Obi-Wan rolled over, now facing the fire and his companion. He was still in a bit of shock. The man laying across of him was his father, and he was stunned when he learned that about an hour earlier. He sighed softly.

The Jedi's dazed mind was still trying to completely grasp the fact that Count Tyln Dooku, the wicked man laying only a few feet away, was his father. It shocked and horrified him a little.


Dooku awoke to the call of a bird, or a creature like a bird. He sat up and saw that Obi-Wan was gone. The Count stood up and stretched, his joints poping and cracking.

With a yawn, the tall man followed Obi-Wan's Force signature and found him skipping stones at the river near their camp.

Obi-Wan sensed Dooku but made no effort to aknowledge him, not even as the Count joined him on the bank. Once he skipped the last stone in his hand, he turned to the elderly man beside him.

"I'm sorry if I shocked you last night. I just wanted you to know the truth that you've been kept from your entire life."

The Count skipped the stone that was in his hand and met Obi-Wan's gaze.

"It's all right."

They caught a couple fish for breakfast, cooked them, ate, gathered their things, and headed deeper into the forest, following the river.


Anakin happily clapped his Master's shoulder, while Ashoka hugged him for a moment.

It had been a few days since Obi-Wan and Dooku had been stranded, and now the Republic had arrived to find them.

Before boarding the ship, the Jedi and the Count took one last look at the world that had held the greatest change in their lives. They looked at each other and smiled.

Dooku draped an arm over the younger man's shoulder, and they boarded the ship.


Listening to everything he told him, Dooku walked alongside Obi-Wan as the Jedi showed him around the ship.

Turning to the right, father and son entered the docking bay, where some clones and droids were working on the fighters.

The clones were unsure of the Count's presence, but were calmed somewhat by Obi-Wan's comfort with the elderly man.

"General Kenobi."

Both turned to the speaker.

"Ah, Cody, you're just the man I wanted to see."

The clone commander smiled a little.

"How can I help, sir?"

"What's the status of the fghters?"

Cody looked at his datapad for a moment.

"Nearly finished with the repairs on them, general."



Finally, Coruscant came into veiw.

Dooku felt his throat become dry at the sight of the capital. He was sure to be questioned and most likely put on trial before the Senate.

Obi-Wan, sensing his father's discomfort, nervousness, and worries, put a hand on the Count's shoulder. Dooku relaxed some and smiled at him. He'd face whatever was to come as he had faced most challenges, with his head held high and determination to endure it.