Summary: A girl who has lost her memories is taken in by the Wammy Boys.
Character Info.
Real Name: Elizabeth Stone
Age: 18
Normal Clothes: pink long sleeve shirt, brown shorts, spiky collar
Maid Outfit: sweet Lolita (Alice in Wonderland dress)
Hair: blackish-brown, long
Eyes: light brown, glasses
Character: Calm and settle, but understanding. Doesn't really worry about things and forgets about problems when possible, goes with the flow and often shrugs. She enjoys things that are unique and unusual.
Near: 18
Mello: 19
Matt: 19
L: 25
Living with the Wammy Boys
Darkness was all I could see. Well of course……My eyes were closed. They fluttered open. I was laying on a bed. Sitting up, I looked around. The room was lit by two lamps. It was pretty big, with a large desk up against the wall, along with two bookshelves, and a big red rug in the center. Where was I? I couldn't remember anything either……
I swayed a bit as I climbed out of the bed, rubbing the back of my neck. I jumped as it felt…a little scratchy, like dry, rough skin. Was this…a burn? I shrugged and adjusted my glasses. First thing was first. I had to find out where I was. I strolled over to the large white door and slowly pushed it open. I poked my head outside. My brown eyes blinked with surprise.
Three boys where sitting at a computer. The one that was actually on it had a head of red hair and wore a black and white striped shirt. The boy standing up and leaning on the desk was a blond that wore nothing but black. A chocolate bar was in his hand, half bitten. The last boy was an albino crouched on a table next to the desk, one leg to his side and the other pulled to his chest. His fingers where in his hair as he kept his gaze to the computer screen. He wore, unlike the blond, a pair of white pajamas.
"Ha! This game is a piece of cake!" the red-head laughed.
"Dude, there's a demon right behind you!" the blond warned. "Come on, get it!" I could hear shooting and explosions coming from the game. The white-haired boy remained silent as he watched.
I giggled quietly. I glanced around. The house was big……Big kitchen….Big living room…..Big everything. However, it wasn't really that organized. Books were scattered everywhere and clothes laid on the floor. The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes and the kitchen floor was quite……un-swept. I jumped as the white-haired boy slightly turned his head in my direction.
The red-head looked at him.
"What's up, Near?" he asked. I hid behind the door.
"She's awake." he said in a cold but calm voice. My heart picked up a pace a bit.
"Don't be afraid." the boy named Near continued. "We won't harm you. You can come out." I peeked outside again to see their gazes turned to my direction. I hesitated before slowly fully coming out. The blond glared at me and took a bite of chocolate. I met his gaze steadily.
"It's about time!" the red-head exclaimed. "You've been asleep for two days, missy! The name's Matt!"
"Two days, huh?" I said, looking down at my feet.
"That's right." Near said.
"So what happened?" I asked. "I mean……How did I get here?"
"You were rescued." the blond grunted, rolling his eyes.
"Mello's right." a new voice said. I turned to see another boy enter the living room. He had raven-black, shaggy hair and wore a plain white shirt and a pair of worn out jeans. His feet were bare and boney. His posture was poor, for he was bending a bit. I blinked. He looked……cool. Unique. Strange, and I loved it. Plus, he looked like a grown man which made it a lot better! It wasn't everyday you saw an adult being so out of the ordinary!
"I found you collapsed behind my headquarters." the man continued. "You were severly injured and I brought you back here. Apparently, you were struck by lightning." I sighed. That would explain the burn on the back of my neck. But why couldn't I remember anything? I shrugged. Just go with the flow, I guess.
"I'm thankful." I said, bowing. "I'll do anything in return…"
"You can leave." Mello scolded, munching on his chocolate.
"No…" the man said, his voice roughening a bit. He glanced around. "As you can see, this home of ours isn't the neatest place in the world. We never have time to clean with the cases we have."
"Cases?" I questioned. "Are you detectives or something?" The man looked at her, as if he was amused.
"You catch on quickly." he said, sitting down. My eyes lit up. He even sat strangely! His knees where pulled to his chest and his thumb rested on his pale lips. I was laughing so hard on the inside. I loved this guy! He was even a detective!
"What's your name?" I asked.
"L." he answered, picking up a teacup and taking a sip. He held the cup delicately. This man was really something! L……That was an awesome name in my book.
"L…" I echoed.
"Call me Ryuzaki." he said, taking more sips. "And you are……?"
"Ember." I answered. I knew that wasn't my real name…But I couldn't even remember my real name, anyway. Might as well make one up. Besides, I liked ember. It was like fire, but smaller.
"I see…" L, or Ryuzaki, said. "Anyway, like I said we never have time to clean. So since you said you would do anything, you can become our maid."
"Okay…" I said. "I think I can do that." I wasn't really sure. A maid just cleaned and cooked, right? It didn't sound too hard…
"Sweet!" Matt exclaimed. "We have a maid!" I jumped. The three other boys had left my mind completely.
L glanced at the computer screen. He let out a sigh.
"Didn't I tell you boys to do research?" he said, his tone slightly demanding.
"Sorry, L." they apologized. I tilted my head.
"So…you take on cases together?" I asked.
"Yes." L answered. "I work at my headquarters while they do research here at the house. Of course, we don't always lock ourselves inside. They go to school and since you live with us now…so will you." I had never gone to school before. Sounded interesting.
"Now I don't want you boys taking advantage of her." L warned. "She may is our maid, not our slave." The three boys nodded. L looked at the clock. "I must go now. Ember, please make yourself at home." With that, L went out the front door. I glanced at the three boys, who were eyeing me.
A grumbling sound echoed. I clutched my stomach and blushed. Matt chuckled.
"Looks like someone's hungry!" he said. I nodded, but sat down.
"It's okay." I reassured. I felt weird. I was alone. With three boys. Three boys that had the power to tell me what ever to do. I glanced at the albino and gasped. He was playing with action figures. A grown boy like himself playing with action figures! I grinned. He was strange, too! Awesome…
I decided. I would start my maid work now! I hopped of the couch and raced to the kitchen. I opened the fridge. They had…very little food.
"What are you doing?" Mello asked in his rude tone.
"I'm going to cook something!" I answered. "A maid cooks, right?" Near lifted his head.
I searched the fridge. An onion…Potato…Broth! Perfect. This was all I needed. I set a pot full of water on the stove and turned on the heat. As the water boiled, I chopped the onions and the potato. Soon, the kitchen smelled of…Onion and potato soup! My specialty.
"Now let it sit for a bit…." I whispered, turning down the heat. Matt and Mello strolled over with interest.
"Ember can cook!" Matt joked. Near came over too and sat on a stool in his normal position. He glanced into the pot along with Mello.
"Want some?" I asked, a smile on my face. We all sat at the table and I served four bowls. The boys took a sip, and their eyes widened.
"It's good!" Matt said. "Good job, Miss Maid!" I blushed.
"It guess it's okay…" Mello said, obviously hiding his real opinion. Near remained quiet and began to twirl his hair. I smiled again. Cute strange…Nice. I sat with them. I didn't know what my past was…But this was now. I had given the order to take care of these boys……and that was what I would do.
What do you think??? I hope it's good…No flames, please! Review!