Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the world of Harry Potter or Twilight. They both belong to JK Rowling and Stephanie Meyer, respectably.
Chapter 16 - Move Along
So a day when you lost yourself completely
Could be the night when your life ends
A full week. It's been a full week since Harry found me. If I wasn't by Harry's side, it was Emmett. He was intrigued by magic. He loved watching Harry perform magic and Harry, in turn, loved when Emmett showed him how strong vampires really were. There were a few days where I found Emmett lifting trees from the ground and throwing them as far as he could. The challenge for Harry was to use his magic to stop the tree and return it back to its place.
Emmett was currently is awe of his Patronus.
"Dude that's awesome!" Emmett exclaimed as a wispy stag ran past him, "Were you able to do that, Hermy?"
I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "Of course! Harry was a good teacher." I smiled, "And don't call me that anymore, Emmett. I'm still a newborn; therefore, I am still stronger than you."
He scoffed.
"Harry taught you?" Jasper asked, sitting on a tree branch above me, "Was yours a stag, too?"
I shook my head, "Mine was an otter!" I beamed, "In our fifth year, we had this awful Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She refused to teach us defensive spells claiming that a sufficient practical knowledge was enough. Long story short, Harry, Ron, and I created a secret club, with Harry as our teacher. The Patronus was one of the last things he taught us before we were… disbanded."
"You got caught." Emmett said, smirking
"Not without consequence." Harry answered, rubbing his left hand reflexively
"What happened?" Jasper asked, noticing his motion
Emmett walked closer to Harry, lightly grabbing hold of his left hand which revealed a scar.
Jasper jumped from his tree branch and landed softly in front of Harry and Emmett. "'I must not tell lies.' What does that mean?"
I let out a very unladylike snort. "Just a reminder of the type of horrible troll."
Jasper glanced at him. "You had this scar, too?" He asked, inspecting my own left hand
"Yes." I answered, pulling my hand away from him, "But due to my new vampire status, the scar disappeared. Not that I would have minded if it was still there." I added holding my hand close to my chest, while my right hand rubbed it gently, "It was a reminder of the small rebellion we created to fight the 'greater good'. I was proud to wear that scar, despite what it said. Same with my mudblood scar."
"Hermione." Harry admonished
"Mudblood?" Emmett questioned
I sighed. "It's a derogatory term for a muggleborn, which is what I was when I entered the wizarding world, as you know. My parents were not magical. I first heard that word in my second year. It means dirty blood."
Emmett's usual gleeful faced turned serious. "Someone called you that?"
"I was very young. I didn't even know what it meant until Ron told me. I did take offense to it, but as I got older, I realized they were wrong and I stopped believing it."
"Who was it?" Jasper asked
"Who called you mudblood?"
"Does it matter?"
"Of course, it does."
"Who was it, Hermione?" He asked, ignoring my question while taking hold of my left hand again. He turned my hand over to reveal my palm before gently placing his hand over where I remember my scar being.
I looked at him. He had a fire in his eyes that I couldn't explain. "I tell you, then what happens?"
"I just want to know who hurt you." He answered gently
I paused. That wasn't the answer I was expecting. Although, I wasn't sure what I expected him to say, the sincerity in his voice made me weak.
"His name was Draco Malfoy." I told him softly, "He was a bully and mean. But he was also just a product of what his father raised. He didn't know any better."
"His father was one of Voldemort's right-hand men." Harry continued, "At some point, he fell out of favor with him and used Draco as a means to get to me. We were captured at one point and brought back to their house. Thanks to Hermione's stinging jinx, which disfigured my face, I wasn't identifiable which is why Malfoy was brought in. Since we went to school together, Bellatrix, his aunt, and Malfoy's dad thought he would be able to know if I was really Harry Potter. But for some unknown reason, he said he didn't recognize me. I know he did, though. He probably saved our lives then."
"Why did he do that? Pretend he didn't know who you were."
Harry shrugged. "I dunno."
"Malfoy isn't the type of person you just have a conversation with. Despite saving our lives that night, he's still a dick." I answered bluntly, "We were at his trial. Harry probably saved his life just as much as he saved ours that night."
"Hermione, I didn't know you had such a potty mouth on you." Emmett told me
I smirked, "You must me rubbing off on me, then. Besides, I am British… it's sort of what we do."
"And the scar?" Jasper inquired, as his palm still covered my phantom scar
"What about it?"
"How did you get it, darlin'?"
I paused. The scar didn't bother me, but remembering that night was always difficult for me. Remember the pain, the fire that flowed through my veins as Bellatrix carved that word into my flesh was something that I'll never forget.
I glanced at Harry, who gave me a supportive nod. "When we were captured, Bellatrix knew we had been in her vault because we had something that was supposed to have been hidden there. She hated mudbloods and used me as her personal torture device."
"Hermione…" Emmett began softly, "How come you didn't tell us?"
"It's not one of my favorite memories."
Jasper's grip on my arm tightened. It wasn't painful, but I knew my story affected him, "Jasper, are you alright?" I asked, placing my own hand on top of his.
"What happened to Bellatrix?"
"She died." I told him, "Not by my hands, unfortunately. Mrs. Weasley is fierce when she wants to be."
"Good. I hate that you were hurt at the hands of someone else. If she wasn't dead, I'd probably be paying her a visit as we speak."
"I don't need your protection, Jasper."
"It's not about protection. I know you're more than capable of protecting yourself, Hermione. I just hate knowing that there's a person out there who hurt you and didn't get what she deserved for hurting my ma- for hurting you."
"Right." I answered, not fully trusting his answer. "Well, I guess the possessive and protective nature of vampires is something I'll have to get used to."
"Yup! You're stuck with us, Hermione!" Emmett exclaimed, slinging his arm around my shoulders, "Lets head back. I'm sure Esme has Harry's lunch ready by now. Jas, you're good with with bringing Harry back, right? Great. I'm ready for another race with my newborn sister."
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold, your hands are mine to hold...
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
AN: Ok, not the best chapter. It ended abruptly and is rather short, in my opinion; but it's an update nonetheless. This isn't what I had planned for this chapter, but these characters have a mind of their own. I hope to get back on track in future chapters. Also hoping they turn out better than this!