Hi! This is my take on the story from Kitty's point of view. But it's not terrible accurate because I haven't seen the films in a while, and I like to add my own variations to it too. Thanks for any reviews and comments! Have a good read.

"Rogue's gone!" Bobby cried out as he burst into my room.

"Really? Oh God, you don't think she's-"

"Gone for the cure?" he finished.

I nodded, then climbed out of my bed.

"Oh Bobby," I soothed, "I'm sure it's what she wanted if she has gone for that."

"No Kitty, I pushed her! I mean, I never said anything about it but, but.." he voice trailed off as he sunk onto the bed and put his head in his hands. I could hear my traitor of a heart accelerating as it dawned on me the full extent of what this meant. He would definitely be with Rogue now that they could touch; there was no hope for me, then I quickly crashed back to reality. Though my heart was torn in half and causing pain to bleed out from it with every beat I couldn't let him know, no matter how much I wanted to tell him…To grab his shirt and show him what I felt about him…

But to me, I was just like a younger sister.

So I better start acting like it, I told myself.

I sat gently down on my bed next to him, placing a reassuring arm round his muscular shoulders.

"Bobby, how could you of forced her if you never mentioned it?" I asked logically.

There was a pause of which Bobby merely looked at his shoes.

"I know. I know you're right. But I've got this terrible feeling," he took my hand and placed it over his heart, "Right here."

I swallowed, and gave him a hug, making sure I didn't look into his eyes because I'd break down.

"She's safe, and she can make her own choices, Bobby."

I couldn't resist. I pulled away from him slightly, and looked into his lowered eyes. I placed a finger under his chin and lifted it up.

"Chin-up eh? You've got nothing to worry about."

His eyes were crystal blue, shining in the slight sunlight.

"But it's not what I wanted." He whispered.

"No," I whispered back, "But it's what Marie wanted. And you should support her, because you know her better than anyone, and can feel what she's going through."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right."

"I am."

I made some lame excuse about meeting someone, and told him I'd see him around.

I walked right through the wall to the outside of the building, relishing the brief surge of air before I went through the ground, and came back up safely.

I ran as fast as I could toward the forest, willing no one to notice the tears as I held back a lump in my throat.

All this time I'd been hoping and wanting for someone I couldn't have. How typical of me.

I finally reached the woods. I ran a short distance more as to be out of sight.

I stopped running, my heart pounding for more reasons than one. I fell sideways against the nearest tree, finally able to let out my sobs as I sank my way towards the ground.

The salty tears spilled from the corners of my eyes as I blinked down hard. I could feel them slide down my face and fall off.

I'm such an idiot.


After a while, I pieced myself back together. How much of an idiot had I been? I'd known that Bobby was in love with Rogue from the start, and Bobby wasn't the kind of guy to reject someone because of a physical need. I was just naïve enough to expect him to change for me. I roughly wiped my wet face with the back of my sleeve, stood up, and walked purposefully back to the mansion.

Everyone was discussing the cure, either completely compelled and furious by the idea or compelled and interested. It was obvious which mutant had which opinion too. Damit, 5 minutes until class started, and she still needed her books. Running straight for the lockers, and even some angry grunts from various students who didn't expect someone to enter through the wall and exit through the other. Got their eventually, and quickly phased my head into the locker, grabbing the books needed. Then I pelted back to Storm's classroom.

Great, two minutes still to go. That must have been record time. I slumped down in my favourite chair at the back, leaning my head back and phasing my feet through and up onto the table where the rested

"May I sit here?" a kind voice asked.

Opening my eyes, and quickly phasing my legs back through the table, I looked up at the asker.

He was a tall teenager, probably slightly older than me. An innocent face, with a head of gold hair. Although he wore a baggy coat, it was obvious he worked out through the t-shirt he was wearing.

"Oh, um, sure." I said, ever so stylishly.

"Thanks." He gave me a warm smile, but his eyes were wide and made him look nervous.

"I haven't seen you around yet, are you new?" I asked

"Yeah, arrived this morning."

"Oh cool! Do you need someone to show you around? I remember my first day in this place was a nightmare, but you get used to it."

"Yeah, that'd be great thanks. My name's Angel."

"I'm Kitty."

"Kitty." He assured, as if testing the name out. "Suits you."

"How? You don't know me?"

He shook his head briefly. "Get the feeling."

Storm entered the room and ordered the class to be quite.

"So what's your power Angel?" As if I couldn't guess.

"I have wings."


"And you?" he inquired

"I can pass through solid objects." I said, whilst demonstrating moving my hand through the table.

"Now class, today we will be learning about-"

"Are you coming to the danger room?"

Warren whispered over to me in a way that made my skin tingle,

"What's that?"

"A room where we train. When you're an X-man that is."

"Does that mean when they give you a costume?" he asked.

"Pretty much."

"Then yeah, I guess I will be."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too." He replied with a slight twinkle in his eyes as he gave me a warm smile.

As the lesson progressed, I couldn't help feeling the Fate had responded when I asked for a new heart. It made me realise I always had a heart, but the person I wanted to give it to never took it. Instead, it's now mine to give to whoever I please. And who knows, this might even be the start of a beautiful friendship.