Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Luna Lovegood sat in her room looking down at her stomach. Only two weeks ago had she lost a beautiful and precious thing.

Her virginity.


Luna had met a muggle man named Henry when she was studying at a muggle school in England. They had so much in common, including losing their mothers at young ages. They dated for four months and loved each other dearly. Luna never thought anything could be so perfect.

Then Henry told asked her to marry him. Of course she said yes. Luna told herself she would not lose her virginity until marriage, but Henry and her were engaged. What could go wrong?

Apparently, everything.

A week before the marriage, Luna caught Henry with one of their classmates in his bed, having sex. Luna stood in shock, not believing that the love of her life would do such a thing to her. Henry tried to say he was sorry, but Luna ran from him. She ran from everyone. She could feel her eyes stinging from the tears, her throat burned as she sobbed. Luna canceled the wedding and refused to talk to Henry. She packed her things and left the University, knowing she would never come back.


Luna was staying at the Burrow until she found a new home. She had lost everything. Her mother died when she was only nine years old. Her father, Xenophilius, died when she was with Henry. He had fallen ill after the war. Since the war, she had not seen her friends, and probably lost them as well. She also lost Henry. And with him, her virginity.

Luna was falling apart.

It had been one week since she caught Henry and Luna was still miserable. What did she do wrong?

Luna stopped caring, she had nothing left in life anyway.