A/N: Ugh. I have no excuse but depression and laziness as to the wait on this chapter. A thousand apologies my dear readers! Well here it is at last, the Final Chapter!! Hopefully it doesn't disappoint you too badly. I'll probably leave this chapter up for a bit then re-upload the story in one big file all corrected and stuff. I hate my bad grammar. T.T lol! Well here it is so enjoy! Tons of SAP ahead, oh and it is M! Beware if you don't want the shagging. I highly doubt you don't though. It's smexy! I haven't had much lemon writing practice so I hope this is still enjoyable! On to the story!

FALHFK Chapter Six: The End is the Beginning and They're Both so Sweet

"Now Draco, would you explain why you were touching Mister Potter so intimately in the middle of my class?"

Draco blushed deeply and cleared his throat.

"Well Sev, Uh, Professor, I, well, Harry and I are, um…"

"I'm in love with Draco!" Harry called out. Draco's mouth dropped open and he gaped at Harry. Snape just looked vaguely ill and directed his glare towards Harry.

"You are?!" Asked Draco. Harry turned to him.

"Of course I am. Didn't you know? Haven't I been obvious these past few days?"

"Well, I guess I just didn't expect to hear it."

"Um, ok. Well... Do you love me?"

Draco looked panicked and cornered. Snape just felt like vomiting and cleared his throat loudly. Both boys' attention refocused on their professor though Harry kept shooting surreptitious glances towards Draco.

"As much as I enjoy this little tiff of yours, this is exactly what I do not want in my class. Though I cannot control what you do after class or my godson's apparent lack of taste, I do not have to watch or even think about either of your tomfoolery. See that it stays out of my classroom." Snape said all this in his classic sarcastic drawl. Harry felt like rolling his eyes but refrained from doing so.

"Five points from Gryffindor for blatant lack of restraint and detention with me tonight after dinner Mr. Potter." Harry kept quite. He was used to this unfairness when it came to not punishing Slytherins. His mind was still on Draco's lack of response.

"You may both leave." Snape promptly turned around and starting working on a bubbling potion in the back of the room. The boys wasted no time vacating the classroom.

"Well that was relatively painless. Sorry about your detention though." Draco said brightly.

"Why didn't you answer me back there?" Harry stopped in the corridor and stared at Draco hard, waiting for an answer. Draco paused and looked panicked again. He started shifting from foot to foot and his Grey eyes clouded over in thought. Harry watched him closely looking for any sign of a coming answer. When all he got was terse silence his hopes dropped lower and lower.

"I shouldn't have said anything." He said in barely a whisper. Draco came out of his thoughts and looked at him.

"Harry you have to understand," Draco began but paused again, a painful look on his face.

"You know what, no, I understand! You don't love me. I'll just shut up and leave you alone now." Harry stormed off down the corridor in typical Gryffindor fashion. Draco stood there blinking and shocked wondering how everything went bad so quickly.

"Why can't I just say the bloody words?!" He yelled running after Harry. He had no luck down the corridor so he returned to their room only to find Harry missing from there as well.

"Ugh, Gryffindors…Why do they have to be so frustrating?" He muttered throwing himself on the bed. Harry would have to return to the room eventually and he had some serious thinking to do.

"I want to be able to tell you Harry. I really do." Draco said to the empty room around him. He felt truly and profoundly lonely for the first time since Harry and he had become friends. "At least I'm not purple again." He put a pillow over his head and sighed deeply. "Please come back soon Harry."

(On the other side of the Castle)

Harry was drowning his sorrows in Irish whiskey compliments of Seamus Finnegan. He knew he liked that kid for some reason. He was on his fifth shot when Hermione walked through the doors of the boys' dormitory.

"Harry Potter! What in Merlin's name do you think you're doing?!" She knocked the shot out of Harry's hand and promptly confiscated the bottle.

"Mione! Gif' it back!" Harry made a grab for it but promptly fell over.

