RangeMan Reborn




Ranger stood holding Stephanie in his arms as they watched the Statue of Liberty recede from view. Together, hand in hand, they were conducted to their stateroom on the ocean liner. When they opened the door to the large suite-like room, they both gasped. It was covered in roses and orchids. When Stephanie began looking at the accompanying cards, she recognized only one of the names. Turning to Ranger with a quizzical look she asked, "Who are these people, Carlos?"

He raised his head and frowned. "I know them, but I don't understand why they did this." Pacing in deep thought with a look of escalating fury Ranger flipped open his cell phone. "I need Hector and Woody for backup ASAP. Put them on the chopper with all their gear. I'll advise the Captain and make arrangements for their stay; schedule around them until we get back!" As he closed his cell, he grabbed Stephanie's hand and pulled her from the room.

The open air on the deck was getting colder. It was mid-September after all. With his arms around his new wife Ranger apologized for the change in plans. "Babe, I'm so sorry but we're going to need bodyguards for our honeymoon. Those flowers were from Alexander Ramos, two New York mob bosses, one leader of a Colombian drug cartel, the new head of the Mexican cartel we fought on my last mission, and the CIA." Stephanie felt dizzy and her legs weakened as she tried to grasp what Carlos had just told her as he continued, "The names on the cards are aliases used by all of those people. They were addressed to aliases I have used when I dealt with them. In the case of the CIA, it was one of my code names."

Stephanie looked at him with tears in her eyes and whispered, "Why?"

"Babe, I've often told you I have a lot of enemies. Because of the media attention on our wedding, they now know of your importance in my life and where we are. The flowers are probably all bugged and there may be other devices or people on board. We need protection from them. Please go with me to see the Captain. I'm going to have to explain things fully to him." Taking his arm, Stephanie just nodded as they walked toward the bridge.

Stephanie looked up at Carlos realizing he was in "Ranger" mode now and asked, "Do you really believe Alexander Ramos means to harm us?"

Shaking his head, Ranger responded, "No, in his case my guess is he is trying to warn us. I need to look at his card more closely."

The Captain greeted Mr. and Mrs. Manoso and invited them to his cabin. When they were seated, Ranger began, "Captain, I cannot tell you how much it pains me to have to ask for your assistance, but we have a very serious situation to handle."

"Since I was twenty until yesterday I have been employed by the U.S. Government in various capacities in the Army, Army Rangers, Special Forces and Special Operations. Most of my latest assignments are classified. During my service I made several enemies, and due to the media exposure those enemies now know about Stephanie and our location. This is one of the reasons I selected this specific cruise for our honeymoon. When I investigated your company and this cruise, I learned that as this is a 'celebrity cruise' additional security would be on board.

"I own a security business; all of my employees are experienced with electronic surveillance, enforcement and personal security. Most of them served with me in the Rangers and beyond. We have asked two of them with the necessary equipment to meet this ship by helicopter as soon as possible.

"We were alerted to this problem by the large amount of flowers in our stateroom. The cards were addressed in such a way that I knew they were sent from some very bad people I have, shall we say, disappointed over the years. I suspect that the flowers are bugged; but I don't know if there are people or devices on board. For the safety of all concerned, we need to ascertain if there are and neutralize the threat. Can you help us by providing quarters for the two bodyguards and giving us clearance to search areas of the ship?"

The Captain blew out a breath and frowned at Ranger. "Mr. Manoso, we do a form of background check on our passengers through Interpol and U. S. Customs. Therefore, I know some of your history. Customs assured me that you have one of the highest security clearances the government provides. Based on that, I and my staff will certainly cooperate with you in every way. Let me check on cabin availability. I presume you would want your bodyguards as close to your stateroom as possible." As they rose from their seats, Ranger nodded and shook the Captain's hand.

"Sir, I appreciate your cooperation. I would ask, however, that this matter be kept in strictest confidence, divulging only what is absolutely necessary to your senior staff members. I would also appreciate being informed of who that might be." Handing the Captain his card, Ranger said to him, "This is my personal cell phone number. If I am not immediately available, please feel free to advise Mrs. Manoso of any new developments."

The captain called his first mate to get the information requested as Ranger turned away to answer his cell. Speaking softly for a few minutes and disconnecting, he turned to the captain asking, "Could you direct us to the helipad? My men are five minutes out." Nodding the captain ushered them out of his cabin and led the way.


Ranger, Stephanie and the captain arrived just as the helicopter prepared to land. When it did Tank, Lester, Hector and Woody exited and strode across the pad carrying cases and duffels. The captain took in some air and watched them wide-eyed. Stephanie patted his arm and said softly, "Captain, please don't be alarmed. These men are certainly intimidating; but I can assure you they are not only skilled professionals but very caring individuals once you get to know them."

The captain turned to Stephanie. "Mrs. Manoso…"

Immediately, Steph interrupted him with a smile. "Please call me Stephanie or Steph. I think we are going to be working together for a while."

"Stephanie, under those circumstances, my name is Captain Marc Thomas. Feel free to call me either Captain Marc or Captain Thomas. Unfortunately, while on board, the title 'captain' is necessary; on shore, though, Marc would be fine.

