Hello everyone, sorry for taking soo long. Life has swept me away. Now here I am finishing this story. I've been debating how I wanted to do this chapter. There different ways that I wanted to do but I've settled for this one. I hope you like it and enjoy. I was going to continue it to another story but I am going to end things here. Thank you for you patiences and reviews. Sorry for any typos.

Chapter 16


It happened too fast for me to comprehend. It was too much. Everything was too much. I didn't remember how I fell to the floor or why Patrick was no longer next to me. I fell into a dark abyss of my subconscious. It was all too confusing and my mind was drained. My body was immobile and I felt numb. I searched for a light, an escape from the darkest corners of my subconscious. Then slowly my awareness came to me and I forced my eyes open. Everything was dark except for the candles that shined an orange glow in this eerie house. My vision was blurred with my mind in a heavy haze. My chest was moving rapidly up and down with no control. My body was shaking involuntary. I couldn't focus or hear anything but my own thoughts. I didn't know what's going on. I feared everything, my body's movement, the dark room….and the intimidating Tressers.

I was alone on the floor where they left me for unknown reasons. Slowly the numbness wore off and gradually, I felt it. It all came back to me. I remembered Patrick's sharp and cold teeth on my neck and the windows shattering. There was a throbbing pain on my neck where he bit me. The throbs were sharp and grew intensely. But it didn't compare to what came next. I myself burn from the inside out. It was like flames licking my skin until there was nothing left. It grew intense and intense. A sheer pain attacked my body with no mercy. My body began to spasm as I clenched my hands into fists. It was overwhelming and I can see the flames engulfing my whole being. A wheel of fire surrounded me. My lungs pushed out air and slipped through my lips as a cry. Without any control my cries transformed into a scream. I screamed in agony as I continued to jerk harshly side to side. My eyelids closed tighten as I can envision the fire before my very eyes! It came! It's over taking me! It burned too much! Edward help me! Someone! My very flesh was burning in flames! No, please, someone hear my cry, I am burning!

Suddenly I felt a cold hand on my arm. This surprised me as I opened my eye quickly. There was dark shadowed figure hovering over my burning body. I couldn't see through the thick flames. It was a monster to mock me of my pain. I stared fearfully at him as I lie helplessly on the hard floor. I wanted run. Every fiber in my being urged me to run but I had no strength to fight overwhelming flames or this shadowed monster. I cried heavily due to my helplessness as I mentally begging this creature to give me mercy from this torture.

My eyes widened in fear as the shadowed figure leaned closer to me. It had no trouble coming through the flames. There was no indication of pain or fear in his posture. His face was close enough for me to see the contours of his face. Then I saw his lips move with a concerned and soft voice. "Bella? Bella?

I recognized that voice. Where have I heard that majestic voice? My mind searched for a face to match it. As I focused harder, through the flames a shallow pale white face appeared. My eyes focused and the details sharpened. My fear diminished when I realized it was Carlisle. Immediately my emotion overwhelmed me with relief as salty tears formed in my eyes. My vision blurred again as I begged, "C-Carlisle…. H-help me. Please!"

Carlisle made no reply as he investigated my neck where Patrick bit me. I continued to attempt to ignore the pain as a loud crash drawn my attention. I looked to my left where I saw a hazy fight. Edward thrust Patrick in the wooden floor, forcing the wood to shatter. Pieces of wood flew in different directions. The tears left my eyes as I focused on the fight at hand. Edward's hands where clenched around Patrick's throat as Patrick bared his teeth to attempt to bit him. Surrounding them were pieces of glass from the broken window where I suspected Edward and his family crashed in. Patrick growled loudly as he fought wildly to pass him. His eyes were on me. It was like a wild animal, fighting to be loose. His arm out stretched to me. With fear, I looked away.

In the far corner, Esme corned Elise. Rather than becoming a vicious creature, Elise was on her knees with a sad and worried face. It looked as if she was begging for mercy. Suddenly a raging fire burst from the ground nearby the front door. Jasper and Emmett had Robin stretched out by either arm as Alice and Roselie ripped William apart. A sheer screeching sound erupted in my ears. It came from Robin before Jasper instantly removed her head. Their bodies where thrown into the fire pit as smoke filled the room excessively. All four then, went after Anacron and Gabriella After witnessing their death, my attention was returned to Edward as he bit Patrick's neck and shattered Patrick throat.