"What is wrong with you Harry? First you're having a wonderful time groping Malfoy in Potions class and now you're here getting sloshed. Where's Draco?" Hermione asked helping Harry off the floor and onto Ron's bed.

"He doesn't love me Mione!" Harry let his head droop forward.

"You look like a whipped puppy Harry. Who doesn't love you? Draco?" Harry just nodded and fell backwards. Hermione rolled her eyes and went to sit by his head, petting his hair down gently.

"Harry you should know better than anyone how difficult intense emotions are for Draco Malfoy. And I have it on very good authority that you are wrong Harry." He looked up at her hopefully.


"Can't tell. Just trust me! Did he even say he didn't love you?" Harry shook his head no. "Then you still have hope." Hermione stood up and rifled around in the cabinet for something before coming back.

"Here Harry, sit up, drink this, and go ask Draco what he's thinking. Remember who his father was and give him a chance to get it all out before you storm off and get sloshed." Harry thought for a few moments. He knew Hermione was right. He really jumped to conclusions and ran away.

"Ugh! I'm such an arse!" He yelled sitting up and downing the potion Hermione held out to him. He pulled a face.

"Wow that's awful. I feel a lot better though. Thanks Mione. You always know what to do." She smiled as Harry hugged her.

"Blame it on my brilliance." She laughed. "Now go get your man!" Harry jumped up, kissed Hermione on the cheek in thanks, and ran out the door. He glanced at the clock on his way to his and Draco's room and cursed. He'd wasted too much time and had to meet Snape for detention. As much as he hated it, Draco would have to wait. He did not want to further anger one of Draco's only living relatives. He'd have to go suck up and try to get Snape to at least recognize he wasn't his father and he loved Draco very much.

"Well, here it goes." He said knocking on Snape's door.

"Come in Mister Potter." Snape groused, opening the door with a sneer. "You can get working on cleaning those cauldrons over there." He gestured towards a large pile cauldrons dripping with disgusting looking, unidentifiable, liquids.

"Yes Professor." Harry began cleaning. About an hour passed. Silence covered the room as both occupants pointedly ignored one another. Harry was getting through the cauldrons in record time, wanting desperately to find Draco and apologize.

"Professor Snape?" Harry asked as timidly as his Gryffindor pride would allow.

"What is it Mister Potter?" Harry winced at Snape's tone. He would have to go about this carefully.

"I know you don't really like me." Snape scoffed at Harry's words. "Okay, you pretty much hate me."

"What is your no doubt ridiculous, point?" Snape looked up from his work and focused on Harry.

"Well I know my dad was kind of a git to you and as much as I love my dad I disagree with how he treated you." Snape's eyes flared.

"How kind of you Potter." He spat out and began to return to his work.

"Professor, please hear me out!" Harry asked once again drawing Snape's surprised attention. "I really do love Draco. I know it is crazy seeing how we treated each other in the past, but we're adults now." Harry paused, gathering his thoughts. "Something bigger than petty cruelty and childish rivalry has taken hold of us. I don't want some ridiculous idea about me being my father and our past hostilities to keep you and me from interacting amiably." Snape scoffed again but the hatred in his eyes seemed to dim. "I'm not asking you to be my friend Professor. I just want us to be able to hold a conversation, especially around Draco. You are one of his only remaining family members and I want to get along with you, for Draco's sake."

"Enough of your prattling Potter." Snape cut in. Harry held his breath for a moment. It was all in Snape's hands now. He gave Snape the ammunition to make him look like a fool or to start a shaky age of cordiality (or at least a lack of hatred).

"You are very much like your father. However, I can also sense your mother in you as well." Harry's eyes widened in shock of an almost compliment from Snape. "You are correct that we are both adults and I agree to treat you as such. I believe that you care about my godson." Harry released a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm not done Mister Potter!" Stern Snape was back. "If you ever hurt or dishonor my godson in any way, I will not hesitate to tip one of my highly poisonous potions into your morning pumpkin juice, purely by accident of course." Harry gulped loudly and nodded his understanding. "Seeing as you have completed your task, be gone Mister Potter. I have much work to do." Snape brushed Harry away with a hand gesture but his voice lacked its usual venom.

