"Look out!"

Kitty Pryde plugged her ears and ducked behind a row of steel base cabinets. There was a blinding flash of red light and the floor of the labratory shook as Scott blew a hole through the reinforced wall. Shards of metal shot through the air in all directions, and glass vials clinked and rattled on the shelves. A few fell to the floor and shattered, the various liquids mingling together to create rancid fumes.

She didn't want to be here. The battle filled her senses but she remained curled up behind the cabinets until a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist. She shrieked and was immediately cut off by Storm, who looked alarmed.

"We need to leave, NOW. There are Sentinals." Ororo released Kitty's wrist and beckoned as she ran towards one of the many charred gaps in the western wall of the facility. Kitty stood and followed suit, but stopped short as she passed a doorway that opened up into a massive chamber with the apparent purpose of holding military equiptment. She could see Karma being pursued by two others down a staircase and into a seperate hallway. One of the attackers carried a samurai sword and he had distinct mutant characteristics, but the other she could not be so sure about. Nonetheless, she couldn't let a fellow member of her team defenseless. She changed directions and ran into the chamber.

Sounds of a violent confrontation came from where she'd seen Karma disappear. Creeping swiftly around a row of fuel tanks, she was about to make a dash down the stairs but a fist came flying out of the air and hit her across the face too quickly for her to phase through. "Oomph!" She landed on the cold floor and her head smacked against the tile. A familiar face leered down at her as the corners of her vision faded inward rapidly. She blacked out.

- - - -

Storm looked at the group following her. Wolverine, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Sunspot, Psyche...her stomach twisted. Two missing. "Where are Kitty and Shan?!" Logan looked around and felt the same nauseating pain in his gut. "You," he shouted at Kurt. "Come with us." To the others, he yelled, "Scott will take you to the jet."

With their footsteps fading and only the dull sound of approaching vehicles outside the walls of the facility, Logan could hear muffled sounds coming from one end of the building. Storm and Nightcrawler both had faith in his senses and followed close behind.

- - - -

She couldn't phase. She was slumped on some kind of examination table in a small room lit by only a single row of flourescent lights which cast a sickly blue glow on everything it fell upon. She struggled to sit up but a massive hand grabbed her by the throat. "You were always such a tease, Miss Pryde." She let out a squeal of pain and fright. Colossus roughly pulled her body closer. She could see the excited pulse in his neck and the hunger in his eyes.

He began to change into his metal form. In a desperate act, Kitty pulled backwards out of his grasp and tried to run. He immediately slapped her a second time across the face with an osmium coated hand. "Where do you think you're going?! I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

Massive steel hands clasped hers. She was too afraid to move or make a sound; what if he hit her again? The left side of her face was practically numb with pain and she could imagine that black bruises were already beginning to bloom across her cheek and eye. She struggled as one hand began to travel down the small of her back, but Colossus' motives were hardly going to be hindered by the panicked squirms of a 90 pound, five foot tall girl whose only power of escape had seemingly been 'shaken loose' when he smacked her earlier.

He quickly realized that she was powerless. "You won't try to get away this time, will you?" He leered at her hungrily as his skin faded from a metallic osmium glint to firm, solid flesh. Even without his powers in effect, he was still too strong for her to have any chance of breaking his grip.

"No, no please!" Both hands were underneath her shirt, tearing the fabric in their excited exploration of her body. His breath was heavy and hot as he bent forward and ran his tongue across her stomach. In a heated fervor he muttered, "You're out of luck, sweetheart."

In no time at all, her shirt had been torn off and her blue jeans were hanging from around her ankles.

He unzipped his pants and hoisted her up by the neck so she was nearly sitting at the edge of the table. Momentarily letting his rock-hard cock rest at the clenched opening between her straining legs, he whispered, "No one's going to hear you scream." Then he thrust himself inside.

She screamed.

He dug his fingers into her arms, squeezing hard and making tears roll down her face. His cock felt as if it was tearing her in two and he was hardly being gentle about it. He grunted as he forced himself further and further inside with each thrust. She cried out as he grabbed her breasts and he took the opportunity to lock lips with her, forcing his tongue down the back of her throat.

Suddenly he pulled out. "Turn around. I want you on your knees." She could not refuse his demands. Humiliated, she got to her knees and he positioned himself behind her before slamming himself into her again. It hurt worse this way, much worse, and she bit down on her lip to stay silent. His pace was quickening and she knew what was next.

"AUGHHNNnn!" He shot his cum deep inside of her. Breathing heavy, he rolled her back over and obviously still had things in mind to do to her. She was breaking down. She wished it could all just be over with. She wanted to die.

- - - -

Logan had heard a scream. The three of them soon skidded to halt outside a storage room and Logan looked imploringly at Kurt. "Get her out of there, blue?"

He teleported into the room on the far side away from Kitty and her rapist. Horrified, Kurt stood frozen for a moment. Distracted, Colossus turned towards him and this was fortunate because it gave Kurt time to teleport to the table, grab Kitty's hand, and then teleport them both safely outside of the room.

Logan let out a strangled howl of anger when he saw Kitty. Her naked body was bruised and bleeding, her head hanging loosely, her face soaked with tears and hardly recognizable. Storm hastily took off her cloak and draped it over the girl's limp figure. Logan had little time to think about how to proactively handle his anger however; Colossus was quick to tear the door from its hinges and toss it aside, standing in front of the haggard group with hate in his eyes.

"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!" Logan threw himself at Colossus while Storm helped Kurt carry Kitty towards the exit. "No...Karma," Kitty muttered and shook her head in protest. "Karma is still down there. The stairs." She pointed weakly. Storm surveyed the situation professionally.

"I'll go. You get Kitty and Logan back to the jet." She made for the staircase and Kurt picked up Kitty in his arms before teleporting to where Logan was, grabbing his arm, and then zapping them both back to where the others were waiting.

The other students stared at the three mutants in front of them that fell from thin air to the floor of the aircraft. Logan regained his balance first, pushing Kurt out of the way and kneeling over Kitty's huddled form. "Kid..." The left side of her face was a solid bruise, spreading from her swollen, bloodshot eye to the corner of her lips. He didn't know what to say or do. Her appearance left him speechless with a combination of rage, horror, and sorrow.

Scott put a hand on Logan's shoulder. "Where's Storm? Come up front with me." Logan nodded and stood up, trapped in a haze of emotional overload. Kurt disappeared once more as Wolfsbane and Psyche helped Kitty into a seat. Then Kurt was back for good, this time with Storm. "Karma is gone. We need to go now." The jet hummed loudly as Scott prepared it for flight.

Kitty stared motionlessly out the window as Storm tended to the cuts on her face and the raw skin on her arms. She did not move when Storm had finished and had made her way up to where Wolverine sat, nor did she move when they both spoke in low tones to each other, inaudible to her over the noise of the engines. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Scott and her fellow classmates glancing at her. She didn't care. When they landed back to the Xavier Institute, she stood stiffly and walked as determinedly as she could off the jet. "Kitty..." Storm began to call after her, but realized she did not know what she could say. Left to her own devices, Kitty made her way through the Institute, limped up the dorm steps, and collapsed on her bed.