-A Ultimate Time Travel- by Dahlias114'

Summary: YOU decide what era Harry ends up in. Be it the Marauders or Tom's era, or even the Founders. There is one MAJOR rule: Harry must remain in the past. You decide whether there is MPreg or not, you decide who Harry shacks up but it MUST be a SLASH/MM pairing. Do something creative, AU, SOMETHING different than what's out there. Make it as if Harry was tossed back in time but a different dimension where there are kings, and all that Drama. Ultimately you decide. Be it a one-shot or three chapters to fifty short ones. Are you up for my challenge or are you chicken? *clucks mockingly* *g* - Dahlias

First published in .

Categories: Harry Potter Characters: Harry

Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine, the world of Harry Potter is not mine, they belong to J. K. Rowling.

Warnings: Language, Yaoi / Slash, OOC, Mpreg, Time Travel

Rating: NC-17

Harry woke up feeling smashed. He had no idea what had happened. The only thing he did know was that he had been planting flowers for Aunt Petunia when he had heard a loud crash and fainted. Now his head was hurting and he had no desire to open his eyes in fear of what he might see. Or might not see. He was sure his glasses were broken or something. Finally he hurled up all the Gryffindor courage he had left and opened his right eye a little bit. Bright sunlight shone on the glittering green grass and Harry opened his other eye in confusion. This was not right. Whatever he did with Aunt Petunias garden it was always a dull green, not bright green. With both eyes open, he noticed that he was not in Aunt Petunia's garden, but on an open field with no trees to be seen. He sat up slowly as he observed his surroundings in awe.

"Wow", he whispered and started laughing hysterically. He was not where he was supposed to be, he did not know where he was and he was all alone. Frankly, he was scared. He had never been truly lost or alone. He was sure he wouldn't find his way home as he had been unconscious when he had landed here. He didn't even know how long he had been out cold.

Finally, his laughter subsided and he rose tiredly to his feet. He hadn't eaten anything after his small breakfast and his stomach was growling. Sighing he turned around but still had no idea where should be going. He decided that going with the sun was the best option he had and started chasing the sunset. Darkly he wondered where he had landed and then he started worrying about Voldemort. What if the man had planed this? What if he was in the middle of nowhere and would starve to death? Or would something else happen first? Could one actually die of thirst? With every step Harry took his thoughts grew darker and more desperate.


When the sun was getting low Harry noticed a house not too far away. There were even some trees. Relief washed over him and he stumbled forward with more determination than before. The house looked inviting but he wasn't sure if it really was or if it looked that way because he was hungry and thirsty and tired, and frankly, he didn't give a damn what could make a house look inviting. He reached the wooden door and knocked firmly on it. The door swung open and a stout elderly woman stood in front of him. Her face was split in a bright smile and it grew even wider when she saw Harry.

"Darling, we have a visitor!" she screamed and ushered Harry inside. "You look like you haven't eaten in a long time, young man. What is your name? Oh dear, your clothes are all baggy and hanging from your body! We must feed you well, so you'll fit those clothes again. Or better yet, we buy you new clothes and get you to fit into those! If we make you fit into these ones, you'll be overly fat. What do you want to eat, darling? We have cheese, ham, chicken, salad, bred and other good stuff I have cooked myself! Here, have a boiled egg."

Harry felt like choking while he listened to the woman and wondered if she ever breathed. He took a bite of the egg and didn't care if it was poisoned, because it was the best egg he had ever tasted. He closed his eyes melting into the chair and munched the egg slowly, savouring the taste for as long as he could. The woman was like a mother hen as she walked through the kitchen talking all the time. Harry opened his eyes and noticed the man sitting in front of him, smiling friendly. Somehow, the man reminded him of Arthur Weasley, but the man didn't have red hair or blue eyes. It was just the way the man was looking at him. Harry smiled back shyly.

"You seem to be hungry, but you aren't eating fast. Why is that?" the man asked and Harry sighed.

"It would hurt my stomach if I eat too fast when I'm hungry. I'm not that hungry, I just haven't eaten anything since morning", he answered and then looked at the kitchen. "Where am I?"

The man cocked his head looking curious and the woman rushed to the table wit a plate full of meat and bread.

"You don't know where you are? Poor boy!" she exclaimed and looked at him in horror. The man leaned back and said:

"You are not far away from London. Do you know what day it is?"

Harry shook his head and the woman seemed to be in great distress because of this fact. It made him feel a little claustrophobic. The man sighed.

"It is the seventh of July and the year is 1945. You do remember your name, don't you?"

"Yes, I remember that. I'm Harry. I have no parents and was raised by my relatives. I… I don't remember what happened, though. I don't know how I got here", Harry whispered in shock. 1945? He made a quick calculation in his head and sighed then. He had made a time travel without knowing it and in a year where Voldemort young was.

