(A/N: Heyy! I only saw The Heartbreak Kid like, 51 minutes ago and I would have loved to see this instead of Nico and Grady watching Ms. Bitterman's stupid play so... I wrote this;) Haha please Review!!)
Sonny shrank down in her seat and sighed. Her "Ick-On-A-Stick"-as she so cleverly coined it-sat untouched on her plate and she couldn't bring herself to eat even a little bite.
Her mind was too preoccupied with Chad Dylan Cooper. The same one who ditched her on the top of Lookout Mountain.
Even though she was unaware of it, Chad was standing in the doorway watching her melancholy demeanor. He saw how her shoulders slumped forward ever so slightly and how her usually permanent smile was absent from her face.
He stepped cautiously over to her table and pulled a chair out, plopping down on it. Sonny's eyes shifted to meet Chad's.
"Why so glum?" Chad cooed. Sonny looked down at her hands, which were clasped neatly on her lap.
"You should know…" she muttered. Chad furrowed his blonde eyebrows.
"What do you mean?" Sonny frowned.
"Why did you leave me at the top of Lookout Mountain?" Sonny asked, her feelings hurt all over again. Chad slapped himself inwardly and looked at her sheepishly.
"Well, Cloudy, Rainy, and Blondie wanted out so, we zipped outta there," he explained with a grin.
Sonny looked up at Chad and shook her head. Chad reached across the table and tucked a strand of Sonny's chestnut hair behind her ear. His soft hand traveled down to her cheek and cupped her petite face.
Their faces became closer and closer and before either of them knew it, their lips were touching. Sonny's blood boiled in her veins and Chad's heart threatened to jump out of his chest.
They both reluctantly pulled away and their smiles mimicked each other's.
"I promise, I'll never ditch you at the top of a mountain ever again," Chad whispered, his ocean-blue eyes burning into her brown ones.
With that, Chad got up and strutted out of the cafeteria, leaving a very confused Sonny with her fingers touching her tingling lips.
(A/N: I hope you liked it!! Please please please please Review!!! =]] Lol)