When Patrick was no longer a threat, Edward looked to me with worried eyes and immediately came to my side. It was swift that I didn't even notice the fast movement. Edward was instantly at my side as I cringed to another intense wave of flames. "Edward, I'm burning!" I managed to scream through my gritted teeth. I groaned roughly in pain as I barely heard Carlisle and Edward spoke. Their words where to fast for my to comprehend.

Edward turned to me with worried eyes, as he seemed hesitated. He furrowed in forehead in thought as he debate on something important. I looked to him with painful eyes as I mentally begged him to save me from these flames. Slowly Edward leaned in and allowed his lips to gentle touch my jaw. He softly whispered, "It'll be ok Bella. I will save you."

His words melted my heart for they were heavy in emotion and very tender. I shivered. I closed my eyes as the flames increased. I grinded my teeth and clenched my hands tighter. Before I knew it, I felt Edward's teeth reentering my wound. My eyes snapped open in surprises and I felt the sharp pain of his teeth in my flesh. Attempted to suppress my pain, I pursed my lips tightly to avoid screaming. It was all intense and overwhelming. I struggled to remain calm through this but I felt myself giving in. Slowly I fell back as the flame over took me.

Am I dead? Where am I? I could not find the answers to my question. Darkness swathed me in a void that I did not understand. The flames were gone, died down after for such a long period. I lingered in my subconscious, unaware of what happened. I didn't know where it began or ended. I couldn't remember anything. I was getting frustrated with the suspense. I wanted to scream, do something to pop my anxiety bubble that grew enormous in my chest. Then that when I heard nothing. I couldn't hear my own heart beep.

Slowly the dark void that clouded my mind slowly faded. I felt my hand again. My eyes began to slowly open to be pushed back by a bright light. It burned my vision but I protest and continued to open my eyes. Everything was hazed and disfigured. Slowly my eyes gained control, I everything became sharp. I was in a familiar room. It was Edwards's room on a bed, where did this bed come from. In the background, Debussy was playing from Edward's Cd player.

As I observed my surrounding, that when I noticed it. I saw everything clearly, even the dust the swayed in the air. I noticed the small cracks in the furniture wood. My hearing was suburb. A melody from the river, deep in the forest. As I gained more control of my sight, I had a beautiful view of the warm sun that shined through the window. I couldn't help but smile to the sun. My old friend. Then it hit me, my eye widened in shock. The Tressors, the house, Venom! Without thinking my hand flew to my neck. There was no pain, but I felt the scar of where the teeth were inserted. Bruises or cut that should have been all of my body were not there. My skin looked paler than usually. But that wasn't what caught my attention. As the sun shined upon me, my skin glittered beautifully. I was in awe with myself. What has happened?

I turned my away toward a wall were a mirror hung. I saw myself. Shocked and hypnotized, I stared into a pair of red eyes. My red eyes. Then it hit me, I was a vampire. Without even realizing it, Edward was standing in the doorframe with a serious face. He leaned against the frame with his arms crossed and his leg crossed over the other. He looked gorgeous to my eyes. But how long was he there. Edward pushed himself away from the doorframe and approached me with a steady and careful pace. He didn't look happy. I was sure it was for my departure. How can I explain this? I was trying to protect Edward and his family by turning myself in. It was a selfless act, which I would redo if needed to. "Why did you leave? Do you have any idea how crazy I went when I heard Carlisle's mind?"

His words were calm but held firmness that had me wanting to go and hide. It was he tone my mother used on me as a child when I got in trouble. I bit my lip thoughtfully as I tried to piece the words together. "I was trying to save you."

My words were barely a whisper. By now I couldn't look into his eyes. Instead, I turned to the comfort of the warm sun and I thought about Edward in the sunlight. The edge of my lip tilted upward.

"Bella…" He spoke softly, the firmness left his voice. If anything, the voice broke my heart because it was remorseful and I turned toward him. He lowered himself down to my level and carefully brushed the back of his hand on my cheek. "I don't want you to risk yourself again. Not for the likes of me. You hear me?"

