To See Again

A Sequel to "Without Sight"

Chapter One

Finding out that it was the former Demon Queen who did the trick did little to calm Wolfram. Of course the Prince spat something vile and called on the elements with the maids in mind. He was not after total annihilation. He just wanted to singe their frilly skirts for making him worried.

On the other hand, Yuuri--being the young king that he was--blushed like a true teenager, scratching the back of his head. He said that he didn't mind the small adventure, and was in fact grateful. It scared the hell out of him, he openly admitted, but it was also a hell worth going through to have Wolfram the first face he saw when he regained his sight. He promised to himself that now that he was able to see again, every thing he sees would be given due attention. And, he would look at his fiance more closely now.

But fire and water never were the same. The opposites collide too often in the castle. But with fire and water, there was also steam. And that was the best part.

"Wolfram, stop that now." Yuuri said gently as if he was handling a small child having tantrums. "No one got seriously hurt."

"I thought you were!" Wolfram screamed back, his concentration on the elements wavered slightly.

The momentaily flustered maids sighed like fan girls but didn't dare move an inch.

Yuuri's heart warmed and he walked to the blond with a determined look in his face. But Wolfram's back was to him so the feisty boy didn't see his intentions.

The king laid his hand on one of Wolfram's shoulder. "It's okay now, Wolfram."

The blond hesitantly retreated his powers and placed his hands on his sides. But he didn't step away. Yuuri then moved to stand in front of the other boy, who could not look at him.

The double black boy stared at his face until he blushed. "What are you looking at, Yuuri?"

Yuuri simply hugged him, "Thank you." When he pulled away, he kissed the blond quickly and smiled like a little boy.

Wolfram felt clouds float around him. This must be the heaven part other lovers were saying.

But the maids squealed with delight, taking him from his reverie. He glared at them and they ran for cover.

Yuuri chuckled softly, "Wolfram, you're just too cute."


"Ah. But you love this wimp."

Wolfram blushed to his ears and looked away.


There was a lot of things you don't talk about over dinner. Cecille asked something that falls over that category. It was unheard off. Not only was it something you don't exactly talk about over dinner, it was not something pleasant to have your mother initiate the conversation.

"So, your Majesty, will you be intimate with my son soon?"

The sliced meat almost choked Yuuri to death as he forced himself to remain calm. His nose could have bled from the sudden image that came into mind. He let go of the spork and grabbed his glass. He drank it all before he allowed himself to think. "Cecille"

"Oh, please. Call me mother."

"Uh, I don't think--"

"It's totally fine, you know. Being intimate with the one you love--"

"Mother!" All her three sons exclaimed in a warning tone.

"What? It wasn't as if you three came out of nowhere."

"Mother, please."

"You know, Yuuri, my son is actually shy about his--"

Wolfram pushed against the table, his chair screeching as he stood. He threw the napkin on the table. "Mother, there are boundaries to what you can say."

Shocked by his son's reactions, she conceded. "I'm sorry."

He acknowledged that with a nod, "I lost my appetite." He immediately walked out of the room. Yuuri sighed and followed suit.

Seeing those left on the table, Conrad cleared his throat. "We just talked about this, Mother."

"What in the world are you talking about, Conrad?" She smiled so innocently that anyone could say that she was up to something.

"Mother." Gwendal cut in with a warning tone. His own soldiers would have stiffen with fear. But this was his mother.

"Oh, don't worry. I already had the maids bring them food in their room in case they get hungry."

"Mother!" Both sons exclaimed.

"Grow up, you two! Wolfram has!" Then she recalled his recent behavior, looking at the door he stepped out of. "He's just a little shy sometimes."


"Wolfram. Come on. It's okay." Yuuri said, walking behind the blond. He thought that he would throw another tantrum back at the table when the former Demon Queen spoke out of hand. But the blond retreating away was a reaction he didn't expect to see. He thought he might blow up the fireplace or melt the candles, or even boil the water in his glass.