"I was wondering, Stephanie, how many of those men will be staying as bodyguards for you and Mr. Manoso?"

"Captain Thomas, it's my understanding that Hector, the shorter Hispanic man, and Woody, the tall blond man, are the ones who will be staying on board. Hector is a computer and electronics expert while Woody excels in explosives and surveillance. My husband is trying to cover all possibilities."

Ranger and his men approached the captain with Ranger performing the introductions. They repaired to the Officers' Mess to discuss the next steps.

Taking the floor, Ranger asked the captain if he was able to find facilities for his men. Captain Thomas said that there was a small stateroom down the hall from where he and his wife were staying. He also said that they would be provided anything they needed either from the kitchens or ship's stores. Just let their steward know.

"I want to thank you, Captain Thomas, for handling this so quickly. Now, Lester, go with Hector and Woody to our stateroom and check it for bugs of all types and explosives. My gut tells me you will probably find both. Tank, I need you and the captain to go over the passenger manifests. If anyone is on board, and I suspect they are, the assumed name and description are going to have to be checked. Captain, do you take fingerprints when the passengers register for the cruise? I know you didn't with me."

"No, Mr. Manoso…"

"Please call me Ranger. I think we need to collect them. You might want to tell the passengers that it is a new security measure required by your home office. You might also tell that the men in black uniforms are from a security firm hired for that purpose. Would that work?"

"Yes, Ranger, I think so, but most of the passengers on this cruise you will recognize by sight. Since they are well known they may have experienced the extensive security you propose, although I suspect you may meet with some ego issues. Also, I will need to contact my company's president and let him know what's going on."

"Captain, do you have a secure satellite phone for that purpose"?

"Yes, I do. Do you have someone the president can contact regarding your bona fides?"

"Here is the number where he can get any information he requires – that is not classified.

"Now, sir, my bride and I are on our honeymoon. Is there somewhere we can have some privacy?"

Grinning, the captain escorted them to the Imperial Suite placing a security guard outside the door. He wished them well and handed them a menu saying, "Please order anything you wish. When you're available, I would like to invite you both to dine at my table. I look forward to seeing the lovely Stephanie in the Dining Salon as often as possible."

As the door closed behind the captain, Ranger called Tank to let him know where they were located, listened to his report, and told him they were offline until he and Lester left the ship. Then, smiling at his new wife, he pulled her into his arms for a deep, loving kiss.

Stephanie tangled her fingers in his hair removing the leather tie from his ponytail. Quietly she spoke. "Mr. Manoso?"

Carlos responded just as softly, "Mrs. Manoso, are you okay with this? I'm can't tell you how sorry I am that all this has happened."

Stephanie smiled up at him looking into his dark eyes. "Carlos, I'm not 'okay' that some damn bastards want to put us through all of this…something we have both wanted for so long. I am 'okay' that you are mine and I am yours officially. Together and with our friends we will punish them for what they've done. I want to punish them so severely and publicly that no one ever again dares to hurt us, our friends or our family." With a flirtatious grin she asked, "Now, can we get on with the 'family' part. I think we're terribly overdressed. Don't you?"

Almost before Stephanie finished speaking their clothes vanished. Carlos lifted her into his arms and gently placed her on the bed. He kissed every inch of her body then sitting in a lotus position he pulled her onto his lap. Stephanie wrapped her legs around his waist as he raised her then entered her with great tenderness. They began to rock in slow, ancient rhythms. Kissing and murmuring, the couple reached shuddering heights of passion. Still joined they relaxed into each other caressing their bodies and whispering their desires.

Just then Ranger's cell rang. Both Carlos and Stephanie glared at the phone and said, "Well, shit!"


"Report," Ranger growled into the phone. He put it on speaker while he and Stephanie disengaged and dressed themselves.

"Sorry for the interruption, Boss, but Lester and I are going to have to get gone ASAP. There was an attempted robbery at Barton's Jewelers. On top of that we're losing the light for the return flight."

"Explain what we know, Tank."

"Yes, sir, every flower arrangement with the exception of Ramos' and the CIA's were bugged. One C4 frag bomb was found in the cabin. It's been disarmed. We're checking the exterior walls, stairwells and your luggage now. Sylvio is running searches on the passenger manifests as fast as he can. He's also running the crew and staff members. We sure wish Bombshell was back there to help out. We need her instincts on this."

Stephanie motioned to Ranger that she was okay with helping. He raised his eyebrows at her and mouthed "Are you sure?" She nodded in response.

Ranger turned back to the phone. "Tank, Steph and I promised each other that we wouldn't work while we were on our honeymoon; but I guess we have no choice. She says she is willing to help Sylvio with the searches so get two laptops with secure satellite uplinks out to us. Tell Sylvio to assign whoever he needs to help him, but they have to have the necessary clearance. I don't want this discussed in the office common areas, outside the office or with anyone other than the core team. Just a minute, Tank, Steph has something to say. Go ahead, Babe."

"I know he doesn't have clearance, but maybe we could start the process on Randy Briggs. He would be a good addition to the company and you know his computer skills are second to none. Until he is cleared maybe he could sign a confidentiality agreement or something. What do you think?"

