Disclaimer: I don't own digimon.

A/n: I randomly got the urge to write this story. I have no idea what it's about…. I'm not sure on the couples but it'll defiantly be Ken and someone... because this is written from Ken's point of view. Anyhow on with the story;

The thought never really occurred to me during the time I dated Yolei that it was in fact a boy that I was in love with irrefutably. Yolei, although sometimes needlessly angry and irrational, seemed to counter balance my quiet demeanor quite nicely. However, it was a few months after our two year anniversary that I noticed she herself seemed less into our relationship. For a while I worried and fretted trying to get her more involved. I myself, however, was in fact growing largely more attracted to my best friend, Daisuke. This didn't strike me as odd because it seemed as though it was normal for boys to feel this way. Take the two elder chosen children Taichi and Yamato for example, those two – both ridiculously handsome and charming- seemed to have found a solace in one another and – as far as I knew- were hitting it off quite nicely. It was shortly after my sudden realization that Yolei and I broke up over the fact we really didn't seem to match one another. Luckily we broke up on good terms and stayed friends, but after our break up it seemed as if everything else was falling apart.

"Damn it Taichi, I can't today I have something else to do, get over it and move on already!" Yamato seethed, hanging up his phone, he looked back at Ken who sat quietly trying to not look uncomfortable at the conversation- well half of it anyway- that had just taken place. It really wasn't his place to get involved and from the sounds of it, the two didn't need any help. "Sorry about that. Please continue, what's gotten you so upset lately, I know you broke up with Yolei and all but that was quite some time ago."

"Sorry to intrude like this Yamato but I figured you could help because of you and Tai" Ken said, fidgeting and playing with the hem of his shirt. He grew only worse when he saw the annoyed look cross Yamato's eyes. "You know this is kind of a bad time I can probably deal with-

"No, no, please go on I didn't get the crest of friendship for nothing, Tell me what's bugging you and I'll try to help." Yamato said, absentmindedly running his hand through his hair. Ken took a deep breath and started again, this time choosing not to look into the piercing blue eyes and instead spoke into the table he sat at.

"Well you see, shortly after Yolei and I broke up, I started to look at Daisuke in a new light, and really liked what I saw, but he's with Takeru, and it just really feels like I should do something to get Dai to pay attention to me, because I want him. On the other hand, I know that it's wrong to think that because Takeru's a really great guy and he and Dai go really well together so I'm choosing not to. I don't want to be the one to break it up- I really don't even want them to break up, but I feel if I'm near Dai I'll do something stupid and they will break up and it'll be my fault and they'll both hate each other and me." He fell silent and continued to stare at the table, refusing to look up. Yamato was silent for a long time; eventually however, he spoke softly;

"I'm not entirely sure why you came to me with this problem, and not someone who's rational like Izzy, but you came to me so I'm going to tell you what I think. First off, I'm not going to condemn you for how you feel, but I'm also not going to condone you and let you do as you wish. I do believe that it would be unwise for you to try and do anything to break Takeru and Daisuke up, but I feel you've figured that already. As for not doing anything stupid and accidentally breaking them up, I think the best way to avoid that is to sit the two of them down and tell them what you told me.

"That situation could go two ways however-just as a warning- either they will accept what you feel and the three of you can move on or it'll back fire and cause more trouble then you've already gotten into. I can't tell you for sure which way it'll go but I think its best for you to try at least." Ken nodded in agreement. He knew what Yamato was saying was good advice and he seriously planned on going through with what the blonde had said. Even if it back fired on him, he felt it was the right thing to do.

"Thank you Yamato, I owe you one. If you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to call or come over and talk to me. I'd be glad to help you out." Ken stood and walked to the door, waving goodbye one final time as he existed the apartment, hurrying back towards his house to decide exactly what he wanted to do about his current predicament.


About three weeks after Ken had talked to Yamato he had yet to confront Takeru and Daisuke. He could feel the tension raising between the three, instead of talking it through, all three boys handled the problem the same. They ignored it like it wasn't there just incase talking about it went wrong. However, on a cold and rainy Thursday, everything fell apart so to speak. Ken was sitting in his computer desk chair staring off into space. The new chosen children had gotten together and were currently out of things to do taking shelter from the rain at Ken's house – which had been the closest to where they were at the moment. He'd taken them all to his room ( it was a tight fit but they all made it somehow) and they'd played cards for about half an hour before Daisuke and Takeru began cheating by trading cards. Ken gave a slight look of annoyance and left the room promptly saying he had to use the rest room.

Once he came back however, the situation hadn't improved much, but he gritted his teeth and decided to put up with it. After all, it wasn't like Takeru and Dai weren't a good couple so there should be nothing wrong with what they were doing right?

"Hey Ken" Daisuke said breaking Ken's thoughts he open his eyes and came face to face wit muddy brown eyes, he let out a yelp and fell backwards out of his chair, landing on Hikari's feet. She then let out a small scream and scrambled out from underneath him. He mumbled sorry to her before standing up and moving farther away from Daisuke – all the while trying to keep it from looking like he was trying to get away.

"Yes Dai?" Ken asked facing the window trying to get the blush to drain from his face before a certain blonde haired boy saw it. If Ken would have been looking towards the group, he would have seen the look of pure hurt cross Daisuke's face and the hatred cross Takeru's.

"Never mind it wasn't important." Daisuke said, his voice falling to a whisper. However, where he failed his boyfriend seemed to take the reigns. Takeru stood up and stormed over to Ken. Grabbing him he forcefully asked to have a private conversation in the kitchen. The pair left the room which fell into an awkward silence.

Down in the kitchen Takeru currently sat staring the purple haired genius down. Shifting uncomfortably Ken finally decided to break the silence. "You said you wanted to talk?"

