Author's Note: Just a little story I'm of now, I'm thinking it'll be four parts, but I don't have all four parts written yet, so I can't guarantee anything. The parts will all be short though.
Disclaimer: Don't own em...
It started out as a normal day in the halls of Sacred Heart for Bob Kelso. So far, he had avoided twelve patients, eaten four muffins, and said no to various requests from the minions working in his hospital seven times. Plus, Ted's spirit was already broken when Bob saw him, so he didn't have to do much to his lawyer to mess with him. Now, Ted had disappeared, presumably to the roof, where he went at least three times a day.
Harrison hadn't called in a week, which actually put Bob on edge. Normally Harrison called every few days, asking for some money or if the brown haired doctor had come out of the closet yet (Harrison had been eyeing Dr. Dorian since he saw a picture of him last year. Bob found it vaguely disturbing). Bob knew the call was coming, which is why he had already begun screening his calls—plus, Enid was trying to call him to ask about something...Bob didn't know what she wanted to ask, and he didn't want to know.
As Bob rounded the corner to go to the Nurses' Station, he noticed something odd: the door to the supply closet nearest to him was cracked open. Smirking, he made his way over there. Maybe Dr. Reid had a breakdown, he thought, getting ready to pounce. He hadn't gotten to take a shot at her in a while, and had some new insults he wanted to try out. He inched closer, ears open so he could hear if she was crying. It was always more fun when there were tears involved.
"Newbie, calm down." Wait—was that Perry? Bob frowned and stopped. What was going on in there?
"I am!" And Dr. Dorian was in there too? Did Perry beat him to a breakdown? Bob scowled. Damn Perry, stealing his fun! But usually Dr. Dorian was good at keeping his composure during work—it must have been one helluva breakdown then, Bob thought glumly. Too bad Perry got there first.
"Newbie, you're not. And we're not going back out there until you're calm enough to appear normal, got it Cindy?" Bob leaned closer, hoping Perry would mention the reason for the breakdown. At least then he could mention something about it later to Dr. Dorian, see if he could get him worked back up again.
"Girls names, great. Aren't we past that by now?" Now Bob was just confused. When had Perry stopped using girls names on his young protégé? And when had Dorian grown the balls needed to confront Perry?
"When we're not at the hospital, yes. But while we're here, we have to appear normal so no one suspects anything, remember?"
"I still don't understand why it would be such a bad thing for people to find out we're dating." At Dorian's words, Bob nearly dropped the chart he was holding. Perry and Dorian…dating? Did he hear wrong?
"Newbie, I told you, for right now it's better that no one knows."
"Why? Because you're ashamed of me?"
"No. Because right now, this only involves me and you. We don't need people judging us or questioning why we're dating. We'll tell people, we will, but let's get this thing started first." Well, damn. Harrison was right about Dorian after all. Who would have thought, with his yearly hook up with Dr. Reid and all the girls he parades around the hospital. Although, Bob mused, with the amount of time Dorian spends on his hair, and the comments he makes occasionally, it does make sense. Perry on the other hand, that was unexpected. What does Jordan have to say about that, Bob wondered.
"Yeah, Yeah, I know." Dorian muttered. Realizing Dorian's voice was getting closer to the door, Bob stepped back in the shadows, waiting for his moment. A second later, Dorian opened the door all the way and walked off, a slight scowl on his face. Bob waited.
A few moments later, Perry stepped out, trying to appear casual. Realizing his moment, Bob smirked and stepped forward, catching Perry off guard.
"Hello Perry."
His day just got a lot more fun.
Next part should be up soon! Let me know what you guys think.