Kanda didn't want to open his eyes. It was far too warm and comfortable to wake up, he tried to wrap himself more tightly in the covers. But he knew that he couldn't fall asleep anymore so leisurely his eyes opened.
He frowned at the strange room he was seeing. It was much bigger and everything was so far away from everything. 'What? Where is this?'
The raven's thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly felt a breeze on his ear. The chills riding up his neck woke him up nicely and now he realized that he couldn't move freely. Kanda turned his head sharply. The familiar face surrounded with disturbingly-red hair, he knew far too well, was too close to his comfort. Lavi had apparently snaked his arms around the little raven when he was asleep and was now breathing slowly right beside the raven's ear.
Kanda felt like he was being captivated. He couldn't move in the redhead's arms and the constant tingly feeling in his ear was making him go nuts.
"Usagi!" He grunted in distress.
There was no respond from the sleeping rabbit.
"Lavi! Wake up you lazy bum and take your hands somewhere else or there's not going to be any arms to do that!" Kanda yelled, his patience on it's limits. It was too much for him to be this close to the redhead(especially when he had already had a taste of it yesterday…), right when he woke up, no Mugen in sight…
Lavi drowsily sifted, recognizing his name. He yawned and stretched his arms a little, but still not letting go of the child.
"Hmm… Yuu-chan?" He sounded like he was still in his dreamland and Kanda rolled his eyes trying to keep his composure.
"Yeah, it's me. Now could you let me go before I'm going to do something I might even regret." He hissed through his teeth.
He could feel the redhead startle behind him and looking around. Apparently the man finally realized what had happened.
"Ah!" He threw his hands away like they were touching something that was burning with a horrified face and sat up, ready to run(it was his reflect when he did something embarrassing to Kanda x D).
Kanda stood up and breathed deeply, his back turned to Lavi. The other was wrapped in the covers, waiting for the raven's reaction. 'The covers could soften the blow...' Nothing happened yet, Kanda just stood there.
"Umm… Yuu-chan, are you-okay?" He broke the silence with an odd question. 'Who would have known that it could be this weird?' The redhead wasn't content with awkward silences but he was afraid of Kanda this moment. He was still just a 12-year-old but he totally didn't give off the feeling of a kid.
Lavi couldn't take it anymore. "Please, say something. I'm a stupid rabbit and I deserve to be hit!" He cracked and took a praying position, offering his head for a hit.
But instead he heard a "pfft" saw the raven walking towards the bathroom.
"You're such an idiot, you know that?" Kanda sounded as if he was smiling.
Lavi stayed in the covers, looking like he wanted something from god, and stared after him.
"Right…" He agreed slowly with a growing smile.
"So~ " The redhead was back to his cheery-self and was pouncing around the room, getting Kanda nauseous. "What do you wanna do today?"
"I don't want to do anything if it's with you."
"Come on Yuu-chan. You don't have to play so cold anymore, we're roommates already!"
"But anyway, what're we gonna do? See some places? See someone? What?" Lavi was apparently on hyper-mode and didn't stop his blappering.
"You really have ADHD, don't you? Can't you stay in one place?" The raven was tying his hair and started to get annoyed with the rabbit's constant moving.
"But it's boring in here." He pouted.
"Whatever." Kanda turned to meddle with his shirt, somehow the redhead's pouting face made him feel fidgety.
He noticed something when he was putting his clothes on. "I think I'm growing out of these…" Lavi turned and saw the raven eyeing his shirt that was just barely over his stomach, frowning at it.
"Yeah, you're already 12 or something, right? We've gotta get you some new clothes, I guess…" He measured the child with his eyes. "Hmm… what if we ask Allen to give you some?"
Kanda looked horrified like you'd expect.
"You really have no brains, do you? No way in hell I'll wear something from Moyashi!"
"Aaw, come on! It's just three years gap, they could fit you."
"No. Fucking. Way."
"You're so hard to please." Lavi looked a little frustrated but started to think again. "How about we ask Johnny to come up with something until you're big again? I think he wouldn't mind."
Kanda pondered for a moment and nodded. "That could work."
"Well then we have our mission for the day! Let's go!" The redhead became all happy now that he had something to do again and decided to show Kanda around the new building as they were going for breakfast. The raven couldn't do anything but go along.
"Now you know the crucial places around here. I'm sure you get all of it in time." Lavi smiled pleased and turned towards the cafeteria's counter.
"You only showed me the training rooms, the bath and this cafeteria."