"You are an orphan? Do you have anywhere to live?" the woman asked with worry in her voice and Harry looked at her. She didn't even know him and still she was acting like she had known him for ages. Strange people…

"No, I don't have anywhere to go to. I'm sure my relatives are dead. And if they aren't, I don't want to go back. They won't probably even care if I don't go back", he answered slowly and poked at his food. Somehow he had lost all of his appetite and was rather disgusted at the thought of eating something. The door opened and they looked there. A tall handsome boy came in, but stopped when he saw Harry. They stared at each other before the boy asked the woman:

"Who is he?"

The woman looked with a sad look at the boy while the man answered:

"This is Harry. He is lost and has no parents. I think your mother wants to take him in."

Harry looked just as shocked at this as did the boy. He didn't want to stay with them. He didn't know anything about them or where he was. It was a completely wrong year and he didn't know how he had gotten in there or how to leave. He looked helplessly at the woman and smiled a strained smile. The man, though, saved him from saying anything:

"I, however, think it is best if we take him to an orphanage. There he'll be around other children. Besides, we don't know if he's a troublemaker or not. And I don't think he wants to stay with us as he knows nothing about us."

The man smiled at Harry and he sighed in relief. The boy also looked relieved and Harry really couldn't blame him. The woman looked disappointed, but smiled anyway.

"Maybe you're right, darling. What do you think, Harry?"

"I don't want to be rude, but I would prefer the orphanage", he said with a kind smile and the woman nodded. She motioned him to eat the rest of his food, which he did slowly.


The man, Mr Bright, walked him to the door of the orphanage. The house was large but looked like it would tumble down from the lightest of breezes. He wasn't sure if it was safe in the house but walked in anyway. They were greeted by a woman whose face looked like it belonged to a rat. The inside of the orphanage wasn't any better than the outside. The wooden floor was coated with dust and the curtains looked like they hadn't been washed in many years. One could barely see out of the windows to the unkempt garden. The light in the entrance hall was dim as there was only one oil lamp to lighten the large hall. The rat like woman looked at Harry in disgust and then at Mr Bright.

"What's his name?" she asked wit a blurry voice and pointed at Harry as if he was an animal. She probably thought he was nothing more than an animal as he was a child with no parents. A few children peered through the door to see what was going on in the entrance hall. They looked as bad as the house and the young wizard started to wonder if the orphanage was a good idea after all.

"He is Harry, Ma'am. He has no parents and suspects that his relatives are dead. He doesn't remember how he came here or anything else for that matter", Mr Bright said with a kind smile and squeezed Harry's shoulder tightly.

"So he doesn't remember anything except his first name and that he had relatives and shouldn't be here?"

"That is right, Ma'am."

Harry started to feel sick and he felt his breath starting to speed up. He tried to control his breathing but the longer he stood there in the hall that looked like it could fall down any minute the more claustrophobic he felt. Mr Bright held his shoulder tightly in an effort to comfort him but it didn't help at all. He started to tremble and closed his eyes.

"I don't know if we can take in a child with no memory and thus no identification."

"He's a good boy, Ma'am. He won't do any harm to you."

"Getting him into a school pays, and if I don't have any guarantee he will do well in school…"

Harry opened his eyes and looked at the woman. She looked cold and like someone who doesn't like what they're doing. He didn't want to stay there but it probably was the only place he could go to. The door behind him and Mr Bright opened and he turned to look. There in the doorway stood a boy in clean clothes and looked out of place. He had black hair that framed his perfect pale face. He was tall and elegantly built with an aristocratic aura around him. Harry recognised him immediately. Tom Riddle, he thought and kept on staring at the sight in front of him.

"Tom? Where have you been?!" screamed the woman angrily when she noticed Riddle and came towards him. He didn't react but stood in place staring back at Harry with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Is he a new kid?" he asked the raging woman who stopped screaming immediately and took a look at Harry. She measured him with her eyes and nodded then reluctantly.

"Yes, he is a new kid. Show him places and tell him the rules", she ordered Riddle and went away. Mr Bright sighed and Harry looked at him.

"Thank you, sir", he whispered and the man nodded. He then nodded to Riddle too and went away. The boys stood in the entrance hall looking at each other. Harry wasn't sure what he should do, so he just stayed quiet and waited for the other to make his first move. Finally, Riddle came forward and offered his hand.

"Hello. My name is Tom Riddle. Nice to meet you."

Harry hesitated only a moment before taking the offered hand in his own with a small smile.

"Hey. I'm Harry. It's nice to meet you, too."


So, this is my first chaptered story here. It is not ready and I will update, when I update the story in . I am writing the seventh chapter right now, so maybe I will update the second chapter, You're A Wizard, Too?, sooner.

Please review! =)