My eyebrows furrowed. Well that's not fair, I should be able to save him. "No Edward, I will save you if I can."

That didn't go over well with Edward. His firm face came to place as he stopped stroking my cheek. "Never risk yourself for me Bella. I couldn't live with myself if something happened because of me." His voice started off upset then changed into sadness. He changes his mood so quickly that I couldn't keep up. "I was too late." He gesture at my body as I followed his gaze. My body shined against the sun.

Now he was starting to brood. I sighed as I briefly remember his teeth reentering my wound. I shivered to that thought. I was actually impressed by his strength not to drain me dry. Then it hit me. All this happened in less then a week. Patrick's obsession and Edward's protection. Was it possibly for me to fall so hard for someone I barely knew? My heart swam in happiness to idea of his love for me. How did I do to deserve this beautiful creature? I'm plain and ordinary. "why did you bite me? I remember you biting me where Patrick did."

Maybe I shouldn't have said his name. I heard it loud and clear, the growl that form in his chest. His jaw tightened as I knew he was carefully choosing his words, "I was too late the suck out the venom. You have been here for three days, screaming in pain. I- I couldn't take it. This was my fault. If I had gotten here sooner. Things could have been different."

I didn't know how to react to that statement. It was as if he was ashamed of me. It hurt, I'll admit it. I pursed my lips, "I am a vampire, aren't I? And this upsets you?"

My voice sounded sad as I gained the courage to look at him with hopeful eyes. I wish I could hear his thoughts now. Before I left him, I briefly remember him confessing his feeling for me. Have I mistaken it for friendship? Maybe it was too good to be true then. Now I am vampire, did he fell responsible for me? Well he didn't have too, if it was too much I'll leave again. I refuse to be burden on him. He gave me too much; all I can do was relieve him of his duties. "I would be a burden to you, I can leave."

I sad almost to silently; I couldn't hide my disappointment in my voice. Edwards looked at me with furrowed expression. His face was became sad suddenly and then irritated. "You are no burden to me Isabella Swan. Never think such things. This…" He gestured his hand across my body, "uspets me because I didn't want this life for you." Edward stood up aburtly and sulked to the window where he leaned agains the window frame. He sighed deeply as he head leaned forward.

I watched him for awhile. It seemed like he was always regretting everything. But doesn't he relized this was what I wanted. To spend a eternity with him, to never fear old age. I slowly stood but I was faster than I excepted. I looked at my hands and realized how much speed I've gained. I approached him in a blink of an eye. Carefully, very carefully, I wrapped my arms our his waist. I must have squeezed tighly because, Edward groaned in pain followed by a soft chuckle. "A newborn." He whispered, then his smile faded.

I loosened my grip and look up his averted eyes. "Edward…" I began softly, he tilted his head ever so, but not looking back at me. I sighed, "I would rather spend a lifetime with you than die slowly everyday and then be parted by death."

His eyes shifted to me quickly to the word, death. Slowly he turned to me, unsmiling but looking upon me with gently golden eyes. His hand reached up and grazed my cheek. It was heaven to feel the back on his hands against my cheek. I couldn't help myself, I smiled shyly. Instantly, Edward returned the smile, but it was his half smile that told the breath out of me, if I had any. He continued to stroke my cheek with tenderness, as his eyes gazed into my hopeful eyes. Then slowly he leaned down, brushed his lips against my cold ones. My heart swelled with anticipation. His cold hand cupped my cheek as his lip finally met mine. It was soft and tender as he kissed me for the first time.

I can't say i regret this week. It had been the most terrifying but life-changing experience. Whatever challenges we would face in the near future. I took hope, for I knew I would face it with him. The Tresser family was gone, except for Elise. She begged for mercy to the Cullen's family. After Joseph had been destroyed, Elise was free. No longer a stole bride. She stayed with us for a awhile and then ventured on her own. I wished good fortune on her. For if it weren't for the Cullen's, I would have been her. Hidden in the shadows of Patrick. I smiled to myself as Edward wrapped his protective arms around me. Everything was going to be alright.

The End

Thank you for reading! Merry Christmas everyone!