"What the hell is your problem? For the past three weeks you've been the biggest jerk I've ever seen you be to Daisuke- it's been worse then when you were the Kaiser- do you not approve of our relationship or something? Because-

"No it's not that its-

"Then what the hell is it?" Takeru spat angrily, shifting so that he was in Ken's eye sight forcing him to look at him when he spoke. "Do you suddenly hate Dai or something? Is it something he said? Hell is it something I said? What's the matter with you?" with every question Ken seemed to feel a small pelt of guilt, it grew and grew until he could no longer hold it in.

"I like Daisuke… a lot. I mean like, like and I've been trying not to do or say anything that would compromise the relationship you two are in because you guys seem to really like each other and I don't want to mess it up. Apparently I'm not very good at it. I'm sorry its just I've never had this problem before and I don't quite know how to deal with it." Ken looked down again. He could feel the anger drain away from the blonde but he still hesitated to look up into those eyes- the beautiful eyes just like his brother's – whoa where had that come from? He must have made a face as the thought had crossed his mind, because Takeru looked at him questioningly, but he shook his head. He had nothing else to say.

"I see." Takeru said at last. He didn't know how to respond to that statement. "I understand your problem there, just understand that I don't think Dai and I aren't going to break up any time soon. I'll tell you what, Dai and I will talk this over, and try and work it out so we don't put you into to many uncomfortable situations, and if we do break up, I promise I won't become mad if you decided to jump on the opportunity for Dai. I know he used to like you. He actually would come to me for advice on how to ask you out.

"It's kinda funny that you like him back though. So now that that's cleared up lets go have some fun." Takeru smiled at Ken who returned it. The two of them silently made their way back upstairs.

Before they got into the door however, Ken stopped Takeru. "Thank you. Really, thank you. I'm sorry it took me so long to admit this to you. But thank you for understanding and not hating me." Takeru only smiled and opened the door.

"What was that all about you two?" Dai asked, looking in between his boyfriend and his best friend.

"Nothing Dai, don't worry about it." Takeru said, sitting down onto the floor. He looked back at Ken and smiled. Ken hoped then that everything would be alright.


"Takeru told me you finally told him what was bugging you" Ken jumped slightly almost falling off the bench he'd been sitting on in the park; he hadn't heard Yamato approach him. "He's been complaining about you for weeks. He was kind of upset yesterday after I told him I'd known what your problem was all along."

"Yeah... I- wait, if he asked you why didn't you tell him?" Ken asked his head tilted slightly his hair glimmering in the evening sun. Yamato didn't answer for a moment, but only stared into the sunset as if thinking of a response that would be proper.

"It wasn't my place, I suppose. I just felt that I shouldn't become involved with this situation incase my own intentions got in the way." Yamato never looked away from the setting sun. The two stayed like that for almost ten minutes- Yamato standing staring at the sun, and Ken sitting looking at Yamato. Finally Ken plucked up the courage to ask his burning question.

"What intentions-"He wasn't able to finish his sentence however, because a horn blared across the peaceful park. Yamato looked up briefly then sighed.

"That'll be Taichi. It was nice talking to you Ken. Call me if you are ever interested." With that Yamato began walking away. Ken sat for a minute pondering what exactly was meant by that statement. Finding no answer he turned to ask Yamato, but the blonde head had already disappeared into the distance.


What Yamato had said to him stuck in his mind for nearly another month, until he could no longer take it, at which point he went to find the answer. He figured that if he went straight to the horses mouth on this one he' wouldn't get an answer. He'd get just another puzzling answer. The other problem was he hadn't seen head or tail of the blonde since that night in the park.

So he figured his best bet lay next to the horse, Taichi. And if all else failed he could just go ask Takeru. So that's why he was currently standing outside the brunette's door. He raised his hand to knock, only for it to be opened before he could. Said brunette then promptly walked out of the apartment and straight into Ken.

"Oh… Ken you are at my door." Taichi said dumbly, as he yawned widely, apparently he wasn't fully awake yet (despite the time currently being one forty two in the afternoon by Ken's watch.) "I was just going to get the mail, why don't you go inside and I'll be back in a jiffy." Before he could so much as agree, Ken was pushed in the house and the door was shut behind him. He sighed but sat on the couch in the living room waiting for the other boy to appear. After about three minutes to door opened and closed again.

Taichi appeared by the couch. "So, you said you had something to ask me about Yamato?" Tai prodded, sitting down in the chair across from Ken.

"Well the other day, Yamato helped me with a problem I'd been having, and when he went to leave he had said 'It was nice talking to you Ken. Call me if you are ever interested'. I don't know what he meant by that and it's been bugging me since he said it. I figured since the two of you were dating-"Tai burst out in laughter after this statement, Ken jumped slightly giving Tai a bewildered look.

"We're not dating." Tai said giving Ken a weird look. He laughed a little before adding; "I mean really Yamato and I? We're great friends and we are both gay, but us dating? We'd kill each other. We barley get along now and we're best friends. As for what he said to you. I'm afraid I can't be of any help. Come to think of it I haven't talked to him in almost a month." Ken sighed but stood nonetheless coming to Tai hadn't helped at all. He gracefully walked towards the door, muttering 'thanks' before shutting the door behind him.

Tai sat in silence for a while before muttering "I hope you know what you are doing Ishida."

A/n: I think I have a slight idea as to where this story is headed. I originally planned it to be a one-shot, but it kind of had the "first chapter ends here" vibe after that line… I don't know how many chapters will come of this, but what ever happens, happens. Please, Review and tell me what you think construction criticism & grammar correction is always welcome.