Okay guys, I know you must all hate me, i haven't uploaded anything for a very long time...but, here is the next instalment, please review, if you can J


Over the next few weeks, I did not see a lot of the Cullen's, not that they were rude about it, they just didn't like who was staying at my house. But it was nice to hang out with my other friends once in a while. To get away from the whole Edward drama. It wasn't good for me or for my recovery. I was healing quickly, which was good, and the wound had not become infected, but I had received some bad news.

Renee didn't want to stress me out with Anthony, Jake had told her about my appendicitis and she didn't want me to be running around after a toddler. She was going to cook Phil, her and the baby a traditional thanksgiving meal. I pitied them; I knew how unpredictable her cooking could be.

And all too soon it was time for me to say goodbye to my step-brother and friend. Seth was hell bent on staying here to look after me. Even though I was practically healed now. The pain was now just a dull memory to me. And I wished that I would never have to go through anything like that again. He was being the protective brother over me. I liked it.

Jake was being the more reasonable of the two, I could see it in his eyes that he didn't want to leave me, but Sam had ordered them home, so they both had to go whether they wanted to or not. The way I had caught him staring at me sometimes during these past few days. It was lightly raining as we stood out on the porch. Seth had already phased and was facing the direction of the raining street. Jake was still yet to phase and this goodbye was going to be the toughest one.

"Ok Bella, I will call you when I get home. Take care of yourself." He pulled me into his huge embrace. I grabbed at his neck and I felt my arms instantly heat up at his touch, the wolf heat immediately made me aware of him.

"I love you hun," I whispered. And with one last longing look, he disappeared with the wolf Seth into the forest. My hand still raised in Farewell as a big silver car came down the deserted street. My eyes narrowed as it stopped suddenly just before where I was standing. I was suddenly was aware that I was only wearing a kimono, and I froze. The door was slowly opening and I pulled the light fabric over myself self consciously.

"Hello Sweetheart," The Woman said, lowering her huge sunglasses. I broke into a smile.

"Mum?" I gasped. She smiled at me broadly.

"Yes baby girl, I have missed you so much," She slammed the door, and ran to me.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled, looking at the car, over her shoulder.

"Jake called me; he told me that you didn't want to be alone over the holidays. So we all decided to surprise you,"

"Why we you mean?"

"Phil, Anthony and I," She smiled. I laughed.

"Let me help you with your stuff," I offered. And I saw Phil sitting in the front seat, turned to face his son, eyes full of adoration. Anthony was sleeping in a car seat, and his fair brown hair lay lightly on his head. He looked angelic and wondered what would have happened to me, if things had been different.


"Anthony be careful," I warned as he played in the small playground on the Cliffside. There was a definite ice patch on the grass but Anthony safely in the play pen I was fine.

"Bella are you sure you are okay? I can come and help you if you want?" Angela said, I could tell she felt bad, about the whole appendicitis thing.

"Ange, its fine. I will see you tomorrow," I smiled down the phone. The line went dead suddenly. I frowned; she must have gone through a tunnel or something. I turned to the swing set again, where Anthony was playing before.

There was nobody there. I looked around the playground searching for my little brother. Deserted.

"Anthony? Anthony!" I screamed, starting to panic.

"Bewwa!" I snapped around, I grimaced in horror. Anthony was on the edge of the cliff, sitting on a small patch of ice. How on earth had he gotten over there?

"Tony? Sweetheart stay still for me," I urged, walking tentatively towards him. He was playing with the slush in his hands.

"Bewwa!" He smiled and went to get up. I held my breath in anxiety. "AHH" He slipped and fell off the cliff and into the icy waters below.

"ANTHONY!" I screeched, my voice going up by two decibels.

I didn't think about what I was doing, I threw my cell phone down and just ran. I ran and ran faster towards the edge of the cliff before throwing myself off the cliff to save my brother, who I could see approaching the icy depths. He looked so scared, as his face disappeared underneath the waves.

It seemed to take forever to reach the water. And when I finally did I couldn't see my brother anywhere. The red parka he was wearing could either drag him down or float him up. But I didn't know where he was. I swam around in frantic circles, trying to see a red blob under the water. There was nothing there.

Where was my baby brother?

"ANTHONY!" I yelled in the water, but I was muted by the water's bubbles. If I could cry then I would have. It was my entire fault. How was I going to face Renée? Tell her that her baby was lost at sea.

I suddenly felt a large pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulling me upwards towards the surface. I needed to get deeper to find him. He will be scared. I needed to find him...

I coughed and spluttered as I reached the surface. Tears rolling down my cheeks and trying to get away from the strong stone arms that kept me above water.

"What the hell Bella?" I turned to look at him. His curly brown hair straight from the water.

"I have to find him. I have to find the baby!" I growled. Kicking him, only hurting my own foot in the process.

"Edward has taken the kid back to Carlisle. He was only in the water for a second. But he was a little cold."

"Edward?" I sobbed.

"Bella, hang on." Emmett said, and then we were back on dry land.

"Tony is fine?" I wailed. "He's okay?"

"Yes Bella, he's fine. You're going hysterical. I'm taking you home,"

I didn't really follow the journey. I couldn't focus on anything really. My baby brother nearly dying, especially only two days before the anniversary. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Emmett? How do you know Tony is okay?"

