Chapter Two: Uncertainty
Dr. Miranda Bailey gently placed the phone back in its cradle before walking back into Izzy's room. "I pray that this day doesn't get any worse because I honestly will not be able to handle it." Sighing, she walked over Izzy's bed and started checking her vitals. "Hello Dr. Stevens, how are you feeling today?" Dr. Stevens slowly opened her eyes and gently smiled up at Miranda while she was checking her vitals.
"As best as I can feel Dr. Bailey, considering I just had brain surgery." Bailey chuckled at that statement as she looked down at one of her former interns. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear…" Slowly, she turned to see Meredith walking into the room as requested. "Thanks for joining us, Dr. Grey." Meredith briefly chuckled as she made her way over to Izzy's bed while smiling back at Bailey.
"Sorry it took so long… how are you feeling today Iz?" Izzy shrugged her shoulders as she looked at one of her best friends. "Pretty good actually, knock on wood. So what is this that I hear that George joined the Army?" Meredith and Bailey briefly exchanged looks before looking back at Izzy who had suddenly gotten a dark look across her face. "That's all we know so far but Bailey has a plan for all of us to confront him at six in attempts to you know, talk some sense into him." Bailey nodded her head in confirmation as she rested a hand on Izzy's shoulder.
"That's right and if all else fails I will have Alex literary knock some sense into him." Izzy started laughing until she cringed with pain which caused Bailey and Meredith to look at her in alarm. "Oh it's nothing just my head hurting from laughing." Both doctors nodded their heads as Bailey spoke up. "As much fun as this has been, I have to check on a few things before then so...I'll be back." Meredith and Izzy nodded their heads as they watched Bailey glide out of the room. "So our George joined the Army?" Izzy sadly asked as Meredith turned back at her friend, nodding her head. "Yeah but that isn't the only thing we have to be worried about." Sighing, Meredith briefly contemplated sharing her theory with Izzy only because she may be the only one to believe her. After a moment or two studying Meredith's look, Izzy rolled her eyes while clearing her throat.
"I may be stuck in bed but I am not stuck on stupid…whatever it is that you are thinking about telling me just spit it out." Shrugging her shoulders in defeat, Meredith lightly smiled at Izzy before her face turned to one of absolute concern. "Fair enough Iz but I am not sure that I believe it yet myself." Izzy nodded her head in understanding and was about to say something when Christina entered the room followed closely by Alex.
"Well two out of five isn't bad." Christina bluntly said as Alex walked around to Izzy's side, gently kissing her on her forehead before looking back at Meredith who smiled back. "Hey Alex, Christina, I haven't seen you two in a while." Alex nodded his head in confirmation as Christina walked around to the other side of Izzy's bed, sighing. "Oh we have just been keeping busy, trying to figure out what we are going to do about George." Meredith briefly fidgeted around which earned her a 'Are you alright?' look from Christina. "Yeah I'm fine Christina…just worried about my John Doe." Alex let out a brief laugh just thinking about what that guy looked like. "Yeah can't say I blame you on that one I mean that guy is completely…" Izzy lightly slapped him on his hand causing him to wince in pain as well as making Yang and Meredith crack a well needed smile.
"That's enough from the peanut gallery." Izzy playfully said when she turned her focus back on Meredith whose smile quickly faded. "Now what were you going to tell me before these two came in?" Meredith briskly looked back at Izzy, whom she could tell was more or less in a good mood. "It's…well it's nothing Iz." Christina looked up from Izzy's charts as Alex cocked his head to the side. "No, it's definitely something Meredith; otherwise you wouldn't have started to bring it up in the first place." Christina nodded her head in agreement as she closely studied Meredith's face. "What's going on?"