Harry wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thanks Professor!" He called as he swiftly made his exit.

"Now to find Draco." Harry ran towards their shared room, bumping into wide eyed first years as he went. When he finally reached the room he threw himself inside looking avidly for any sign of his Dragon. The sight he saw made his heart skip a beat and fill with warmth.

Draco lay on the bed, buried beneath covers, and frowning cutely in his sleep.

"Finally," Harry whispered, a smile taking over his face as he sat as gently as possible next to Draco. He observed the beauty of the other man, pale skin and bright soft hair. He laid down next to him, molding their bodies together. He ran his fingers through Draco's sleep tousled hair, loving the somewhat messy look it created. Draco moaned lightly in his sleep and his frown began to disappear.

"Wake up my Dragon." Harry whispered in Draco's ear, placing a butterfly kiss on his forehead. As Draco began to wake, Harry continued a line of kisses down the side of Draco's face and neck.

"Mm, Harry." Draco's grey eyes fluttered open to lock on smiling green ones. Harry paused his trail of kisses and smiled warmly. Draco smiled brilliantly back and laced his arms around Harry's neck, drawing him closer.

"I thought you were mad at me?" He asked tilting his head. Harry leaned down and captured his lips.

"Does that answer your question?" Harry asked.

"Partly, you were upset though. What changed your mind?"

"Well I had a talk with someone much smarter than me."



Draco laughed. "What did she say?"

"Well she just showed me how idiotic I was being and told me to come and get you."

"I'm glad, but what took you so long?"

"I'm sorry." Harry kissed him again. "I had detention with Snape."

"How did that go?"

"Surprisingly well, I don't think there will be any more Snape related issues in the future."

"You're kidding!"

"Nope, dead serious. We talked and worked out some things."

"I don't believe it."

"Believe it. It mostly had to do with the affection we both have for a certain blond Slytherin." Draco blushed and avoided Harry's gaze. Their playful mood was evaporating into a more serious one.

"Look Harry, I am really sorry about before. I really want to say it to you and let you know how I feel but my whole life has been about shutting those feelings away. My father ground it into me. Love and affection were for the weak and expressing those feelings was completely foolish. It's going to take a while to get over all of that brainwashing." Draco held his breath, waiting for Harry to yell, leave, or react in some way. Tender hands lifted his face and grey eyes met green.

"I love you Draco Malfoy." Harry kissed him briefly. "If that makes me weak or stupid than that's fine. It won't change how I feel about you. I was a complete arse before. I should have understood your lack of response and heard what you had to say. I did some thinking and I realized how much of a dolt I was being. I know you care about me. I am willing to wait for as long as you need, to hear you say it out loud. And I'm going to keep saying it. I'll fight back with a little brainwashing of my own." Harry chuckled softly.

Draco was silent for a few moments letting everything Harry said process in his mind. "Harry." He said reverently.

"Okay speaking time is up. How about more shagging?" Harry suggested waggling his eyebrows comically and breaking the tense air around them. Draco burst into laughter and whacked Harry over the head.

"Is that all you think about Mister Potter?" Draco imitated his godfather's voice. Harry broke out in laughter as well, rolling off Draco so as not to crush him.

Their laughter tapered off and Draco looked over at Harry. He looked deep in thought. Draco smirked conspiratorially.

"Well?" He asked climbing to sit provocatively over Harry's crotch. Harry blushed.

"Well what?"

"Shagging my dear Harry, I was promised shagging." Draco wiggled on Harry's lap, pleased to feel a growing bulge under him. Harry moaned.

"Mmm, as wonderful as that sounds, I am rather filthy from cleaning cauldrons." Draco looked downtrodden at Harry's words.