"No, it's not okay! Don't you know how embarrassed I was?" Of course having your sex life--or lack of--talked about over dinner with your family could never be a clean picture.

"I could only imagine. But I don't think you had to act like that." Yuuri replied calmly.

"If your mother--"

"But my mother didn't."

"But if she did--"

Yuuri pulled his arm back and silenced him with a kiss. Wolfram sighed into him. When they pulled away, Wolfram blushed and looked anywhere but at Yuuri. The double black boy tipped his chin so that they would be face to face. "You should never be embarrassed by what we have between us."

"That's my line." Wolfram mumbled, his blush darkening.

"I know."

"Wimp." He tried to look angry and annoyed, but he failed in containing the blush that stained his cheeks.

Yuuri just had to kiss him. But he didn't pull away. No. He pushed Wolfram against the wall and deepened the kiss. His knee went between Wolfram's and he pushed his body into the other.

Wolfram groaned out of instinct, pushing his body in return. His arms wrapped around the king and held tight. The storm was just around the corner, his nether regions reacting. "Yuuri." He managed to whisper just before his lips no longer felt like his.

Yuuri pushed further, pressing the other boy against wall tighter. He tried different angles and sensations. The pleasure rose and fell, renewed with every breath and brush of fingers.

Wolfram's hands glided to the other boys scalp. He roughly ran his hands there.

Yuuri actually growled.

"Wait." Wolfram pulled back suddenly. When he looked at Yuuri, he say lust there and he already regretted what he was about to do. The look of Yuuri's face triggered his lust, but he could still taste a little bit of fear in his mouth.

"What?" Yuuri asked when Wolfram simply stared at him.

"I don't think I could have stopped."

Yuuri smirked, "Then let's continue." He was leaning in to take those lips again when Wolfram looked away.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"I'm kissing you." Yuuri said smoothly.

"That's it?"

"Do you want more?"

"Do you?"

It was then that Yuuri felt his entire being. What was he doing? Acting like a smooth gigolo around the blond? His lips felt bruised. His breathing was heavy. His heart felt like it was palpitating. His upper lip was sweating a little. His hands were hot as it held onto Wolfram's upper arms. His hips pressed intimately against the other. The scent of arousal was around him. He could smell it.

He gently pulled away. "Well, I--"


"I kind of want to." He spoke, 'Little Yuuri' still anticipating. "But I don't--" He stopped abruptly.

"You don't?"

"I don't." He blushed profusely. He realized that recently, his hormones had been taking the lead. There were times, he admitted, that he even didn't feel like his usual self. When he looked at Wolfram, his hormones go at top speed. Ah, he's a true teenager.

"You don't what?"

"I don't know how." There. He said it. Then realizing the gravity of what he said, he tried to justify himself. "I don't know how to do it. I mean, with a guy. A girl's fine--" Wolfram's eyes sharpened. "Not that I have. I do know how. But I have never--"

Wolfram smiled and pressed his palm against Yuuri to stop his rambling. "You and I both." Then he laughed until small tears appeared at the corner of his eyes. It was just like Yuuri to ramble on after he has done what he though he could never do.

Yuuri sighed. "Aren't we a pair?" He chuckled softly and leaned his forehead against the other.

Wolfram nodded. "So what are we going to do?"

"Hm?" Yuuri pulled back. "Do we ask someone?"

"I don't think it's such a good idea. A least don't ask anyone we know."

Yuuri stepped away and paced a few steps. Wolfram thought that Yuuri was slipping into his "Detective Mode" again.

"Aha! The internet?" He looked at Wolfram in a snap.

"Who's internet? Some girl?"

"No. Back on Earth, the internet is like a library for all forms of information. We can easily access that at home."

"You have that huge library in your small house?"

"No. Come with me and I'll show you."




Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this first segment of the sequel. The rating is M because I'm taking things to the next level. ^__^ I guess, after the previous story, I've been curious about how they were going to confront the things between them. Thanks for reading! Please do leave a review! ^__^