Eternal Promise

Chapter One: Portrait Dueling

That day at the King's Cross station would probably be the happiest day in Hermione Grangers' life. She was well on her way to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry for her seventh year; her final year at the magical institution.

'This year is going to be great,' she thought, as she pushed her trolley towards the barrier and waved goodbye to her parents. Hermione was evidently happy this day; she was awarded the honorable position of head girl and with it, a whole lot of wonderful possibilities. She was delighted to be one of the Gryffindor prefects two years ago and Hermione really hoped to get the position this year.

"Harry, Ron" Hermione called through the crowd as she spotted her two friends.

"Hey, Herm" came Ron's voice, it seemed a lot deeper than before as she noticed.

"Hey Ron, Harry"

"Oh, Hi Hermione" said Harry glumly.

"How was your summer dear?" asked Mrs. Weasley as she leaned down to give Hermione a tight hug.

"Fine, ow" she whispered.

"Oh sorry dear, you better get on to the train Ginny's following quickly with Percy and Arthur, I'll have them haul your trunks over to the baggage compartment" said Mrs. Weasley with a cheery smile. Hermione sent Mrs. Weasley a sweet smile and with that, they hurried on and boarded the Hogwarts express.

"So Mione, what DID you do this summer," inquired an expectant Ron as they got on to the train.

"Actually, we went to Belgium this summer. It was great, Germany is a very beautiful and industrious country, I got many treats for you and their over in my trunk I'll give them to you at school. How bout you Ron, what did you do this summer?"

"Well we watched the Quidditch championships at Ireland, like you, it was also great right Harry?"


"What's wrong Harry, you haven't said a word" asked Hermione worriedly

Harry looked over behind him before answering Hermione, "It's just that my scar's been hurting me all summer and I guess its bothering me just as well"

"Oh, my god." Hermione exclaimed as she clasped her hands over her mouth. "You don't think-"

"Why didn't you tell me that?" said Ron

"I didn't want your mother worrying, and besides, Voldemort couldn't have been at Ireland, could he?"

"Don't say the name,"

"Shut up Ron, anyway Harry we have to do something about this."

"I know Hermione, since he hasn't tried anything in two years I figure this is going to be bad" said Harry as they walked in to a compartment.

"This one's good, no one in it" said Ron. "I'd better go get Ginny"

"Yeah, hurry Ron I think the train's gonna leave soon!" called Hermione through the hall of the train as Ron hurried off to get his sister. Just then Hermione heard a crash coming from behind her. She immediately pounced around to find Harry who crashed down on to the floor of the compartment clutching his scar.

"HARRY, Oh my god! What's wrong?" Hermione rushed over to her friend to help him up.

"My.My scar, Its hurting again," Harry divulged.

"Oh my, RON!"

As if on cue, Ron appeared at the door of the compartment with Ginny behind him.

"Wha-, Oh my God what happened to Harry," Ron rushed over to their side as Ginny stood behind them with a terrified look on her face. Harry then, suddenly regained compulsure and stood up quickly.

"What happened Harry?" asked Ron.

"I.I don't know, First thing my scar was burning more than ever and then the pain just. disappeared" he said apparently not getting over the shock yet. Hermione motioned for him to sit down and they all did.

"You think Voldemort's on this train?" asked Ron.

"Couldn't be Ron, don't you-"

"Ever read Hogwarts A History?" finished Ron "Hermione, this is one of those situations where anything is possible and so will you please get rid of your book worm image for once,"

"Stop it you two, If you kill each other, how am I supposed to fight Voldemort all by myself, and besides; Ron's right, anything is possible." said Harry as he cut between the two.

"Sorry Harry. Ok, right anything IS possible, so we have to get to Dumbledore when we get to Hogwarts. said Hermione sending a somewhat disappointed look to Ron.

"Hermione, let me remind you that you are Head girl this year and you have to attend the ceremony," said Ginny finally speaking "Wait a minute, who's head boy anyway?" she continued.

"Crap," she muttered as the slapped her palm to her forehead.

"WHAT?" said Harry, Ron and Ginny simultaneously.

"Malfoy, he's head boy." Hermione said glumly.

"YOU MEAN, your GOING to HAVE to WORK with that egotistical GIT all year?!" excalaimed Ron.

"I guess so, I don't know how the hell he got the position, come to think of it"

"Maybe it was enough of his father to suck off Snape to make him Head boy" said Ron

"That's not a very nice thing to say Ron,"

"Oh no, Hermione, you are NOT sticking up for Malfoy"

"Of course not Ron! I was just thinking that you could brush up on your manners since we should now be mature"

"Fine Hermione,"

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP," screamed Ginny "EhUm, Thank you"

"Now, can we get back to talking to Dumbledore," said Harry.