"However, I do need a shower and I certainly would not mind some company." Draco perked up again, pulling them off the bed and towards the bathroom. Once inside Draco began trying to pull Harry's clothes off as he was turning the water on.

"A bit eager aren't we?" Harry smiled, turning around to draw Draco into a fervent kiss. Their tongues dueled as Harry lifted Draco on to the sink and began undoing his pants.

"Now who's eager?" Draco chuckled, pulling off and tossing Harry's shirt and then his own. The rest of their clothes were quickly shed between kisses and gropes towards the shower. Draco managed to get the shower running at a temperature that wouldn't scald or freeze them both.

"In you go," Harry said. Draco jumped in and all but pulled Harry in after him. Their bodies melded together as the water soaked them. Draco made a grab for Harry's ass causing Harry to emit a high squeak. Draco laughed through their kiss.

Harry pulled back an inch. "Hey, you play dirty."

"Slytherin." Draco answered, pulling Harry back into a kiss. Harry explored Draco's body with wandering hands. He reached for Draco's thigh and pulled it up over his hip grinding their arousals together.

"Nnh, Harry!"

Their grinding continued until Harry slipped a hand between them to take a hold of Draco's arousal. He stroked it slowly and gently. Draco threw his head back and emitted the sexiest sound Harry had ever heard. It caused him to pause in his ministrations for a moment but a whine from Draco put him back into action. He increased the speed and pressure on Draco's prick. Draco cried out in pleasure again bringing his head forward this time to rest on Harry's shoulder. He brought Draco closer and closer to climax, loving the noises and knowledge he was getting from him. It wouldn't be long before he knew every last one of Draco's pleasure spots.

"Ah, Harry, close!" Draco bit down on Harry's shoulder. Harry quickened his motions bringing Draco over the edge completely. His body shuddered pleasantly in Harry's arms as his orgasm was milked through. His arms tightened around Harry's neck, keeping him from falling into a complete satiated puddle on the shower floor.

When he was able to think coherently again he pulled back to look at Harry's face.

"That was the bloody best orgasm I have ever had." Draco smiled.

Harry's eyes lit up. "And we've only just begun." They came together in another intense kiss. Harry pulled back. "Now let's get this washing up done so I can have you completely." Harry almost purred the words causing Draco's knees to go weak once more.

"Sounds like a plan." Draco answered disentangling himself from Harry. Harry pulled out some soap and began washing down with it.

"I don't think so." Draco said pulling the soap from Harry's hands. "What kind of shower partner would I be if I let you do that all by yourself?" Draco smirked and began to soap Harry up. He leisurely left a trail of suds across Harry's shoulders and chest making his way down his toned stomach. Harry's arousal ached with need and his body trembled under Draco's expert caress. He almost jumped out of his skin with shock when Draco dropped to his knees in front of him. Draco looked up with mock innocence.

"I have to make sure I get every spot."

Harry groaned in anticipation. However, instead of feeling the slickness of soap on his arousal, he felt the warm heat of Draco's mouth.

"Ahn! Draco!" He panted, almost losing his balance under an intense wave of desire. Draco's tongue lapped at Harry's prick alternating with sucks from his talented mouth. Harry knew he wouldn't last long. When Draco ran dexterous fingers across his balls he knew that was it.

"Draco, cumming!" Draco didn't pull back. Instead he continued to suck and lick at Harry, swallowing all he had to offer. Harry glanced dazedly down at Draco whose face carried a self-satisfied smirk.

"Was that good for you Harry?" He asked, eyes dancing with mischief and desire. Harry pulled him up, turned off the water, and muttered a quick cleaning and drying spell on them both.

"Shower is over now. Time for bed."

Draco looked confused for a moment but read Harry's clear intent in his eyes.

It was almost magical how fast they managed to get to their bed. Harry covered Draco with his body, kissing and sucking on his ivory neck. Draco moaned aloud looking up at Harry with hazy seductive eyes.

