Anakin, Ashoka, and Obi-Wan followed the maid, Terra, through the manor. She led them into a large library and left them there.

The Jedi looked around them.


They whirled around and stared in shock.

Walking towards them, just as they remembered him, was Count Tyln Dooku!

A cry came from Obi-Wan, and the Master hurtled himself into his father's arms as tears filled his eyes and began to flow down his face. Dooku held his son, letting him cry on his shoulder.

Anakin and Ashoka exchanged smiles.

Finally, Obi-Wan pulled himself together, stopped crying, and pulled back to look at his father. He noticed that Dooku's hair was longer, but nothing else seemed different in his appearance.

"How are you alive?"

They sat down at a table before the Count began.

"I managed to escape the execution, but I was forced to go into hiding on Geonosis. I returned to Serenno a week ago."

Back at the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda smiled to himself. He had been right.