"Of course, now since I can't obviously make it, I'll just have to tell him right after the ceremony; I believe there's will be a conference with the head boy and girl." Hermione trailed off and spotted Ron's look of disapproval, ". um, Ok, and I'll just tell him and you can go talk to him right after."

"Fine with me, Ron?"

Ron looked at Hermione suspiciously and then abruptly nodded his head.

The train ride was rather silent, they were all too worried of the known trouble coming their way. Actually, Hermione was more worried about the conversation trailing back to Draco Malfoy and Ron not thinking so happily about it. 'I wonder why Ron is being so over protective?' Hermione thought to herself. Her thoughts trailed off to the possibility that Ron might have feelings for her, 'Oh my God does he?' she thought not daring to look at him as to he might get suspicious. 'Crap! Why am I thinking these thoughts? I must be going crazy' she brushed of her thoughts quickly as they were nearing the castle

"We're getting closer to the castle, we must get dressed," declared Ginny. Ron and Harry nodded quickly and so did Hermione


As they reached the end of the trip, the four boarded off the train and came to the Hogsmade station. In a distance, Hermione could see the ever so jolly Hagrid; escorting the nervous first years to the boats.

"Firs Years, firs years" came Hagrid's usual call.

"Hurry up, Hermione, Ginny" Ron called to the two. "Honestly, girls"

"Shut up, Ron" said Ginny finally catching up to Harry and Ron.

"Yeah, shut up" echoed Hermione from behind her; her rather long robes trailing off the ground.

"Those robes look, a tad two sizes bigger for you Herm," said Ron slightly chortling with Harry as he paced he eyes up to her Head girl badge, which was unfortunately right over her

"WHAT are you looking at RON?!" Hermione exclaimed exasperatingly, noticing where his eyes were laid on.

"Your BADGE," he said and with it, an extremely dark and I mean dark shade of red you would ever see a Weasley blush. He looked away form an extremely pissed Hermione who was about ready to slap his head off at the moment.

"Oh," said Hermioine the livid expression on her face slowly disappearing, a blush fuming on her cheeks as well.

"Oh well you two, are you going to stand there forever or what?" said Ginny tapping her foot on the ground expectantly.

"Ok fine, we're coming"


When they in to the magnificently decorated castle, Hermione quickly left their side to hurry off to the head table to join the rest of the staff; she sat on the side of Mc Gonagall and noticed Malfoy sitting on her opposite side beside Professor Snape.

'He has that God forsaken snide expression on his face again. How the hell does he live through his life with that plastered on his face. Although it would be very convenient if he would remove it once in a while even once in his life; It would make him look a whole lot better-' Hermione mentally hit herself 'WHAT am I doing thinking good things about my worse enemy, I must really be going mad'

Hermione stopped her thoughts immediately after she realized that the headmaster was already speaking.

"Another year is here, It seems that many good things that have been last year would be twice as good this year. Well I must not keep the program running any farther, I hope you had a good summer and so here's to this new school year" Dumbledore raised a Goblet to all and so did everyone else.

"Let the sorting begin,"

With Dumbledore's words, Professor mc Gonagall stood up with a list of names and went over to the center of the hall to where the sorting hat was positioned on its usual stool. The first years drew closer to the center of the hall.

Hermione watched as each of the children approached the hat and put it on, kinda reminded her of how she felt when she was being sorted back in her first year. Nervous she was, struggling to remind herself to relax and keep calm. Hermione smilled at the memory, to think maybe this would be the last time that she would witness this ceremony.

When the sorting was done, they all resolved to the feast. To Hermione, it was a very tantalizing one, she hadn't had a feast like this all summer. It was very hard; touring around Belgium, when all they had to do to eat was to stop over some food stops on their way around; Hermione was getting sick of it.

Hermione then abruptly kicked herself mentally again. She suddenly remembered that she had to talk to Dumbledore about Harry as soon as possible. She looked at Harry and noticed he was looking at her as well, expectantly. Hermione nodded and turned to walk over to the headmaster.

"Um, sir can Harry please have a talk with you after this feast?"

"Of course dear, right after a conference with you, Mr. Malfoy and the prefects,"

Hermione shuddered at the thought, she and Malfoy, have an um. conference.

"That would be fine sir," she said uncertainly, and she walked back to her seat.


"Ms. Granger, would you and Mr. Malfoy follow me to my office quickly" said Dumbledore. Hermione looked beside her and was not surprised to see Malfoy with that sneer still on his face. They were left in the Great Hall as the other students left, escorted by the prefects who hurried to Dumbldore's office after their task. Dumbledore came out of the doorway leading out of the hall and the two followed him.