"What are you going to do to me now Potter?" Draco asked smirking.

"Very dirty, indecent things Malfoy my dear." Harry smirked back.

Draco bucked up rubbing their erections together putting Harry off his guard. He wasted no time taking advantage of Harry, flipping their positions sitting right on top of Harry's prick.

"I think I will be doing the indecent things tonight Harry." Words faded as the pace of their coming together quickened. Harry was surprised and amused when Draco pulled a bottle of lubricant from the top drawer of the bedside table.

"Well that's cliché." Harry laughed.

"Shh," Draco placed a finger to Harry's lips. He trailed his hand down Harry's chest, covering his arousal with a loose fist. Draco was please with himself as he took in the little sounds of arousal Harry was making as he pumped him up and down.

"If you..uh…keep that up…mmm…I won't last much longer." Harry breathed out in broken English. Draco paused, met Harry's lips and maneuvered some of the lube over Harry's erection. Harry gasped into Draco's mouth. Their eyes met and Harry's stomach fluttered pleasantly when he put together Draco's intentions. Harry devoured Draco's mouth once more pushing him backwards onto the bed and trailing kisses down his neck and chest. It was Draco's turn to emit little pleasure noises. Harry trailed lower kissing the tip of Draco's prick. He lifted Draco slightly and slipped a slick tongue over the hidden pucker.

"Mmm, Harry."

Harry continued his ministrations, pausing to cover a few fingers in the almost forgotten lube. As he slipped the first inside, Draco let out a low moan. Harry pushed it in and out a few times before adding another finger. Draco was so tight and he wasn't sure how he would last very long once inside him. When Harry had three fingers inside, Draco decided enough was enough. He pulled Harry's fingers out, sat up, and pushed Harry to the bed once more.

"You're driving me insane Harry. I'm ready now for Merlin's sake!" Draco wiggled around on Harry's lap impatiently.

"Alright your highness." Harry laughed. Their eyes met again and the smiles turned affectionate and serious. "I'm not letting you go after this Draco."

"I wouldn't ask you to." Draco smiled genuinely. He placed Harry's prick at his entrance and slowly began to lean onto it. Harry gently thrust upwards into Draco's tight heat. They both groaned loudly as the slid together for the first time. Harry paused to allow Draco to adjust but gasped when Draco moved on his own, lifting up and sliding back down onto him. Harry took the hint. He grabbed Draco's hips to steady him and met his movements with perfect thrusts. Their pace was steady at first but Harry could tell Draco was becoming impatient again. He sat up slightly, kissing Draco's neck and increasing his pace. Their heartbeats escalated with their tempo as they drew closer to completion. And all at once they were there together.

"Oh Merlin!" Draco cried out throwing his head back. Harry had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Draco rode Harry fervently until they both were fully spent. They met in a kiss again, drawing it out languidly.

They both reveled in post-coital bliss, as everything took on a warm and calm tinge. Draco curled up facing Harry, arm across his lover's stomach and head on his shoulder. Harry protectively curled around him as well.

"I love you Harry." It was barely a whisper but Harry heard it loud and clear. He smiled warmly.

"I love you too Draco." He kissed Draco on the forehead and met his lips in a tender kiss.

The twinkling of lights caused them to part. A mist of light in every color swirled from both of them. It started away from both of their hearts, circled around them once, and disappeared through an open window into the night air.

"Karma in material form?" Draco asked.

"I found my happiness." Harry answered kissing Draco once more.

They fell asleep that night with gentle smiles on their faces and contentment in their hearts.

(The Next Morning)

"You two look like cats that got the cream, the canary, and everything else for that matter!" Hermione said making room for Draco and Harry to sit beside her at the Gryffindor breakfast table.

"You are too smart for your own good Granger." Draco said. However his voice was lacking the usual snarkiness.

"We're just happy 'Mione. Thanks for kicking me into shape yesterday." Harry hugged her.