"Well, they were on the way…" The redhead pointed. "And- aren't those the crucial places for you?" He smirked and ordered his food before Kanda could answer.
"Che." He had to admit that was kind of true…
After they had got their food and they were heading for a table (surprise, surprise) they saw the all too familiar exorcist boy sitting there already.
'Why do we always have to bump into him here?!' But nevertheless, Kanda succumbed to his destiny and walked after Lavi to the table.
"Hey, Allen! Seems like you're always here nowadays." The redhead laid his tray across him and smiled playfully. Kanda just sat as far away as possible, minimizing the contact between him and the annoying duo.
"I got to eat." The white-haired teen noted.
"24/7 I suppose."
"Not!" But he wasn't angry. When they talked, you could always see them both smiling at least little. The raven had a hard time swallowing his food and keeping it down.
"So, got any missions yet?"
"No. I think I'm kind of under some surveillance for a while…"
Their conversation got cut off and Kanda glanced at them. 'What's up with those idiots now?'
"Um, Lavi?"
"Doesn't Kanda look a little big for those clothes?" The sudden change of subject earned Allen a death glare from the subject itself."I mean aren't you suppose to take care of him or something?" He was smiling. 'That's it I'm going to punch his face in-'
The redhead smiled back, like he had been just waiting for this conversation."Actually we were gonna ask you-" Before he knew it, his face was on his plate.
Allen wasn't as surprised as the last time something like this had happened. Seemed like for Kanda and Lavi that was more of a habit than an exception in the cafeteria.
"Yuu-chan! What do you have against food?! For crying out loud…"
"It's not the food. It's you." The angry child spat, standing behind him. The redhead tried to clean his face with a paper towel Allen handed him. "Now you're going to shut your stupid mouth and come to find Johnny with me." He turned on the spot and marched away, leaving the other two silent behind him.
"He has gotta have hit puberty or something… Well, guess I can't argue with that." Lavi murmured to himself and rose from the bench. "Seeya later, Allen!"
"Sure." He watched after them with a smile. 'They have no idea how unusually they act with each other.'
"Can you make it? Thou it's only for a week or so."
"Yeah! No problem, I'm just gonna check some measurements."
The glasses-wearing scientist took out his measuring tape and started to hurry around Kanda, surprisingly excited about the mission. It didn't take long for him to write down the notes and ask couple of questions from the child, them he sent them away saying that it would be ready for tomorrow. "I'll make it big enough for you to grow out!" they heard him yell when they walked away.
"Well, then that's settled. What shall we do now?" Lavi was walking leisurely with his hand in the back of his head.
"What about your work? Don't you anything else to do than just play around?" Kanda noted.
The redhead looked a little awkward. "Yeah… Let's just say that panda didn't appreciate our contribution last time. Remember? We both fell asleep." He laughed at the memory. "So he said we should stay away from the library."
Silence fell between them.
Suddenly a random idea flowed to Lavi's thoughts and before he could even think about it well, it came out of his mouth.
"How about we'll go to the onsen?"
"Huh?" Kanda glared him suspecting. He had a feeling that there was a catch in this. Lavi backed away from his glare.
"Yeah, you're right. It was a weird idea. Forget it." The redhead started to wander in his talk, for the first time looking kind of uncertain. Kanda frowned at the face he was making.
"No, it's fine."
'Wha?' When Lavi raised his gaze he saw the raven already walking towards the baths. He hurried after the raven.
"Ah~, this is heaven!" Lavi sighed contently when he descended in the steaming hot water. The HQ's onsen was surprisingly big, a hot bath with an part of it even in the open air. And this hour of the day there was no one else accompanying them. "You're coming, Yu-chan?" He cracked his neck and smiled at the kid in the side of the bath. Kanda gave him a half-hearted glare and continued his mental struggle against the hot water before him. 'Why did I go along with this idea? And what's up with the time anyway? No one bathes in the middle of the day!'(As you can see, Kanda has his own problems with water : D Dunno where I got that)
Lavi was stretching his limbs while whistling some tune that had been stuck in his head all day, massaging the tiredness out of his well-build muscles(;D) when noticing that his companion was still out of the water. The redhead frowned and turned properly to face the other. "What's wrong?" was all he asked after seeing the grimace on the raven's face. Kanda lifted his gaze without thinking much and was faced with a completely naked upper-body of confused looking Lavi. The raven couldn't help the strangled noise coming from his throat and a little blush forming on his cheeks. "Yu-chan?" The redhead hoisted himself in the side supporting his upper-body with his hands crossed against the floor."You don't like water?" He tilted his head, looking like he had a hard time believing that there would be anyone who disliked water. "Or do you have like a phobia...?"