"Chocolate coated toffees," he whispered as they got to the entrance where the was standing Gargoyle which immediately stood aside when the password was heard.

Malfoy and Hermione went up the stairs leading to the Headmaster's office. The other prefects of each of the four houses were already there, Malfoy and Hermione took their seats on two scarlet one-person couches by the headmaster's desk.

"Now seeing as everybody is present here," the headmaster began "let us now begin. Now I shall not jump to any other matters; I will be succinct."

"Now I have called you to discuss matters of your responsibilities," Dumbledore said. "Now the prefects, seeing as you are leaders of each houses student body; I will remind you to always be a good example to your fellow house members as well as members of different houses; you must make it a habit to always guide the younger years around the school. I also remind you to act mature at all times and that goes to the head boy and girl as well," he said looking at Malfoy and Hermione. "Well that will be all for you now go,"

Malfoy and Hermione stood up from their seats and prepared to leave when they suddenly heard the headmaster speak again.

"Not you two, take your seats once again and we still have special matters to discuss"

Hermione slumped down back to her seat. She really wanted to be far, far away from Malfoy at the moment, the sight of him was just bugging her.

"Now, I understand that the both of you are not of good acquaintances," the headmaster began. Hermione looked at her hands resting on her lap and silently nodded. She looked up at the headmaster and could see by the look on his face that Malfoy did the same. "As I have thought so. Never have been I believe. Well, I can't just let that off, the both of you are supposed to be the ultimate good example and you can' show the other students hat with feuds going on between you now can you. Due to these matters, I have to propose this; the both of you have to agree on a truce and you must promise each other not to fight anymore. Is that agreed?"

Hermione hesitated but thought of how great a responsibility she would be missing if she refused she looked up at the headmaster and nodded.

"Excellent, now for another matter, a few trunks of journals and inscriptions have been brought out of a certain manor in our vicinity and have been brought to Hogwarts." Hermione and Malfoy moved closer to the headmaster as he spoke showing utmost interest. "These articles are now in the restricted section of the library, and stored in a very secluded antechamber. I'm sure by now that you have figured that these diaries are very important; these are diaries of several ancient magicians, witches and warlocks, who knows; they might even contain the journals of our four founders," Dumbledore said with mystery in his eyes.

"What exactly are we to do with these Professor?" asked Malfoy.

"I was just getting to that part Mr. Malfoy, now, I want the both of you to go through these journals and discover. further secrets of magic and mysteries that I'm sure you will enjoy. You will be allowed to stay at the antechamber to study the books and I'm very expectant of the both of you that you will be able to handle this project"

"Of course sir," said Hermione excitement in her eyes.

"Mr. Malfoy,?"

"Of course," Malfoy responded

"If that's all settled then, Professor Mc Gonagall will show you to your new rooms,"

"But sir, don't we just get to sleep in our own houses?" questioned Hermione.

"It wouldn't be so much honor of you both to have the position if you didn't have your own rooms now would it,"

"But sir," interrupted Malfoy.

"Case closed Mr. Malfoy."

Malfoy's face dropped and he could tell that Hermione didn't feel so happily about it either.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you quite done?" came Professor Mc Gonagall's voice through the door of the headmaster's office.

"Of course Minerva,"

"Now Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger please follow me" she said to the two, and they followed her out of the office. They walked for a few minutes through a couple of long corridors from the gargoyle statue until they came to a painting; it was a portrait of a seemingly young lady not steering away from the age of sixteen.

"Now, what would you like as the password?" asked Professor Mc Gonagall.

Malfoy looked at Hermione for a second and a silly smirk on his face appeared.

"Mudblood," he said slyly.

"Mr. Malfoy, I will not tolerate that kind of language towards Ms. Granger, now I thought you had come to a truce,"

"*thought*" mumbled Hermione.

"What was that Ms. Granger?"

"I said what about Draconis," Hermione said looking at Malfoy at the same time. Malfoy seemed offended by this and by the look on his face; he was ready to murder Hermione.

"Excellent, Draconis it is," The lady in the painting gave them a smile and truned to reveal an opening in the wall. Hermione let out an audible gasp as she laid eyed on the beautifully decorated room. It was not mistakably beautiful; there were beautiful sparkling drapes that hung against the ceiling walls and the floor was carpeted with a special green, red, gold and silver motif. In the fireplace, was a brilliantly burning fire that shown different colors.

"It's wonderful," exclaimed Hermione as she entered the room. Malfoy followed her shortly obviously also captivated by his new surroundings.