"Yes, thank you for knocking some sense into the poster child for Gryffindor." Draco said smirking teasing at Harry. Hermione laughed.

"Anytime Draco."

Harry pinched Draco's bum in retaliation earning him a squeak and a look full of promised revenge. Snape walked by diverting Draco's attention.

"I'll be right back Harry. I want to talk to Sev about something."

"Okay love." Harry smacked Draco's retreating bum as he left causing Draco to blush and the entire table of Gryffindors to stifle their laughter.

"I am incredibly happy for you Harry." Hermione said.

"Me too." Added Luna appearing out of nowhere in Draco's vacated seat. Harry jumped.

"Thanks you two." He smiled.

"So Harry, now that you too are together, shall I let you in on a little wartime secret about Draco?" Hermione smiled conspiratorially.

"Oh do tell him!" Luna agreed.

"Yes, I'd love to know." Harry said eagerly.

"Well you are not allowed to tell Draco I told you. He will definitely never speak to be affably again."

Harry nodded his consent. "Go on."

"Well during the war, do you remember how things would just appear around you?"

Harry thought back for a moment. "Yeah, the really helpful things like water when I was really thirsty or a map I had misplaced appearing just when I needed it."

"Well, it was Draco."

"Are you serious? I thought he still hated me then! Plus he had so much of his own stuff going on with his father trying to kill him and all." Harry was shocked.

"Yes, it was him. I actually caught him once and confronted him about it. That is when we reconciled some of the animosity between us. After a while he even confessed that he admired you."

Harry was still in awe. "But why would he even worry about small needs that I had? How did he even know?"

"I'm not sure Harry. I think he loved you even then." Hermione answered.

"They say soul mates can be exceedingly empathic when it comes to their other half. Maybe karma had you in mind for longer than you think Harry." Luna said in her vague, fairy-like way.

"If all that's true, he is certainly more than I deserve." Harry said scanning the room for Draco's form.

"He's exactly what you deserve Harry." Hermione offered patting Harry on the shoulder and getting up. Harry's attention returned to the table and his friends.

"Where are you going Mione?"

"Luna and I have some research to do on a certain subject." She says cryptically.

"See you later Harry." Luna smiles and gets up as well, looping arms with Hermione and skipping along with her out the door of the great hall.

Harry shakes his head. "I don't think I will ever understand those two."

"Neither will I." Agreed Draco, sitting next to Harry once more.

"Everything go alright with Snape?"

"Of course. I still can't believe you seriously made amends with him."

"All for you Draco."

Draco blushed. "So what did you and Hermione talk about while I was gone? You weren't giving the fan-girl any details of last night were you?"

Harry laughs. "No! Definitely not."

"Good because I'm not sharing you." Draco crosses his arms stubbornly. Harry laughed again. Draco groused at him and returned to his breakfast.

Harry stares at the creature he has managed to capture for his own. His mind returns to what Hermione told him about Draco during the war.

"You're wonderful, you know that." Harry whispers in his ear. Draco smiles.

"Of course I know that, I'm a Malfoy." He jokes but his breath catches when his eyes meet Harry's ardently adoring gaze. They stay frozen in the moment for a while. Draco being given the approval and love he has searched for his entire life and Harry giving the love and affection he has longed to give. They truly were complete.

And somewhere, far away, Karma dances into yet another cycle for those that search and fight and learn with pure heart.

The Beginning…

A/N: Once again I want to profusely thank all of my reviewers and supporters of this story, especially TheMrsDannyJones! You all rock my socks off! I hope you all enjoyed. *hugs* Maybe when I re-upload I'll add an alternative 'Draco being top' lemon. I love both of them as top and as bottom but I was in the 'semi-submissive Draco' mood when I wrote this. Tell me what you think in your reviews? I'll leave it up to my dear readers. Ja! Oh and Happy Christmas (HanaQuanzaWinterSoltice)!