"Shh. I just do," Emmett laughed grimly. He was lying.

"Where is Tony?" I shuddered. Emmett sighed and kicked open the door. "Put me down."

"Bella? What the hell happened?" Alice shouted. Picking me up, taking me from Emmett's arms.

"Alice? Where is Anthony?" I begged, suddenly feeling a large drumming on my forehead.

"He's fine. Just getting a little warmer."

"I WANT TO SEE HIM!" I yelled.

"He's here," I whipped around to see Rosalie holding my brother in her arms. She smiled at me grimly. He was sleeping.

Alice put me down and I ran over to the sleeping baby. Rosalie was rocking him gently. He was wearing different clothes too. She seemed to be a natural.

"Thank you," I whispered. Feeling remotely calmer. Stroking one of his cherub cheeks. He was so peaceful. I sighed. For once I was glad of Jasper's mood control powers. I took deep breaths and relaxed. I felt Alice's hand on my back, rubbing in circular motions.

"Is he warm enough?" I asked.

"Yes, he has thermal blankets." Rosalie nodded. She looked directly at me, "He is going to be fine Bella. You should go and get checked out. You hit your head," She noticed.

"Thank you Rosalie, take care of him for me until he wakes up," I pleaded.

"Of course Bella." She grasped my hand.

"Bella come on. We'll get you some clothes." Alice soothed, leading me away from Rosalie and my brother.

I walked away from them in a daze the water from my hair dripped onto the floors. But I was beyond caring. I felt so cold suddenly, like the wind had been knocked out of me. And I was just walking aimlessly. Emmett had saved my life, but how had he gotten there in the first place? I came face to face with Edward suddenly.

There was an awkward silence...

"Bella? Are you alright?" He asked. His hair was dripping with sea water and I was emotional. I released myself from Alice's grip and walked over to Edward's bewildered frame. Throwing my arms around his neck.

"Thank you" I whispered. "For saving him. You didn't have too," I swayed a little. He wrapped his arms around my waist, but I didn't care for once. I closed my eyes, in concentration.

"It's fine. Don't worry, I wasn't going to let anything happen to Anthony," He smiled.

"I should get dry." I loosened my arms, and looked into his butterscotch eyes. He seemed to agree, and he allowed Alice to take me away.


"Bewwa!" He sat on my lap, as we sat on Jasper and Alice's bed. I was wearing a dry nightgown of Rosalie's and my hair was wrapped up in a towel.

"Tony, you scared me." I stroked his head; he was playing with a pair of Alice's earrings.

"Sowwy. Lowve you Bella," He smiled at me innocently. My two year old brother and he was already melting my heart.

"I know. Mum knows you are going to stay here tonight with me. So go to sleep."

"I don't wanna!" He said through a yawn.

There was a knock at the door, Edward and Esme walked in. Edward brandishing a tray filled with food and Esme a hot water bottle. Anthony pulled the covers over his head so he was lying on me now. Away from the people he did not know. Anthony was shy.

"Are you comfortable enough Bella?" Esme smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes very. I am sorry about the intrusion." Anthony was playing with the silky ruffles on the cuffs of my pyjamas.

"Don't be silly Bella." Alice appeared next to me on her bed. "It's fine honestly." I narrowed my eyes slowly. Stroking Anthony's back soothingly. I felt Tony's breathing on my chest.

"Alright then." I smiled and Alice disappeared. I sighed and took the hot water bottle from Esme who smiled at me before leaving again. I narrowed my eyes again, this left Edward and I alone. The tray of food sat on the edge of the bed and I prepared myself for the tirade that he was sure to unleash upon me.

"Bella, I have to ask what the hell you were thinking," He leant on one of the posters. I shut my eyes, feeling Anthony lying on my stomach.

"It's not the first time I jumped off a cliff Edward," I said matter of factly, not thinking about what I just said. By the time I realised my mistake, it was too late. He tilted his head to the left in a questioning stance.

"I know it's none of my business, but how many times have you jumped off a cliff exactly?" He passed me the tray. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Edward, do we have to do this now? I mean, can't it wait?"

"Bella...Please..." I looked at Edward's face, he was literally pleading for me, his eyes were pained and coal black, and he was grasping the sheets with his pale white hands. Anthony was sleeping now.

"Well, when I was 18, 19 and 20." I whispered, not wanting to keep eye contact with him, see his disappointment.

"Why?" He sounded like he had been strangled.

"Well, when I was 18 it was for recreational purposes; extreme sports were my thing," I smirked, "When I was 19, well I was in a very bad place for a very long time. I just wanted a way out," I rubbed Anthony's back soothingly. "And when I was 20 to save my little brother."

"You tried to kill yourself? What stopped you?" He was closer to me now.

"Your sister. Now, I have had a long day. So I would like to be left alone now," I told him, he nodded and left the room, turning the lights out as he went.

I took deep breaths and wiped the tear that had escaped my eyes. The sleeping form on my stomach lightly under the covers, he looked so peaceful. I stroked a few stray hairs out of his face and kissed his nose. I wish my life was as easy as his... and I wish more than anything that things were different...