"That's a great idea, Babe. Do you think he would go for it?"

"He might, Carlos. If you can give me some idea of what you would offer him, I can give him a call and ask."

"Tank, check with Sylvio but I'm thinking $60,000 to start including an apartment on four with the usual benefits. He's going to need some training, which can be adapted to his physical condition. Call me back quick with Sylvio's input so Steph can call him."

Steph shook her head and thought, 'Damn, I hope he likes black!'

Ranger chuckled, "Me, too, Babe." She could hear Tank snickering on the telephone.

Sighing and looking at her husband she asked in a disgusted voice, "Crap, I said that out loud, didn't I?"


"Carlos, what is a celebrity cruise?"

"Babe, some ships only carry well known celebrities to a single destination. This ship is going to Nice in the south of France."

Stephanie squealed, "We're going to France!?"

Carlos opened his arms. "Yeah, Babe, sit and I'll tell you all about it. I wanted a leisurely honeymoon so a short cruise to Europe was my first thought. I've always wanted to take you to Italy because of your heritage. While doing research I found this cruise to Nice so I leased a villa in Provence and one in Tuscany. Are you familiar with these areas?"

"Well, isn't Provence known for lavender and wine and Tuscany for olives and wine? Isn't Nice on the Mediterranean?"

"Absolutely, brochures with maps and pictures of all three areas as well as the villas where we'll be staying are in my luggage. I leased a car so we can explore some of the spots we're interested in; I know how you love to explore." Carlos looked at his wife, his eyes twinkling in merriment.

Stephanie grinned at her new husband and began to count on her fingers. "So, basically, we are on a secure ship traveling with celebrities heading for the south of France where we'll stay in big houses enjoying olives, lavender and lots of wine." With the mention of food her stomach began to rumble.

Reaching for the menu, Ranger shook his head, chuckling. "Got it in one, Babe. Now, how about we feed the beast. Do you want to go out or stay in?"

"Stay in. There are still so many things I want to do to you." With a sly smile she whispered, "Be sure and order lots of dessert with whipped cream."

Ranger shifted uncomfortably beneath her, nipped her ear lobe while murmuring, "Your wish is my command, mi esposa."

Stephanie replied, "While we are on this honeymoon, mi esposo, I want you to teach me Spanish so I can understand what you say to me in bed."

"Again, you're wish is my…dammit!" Ranger's cell started ringing. Flipping it open he growled, "Talk." Stephanie could barely hear Tank's voice.

"Rangeman, maybe after this is all over you and Bombshell can take a real honeymoon. Anyway, I talked to Sylvio who agreed with your offer to Briggs, but he suggested that you review his progress in thirty days and, if warranted, raise him to $75,000. Also, Sylvio said after he got the manifests he concentrated his searches on the crew, staff and security personnel. There's this Spaniard the CIA identified as a high level assassin with a ninety percent kill rate. He's known by the name 'Humo." You know him?"

"Yeah, 'Humo' means 'smoke' in English. He's called that because he's able to assume different disguises and access almost anywhere unseen. He doesn't like me much since I'm the one who caused the ten percent failure rate. What name is he traveling under?"

"The name on the security personnel list is Pedro Canto. Boss, doesn't 'canto' mean sing?"

"Yes, he sings after he kills. Look, Tank, he's a crazy, dangerous bastard with allies everywhere. Get back to the Agency and have them send the latest data on him to the laptop you're sending me. Also, see if they have any hard intel on a suspected target. I'll also need a list of his known employers."

"Okay, Boss, Woody already has some additional armament for you and Stephanie, including the new vests. Watch your backs; this guy sounds seriously off. We'll get this stuff to you as soon as we can, probably by a Navy cruiser. The Agency wants you to have whatever you need, especially now that they know who some of the other passengers are. Damn, it's a 'Who's Who in the entertainment world' list. The General agreed and expedited the cruiser."

"I appreciate it, Tank. We're going to keep our heads down in this suite for a while. Also, I'll call Woody to find out the name of the security guard the captain just posted at our door. I'll update Hector and Woody."

Disconnecting and hitting speed dial, Ranger told Woody to grab Hector and come to their stateroom ASAP, check out the name tag on the guard posted outside their door and not to alert him in any way. Stephanie stared at him with wide, fearful eyes.

"Babe, while Hector is here could you do your makeup magic on his tattoo? I don't need him to scare the natives right now."

"Sure, Carlos, do you think we're in so much danger that Woody and Hector should be closer to us or in our stateroom?" Stephanie was really worried and biting her lip.

Walking to her and taking her in his arms he murmured, "Take it easy, querida, let's wait and see what Hector and Woody have to report when they get here. They will be bringing us more weapons and vests that are thinner and stronger. We will need to wear them when we walk around the ship. Tank said that the materiel he's sending will come by Navy cruiser in a few hours."

Hearing a knock on the door Ranger walked over to it with his hand moving to the gun at the small of his back. He opened it and standing in the doorway was a man in a security guard uniform. He could hear Stephanie saying under her breath, "Oh, dear God, please don't let it be him."