Hello! I know, I know...I have not been on for a very long time, but I've been itching to try writing a fic after TLO. If i'm not on for around 4 weeks, it's because of school...like tomorrow how I'm going to dissect a frog for 5th period...one word EW.

So here is my fic, hope you enjoy...that makes two of us :]

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO series or anything that has been copyrighted or blah...if I use songs..they are not mine. Only things that are mine are most of the ideas ADDED on and...cookies...yeeeeaahh, cookies...hehe.

"Wouldn't be Camp Half-Blood if it was peaceful," I said.

"I guess you're right...Or maybe the prophecy won't happen for years."

"Could be a problem for another generation of demigods," I agreed. "Then we can kick back and enjoy."

She nodded, though she still seemed uneasy. I didn't blame her, but it was hard to feel too upset on a nice day, with her next to me, knowing that I wasn't really saying good-bye. We had lots of time.

"Race you to the road?" I said.

"You are so going to lose." She took of down Half-Blood Hill and I sprinted after her.

For once, I didn't look back.

Forever Young
Chapter 1: Get Back

As my mother drove through the countryside of northern Long Island, I took the peaceful time to remember everything that had happened to me these past summers.

First summer: I didn't know what the heck was going on. I was accused of stealing Zeus' master Lightning bolt. Safely returned.

Second summer: I was still pretty much getting used to my life as a half-blood. Went on a trip to save Grover from Polyphemus' Island. Brought back Golden Fleece. Restored camp's borders and brought Thalia back to life.

Third summer (well actually, Winter if you may): Came with the Hunters of Artemis. Went on a quest to save Annabeth and Artemis. Was not voted to die (thank the gods). Danced with Annabeth.

Fourth summer: Went into the Labyrinth. Got a kiss for luck from Annabeth. Landed on Calypso's Island. Found Daedalus and Pan. Witnessed Kronos using Luke's body as a host. Made it back to camp in one piece. Fought in a battle.

Fifth summer: Blew up Princess Andromeda. Devised battle plan for final war. Ended up on Olympus. Luke and Kronos (not technically), died. Rewarded by the gods. Got together with Annabeth. Received new big prophecy from our new Oracle of Delphi, Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

So basically, the past few years have been frightening, overwhelming, exciting, and dramatic. Great way to remember it.

We made it to the base of Half-Blood Hill. This was my stop. I grabbed my bag, and my iPod that had been left on the floor, and jumped out of the open car roof. I looked up at Thalia's Pine Tree and took a deep breath. Home. I missed this place. I missed the Big House, the dining pavilion, the cabins, the forest, the lake, Chiron, Grover, Mr. D even...Clarisse, Tyson, Rachel, Nico, and Annabeth.

Just the very thought of her brought a smile to my face. She always brought happiness to my very being. I missed her more than anyone...even though we talk like everyday and we live close by each other and we just hung-out like yesterday, but still.

I began my trek up the hill, while waving to my mother as she started to drive away. Peleus, the guard dragon of Thalia's Tree and the Gloden Fleece, wagged his tail as I passed by and gave him a little scratch behind his ear. I was now at the very top of the hill, overlooking all of Camp Half-Blood. It looked even bigger than before all the damage, which was pretty awesome to say the least.

As I walked down, I heard someone calling my name.


I looked up and saw Nico racing forward to meet me. As soon as he said my name, I kind of knew things were going to get hectic. Not to brag but, when you helped save the Olympians from Kronos, news like that travels veryquickly. The campers outside of the cabins, walking around and what not, looked up almost mechanically. There were old campers and a whole bunch of new campers. All the noises in ear shot practically faded away. It was about 2 minutes of silence, excluding Nico's panting next to me. Then you could really hear the click in their heads.


Oh gods. I really wanted to get to my cabin unnoticed. Might as well make a run for it now. I grabbed Nico by his black camp shirt and dragged him with me as I ran the way to my cabin. Most of the campers were already heading towards me, some jogging, a couple fast walking, others running. But before they could corner me, I sprinted into Cabin Three, Nico stumbling along, and shut the door.

My headache kind of got worse, which is why I stopped writing...sorry! :] All for a good cause.
You know that feeling you get when you write a story, and you want to keep writing, but you know that you should leave that for the next chapter?
Yeah well, that was a feeling I had too.

So, did you like it, hate it, love it, approve of it in some way, disapprove?

Well I love reviews. I know people love good reviews but I LOVE hard critques and reviews...lets me know what I'm doing wrong, or not doing at all, or gives me a new perspective to look at the story and different methods and styles and emotions and thoughts and etc....Though don't let that stop you from a happy comment :D

Ex's and Oh's