"I thought you might like it, Dumbledore had it specially furnished for the both of you." Professor Mc Gonagall said with a smile to the both of them. "And now, If you will excuse me I need to attend to some matters. You will each find your rooms behind the two portrait's at either side of this room, I think you will have no trouble at all distinguishing one from another, give them your desired password and they will open up for you"

Hermione and Malfoy each looked at the two portrait's that were positioned on opposite sides and they found that Mc Gonagall was right. On the left; was a silver-plated framed portrait of a man with a brilliant green background to match his stern evil-look. Upon further examination, Malfoy found it to be-

"Salazar Slytherin," he said.

"Doesn't look far from you Draco" said Hermione with a small giggle.

"Ha, very funny Granger, look at your right, now that's extremely far from you; she's too beautiful to be you mudblood."

"Now honestly, I thought we were past that."

"Your complaining Granger, Its you who started it"

"Fine Malfoy, I did start it. And one more thing, I do detest being called by my last name even it is being done by you; I just want to make myself clear no matter how much you despise me I would appreciate it for you to call me by my first name."

"I've been calling you Granger for such time, I think I've forgotten what your last name is." he said carelessly. "But fine," he continued noticing the disgruntled look on her face "If it will make you happy fine, Hermione" Hermione sent him a half smile then turned around to face the woman in her portrait. She was decorated with a silver plated frame similar to that of Slytherin's portrait only that this girl had a blue background and was posisioned on a blue cushioned chair and reading a book. Hermione examined the portrait at the same time wondering what would be her password when suddenly-

"Looks like a portrait of my younger self, cleverness just as much," the portrait said.

Hermione was mildly shocked when the portrait spoke but found her nerve enough to speak back. "Who are you?" she asked baking up slightly.

"Why, I suppose you may not know me since you are not of my house."

Hermione let out a small gasp. Malfoy looked at the portrait of Hermione's room and wondered what Hermione was so amazed at.

"Granger, what makes meeting Rowena Ravenclaw so terrifying for you ? Figures, she's not about to lower herself to a mudblood like you" Malfoy said with a smirk.

"Watch it boy," raged Ravenclaws image " I welcome any child with the intellect deserving of my respect. You, I may say are a young image of Salazar; obviously possessing the intellect, but not about to gain a woman's respect,"

Malfoy stepped back in the direction of the portrait of his room. When-

"Don't let her get to you boy," said Slytherin's portrait "She never gains a man's respect because of that blasted attitude of hers,"

"Look Salazar, who has an attitude,"

"Obviously your not smart enough for your own good Rowena,"

Malfoy and Hermione looked stunned at the sight of the two portraits sending unaccounted insults towards each other. They chose to sit at the fireplace as the two portraits *resolved* things.

"Obviously worse than us," said Hermione to Malfoy.

"Clearly," replied Malfoy

"I wonder why," Hermione said with a smile.

"I was going to say the same thing Gran- I mean Hermione"

"I wonder Draco, if you could agree to actually act out what Dumbledore said about the truce?"

"Of course I could Hermione, I just want a guarantee that you wouldn't start fights"

"Me?! Well I ne-"

"There you go again mudblood,"

"Fine Draco, you clearly don't want to"

"I do Hermione I just."

"No It was me." Hermione trailed off as she looked into Malfoy's eyes. She immediately looked away and blushed. ".Ok, Friends?" she continued as she let out a hand for him to take.

"Only when we're alone," he said before taking her hand. They looked at each other for a moment when Hermione noticed the sudden silence.

"Wait, do you hear anything?" Hermione said quietly.

"No," said Malfoy looking at her perplexingly.

"Exactly," said Hermione; now Malfoy really looked confused. Hermione directed her attention back to the two portraits; both of them, apparently stopped bickering right after Malfoy had taken Hermione's hand (which they were still holding hands, if Hermione hadn't broke away).

"Are the both of you quite finished?" said Hermione as she let go of Malfoy's hand and stood up to go over to Rowena Ravenclaw's portrait once again. She stood silently for a moment and then spoke.

"My password is Dragon wine" she whispered to the portrait smiling slightly. Before her eyes, the portrait swung open to reveal a hole in the wall. Hermione sent the image a sweet smile right before entering the room.

"Apparently you're not," said Ravenclaw as she called after her.

Malfoy stood up from where he was sitting and went over to the portrait of Slytherin.

"My password is Know-it-All" he told the portrait with a sneer.

"As you wish," said Slytherin as he opened up to reveal a door through the wall. Malfoy walked in and Slytherin closed back again.

"Children, so childish." whispered Ravenclaw's image as she took her book and started reading again.

"In our time, Rowena" said Slytherin.

"Quite," said Ravenclaw as she looked up from her book.

"I think much fun awaits our little friends"

"I think so also Salazar," said Ravenclaw finally putting away her book.
