichi to blush lightly.