Turning his head away he gave an answer."....Not precisely." The water wasn't Kanda's biggest concern anymore.
A grin formed on Lavi's face. "Well, then..." And like Kanda could have guessed, if he hadn't been trying to avoid looking at the redhead, he quickly found himself flying face on towards the water.
Kanda pierced the surface gasping for air, Lavi's laughter echoing in his ears. "What the hell! You really don't think too much before you act—" But he felt the other ones hands securely around his chest and forgot what he was about to say.
The water wasn't that deep and Lavi wasn't as dumb as to just push the kid there without catching him. He smiled down to the raven in his lap. "It's not that scary at all, right?" He hummed. "I can hold on to you the whole time if you feel like it." He teased and as a confirmation squeezed the smaller boy closer.
At this moment Kanda was about to explode. The heat emitting from the bath was making him already quite dizzy but the worst thing for his confused brain was what Lavi was doing. His arms around him. His humming voice on his ear. His slow breathing, that he could feel through his back that was against his pectoral...
"Uh- Usagi..." The raven was breathing quite heavily and tried to get his blushing under control.
"Hmm?" Lavi was totally enjoying the situation more than it should be allowed and just absentmindedly looked down.
He got a welcoming fist to his chin, thou it didn't feel much because the raven was far too abashed to really put some strength behind it.
"Ouch." He smiled.
Kanda had gotten himself freed and was floating away slowly. "You need to keep away... For now-I can't handle you know." He slurred frowning. The redhead couldn't help but smile smugly at the child's almost drunken behaviour. 'Oh, For now, you say...'
Kanda scowled at him. "What are you smiling for?"
"Oh, nothing..." Lavi couldn't resist a sleazy smile.
"...Somehow you're pissing me off." The kid seemed to be back to his grumpy self.
"I said it was nothing-" Lavi started to laugh when the kid attacked him and didn't even try to defend himself. Kanda couldn't do much damage, but apparently Lavi was really ticklish like that. His laughter echoed in the wide bath with the splashing sounds of the water.
…...Much later
"Come on, Yu-chan. You gotta brush it good!"
"I know how to brush my teeth, for your information. Why do you have to cram in here at the same time-"
"But it's fun to do it same time, ne." Lavi smiled teasingly and continued to brush his own teeth as Kanda rolled his eyes beside him. After a while of silent concentrading in the task the raven heard the other one finishing and yawning right after.
"Yaaaaawn~ I'm gonna head for the dreamlands. Those onsen always gets me..." Kanda felt strong hands on his little shoulders and turned to glance at the redhead. For his surprise Lavi's lips touched his forehead lightly before he walked out of the bathroom waiving his good nights.
"Sleep tight, Yu-chan"
x D I couldn't stay away from this story… It's all because of you! My lovely fans(?) and your reviews. Especially LaviroxX's comment's made my day x 3 I'm happy You've found the love of LaviYuuness with my help : 3
And I got some great suggestions from everyone(btw I think I'm gonna use MentalInstability's suggestion for the name. Thank you.)
Aand still something I gotta take out my mind. Ya'll gotta stop sending me questions why I hate Yullen and all that shit. Let's clear this up: No I don't precisely hate Yullen fans. I just hate the pairing(Althoug I gotta have something wrong with you if you read it… Kidding, kidding : D) It's my opinion and I don't see why I should stand up for it like this o.o
And if you really don't get satisfaction from that answer then maybe this: I like to piss people off : )
Sorry to keep you all on your toes for so long - I got tired and then there was this trip of mine : D Which was soooo fun!! I love Japan! I'm gonna move there in the future. People there were so beautifull *-* And it was fun cuz everyone looked at us so curiously and I had many funny occurences. 3
Here's something funny for you guys; I lived with a Yullen fan : D She was the best person to live with, we were so alike and had much fun. I bought a D. Gray-man volume AND a LaviYu-doujinshi3
Btw Onsen really is the best damn thing in the world *-* It's like heaven after it.
I'm gonna update this story, I promise! I'll just need to play KH2 to the end 8 D Then I'm gonna concentrate fully to this and put my heart into it!
Btwbtw What really got me excited over this story again was YOU. I realized how wonderful my fans really are, you're really the best I could get : 3 And I'm so gratefull that you decided to read this thingie. Omg I have so much reviews!!Thankies x 3
Love ya'll