Ok, I'm new here and this is they first story I've written so please tell me of what i can improve on! I want to learn! :)
I DON'T OWN GAKUEN ALICE!(much to my disappointment...)
Here's the story. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 21

Oh my God today was Hell. That evil Natsume flipped up my underwear AGAIN!!! I swear, he needs a life. I don't see what everyone likes about him. He's just a jerk. Oh, and guess what? My dad thinks I need therapy. Just because mom died doesn't mean I'm going into depression! It's him who needs therapy. I mean, I miss my mom and all because she was…well… my mom, but I am NOT going to talk about it to some random person! It's a waste of our family's money. Oh well. Therapy starts on Monday. Oh what joy! Life sucks right now. But it can only get better right?

I, Mikan Sakura, was sitting on her bed just finishing up my diary entry when my dad walked in. I quickly hid my diary under my pillow. Thank God I had the TV on, otherwise my dad would be suspicious, and when he gets suspicious, he does anything to find out what he wants to know. Great, huh?

"Hi sweetie. What are you watching?"

"Discovery Channel. What do you want Dad?"

"Mikan, I'm just concerned. You haven't been hanging out with your friends as much as you have before. All you do is sit in your room, moping."

"Oh my God, Dad! I'm not moping! That's you! And I do hang out with my friends. I just can't as often as I usually do because I have homework. Did you ever hear of that? It's what they make you do after school to learn and it takes up your time. Ring a bell?"

"Don't talk that way to me! You're grounded! Two weeks!" With that he walked out.

Oh my God, could he be anymore annoying? I thought. I swear. He is just like a teenager. Thank God I'm going to college next year…


"Hey, Mikan! Get your lazy ass down here!" Hotaru yelled for me.

"COMING!!!!!!!" I yelled for the millionth time. I quickly threw my school books and diary in my bag and ran downstairs.

"It's about time you got down here, baka." Hotaru said in her usual emotionless tone.

"Let's go. My dad is ruining my life. I need to get away. Guess what? He thinks I need therapy. Can you believe it? THERAPY!"

"Isn't it him who needs the therapy?"

"Yes! Good God, yes!"

"Well I don't want to hear about it. Your petty life details bore me. Let's go." Typical Hotaru. Being so heartless and emotionless, but she is still my best friend. If I really need her to listen, she will. She's the best person in the world. She's beautiful, a genius, and athletic. She's good at everything, unlike me. I'm a freaking klutz. I have simple brown hair and brown eyes, get average grades, and have no skills in the sport department at all. I'm more of a theater type of person.


Friday, October 22

I was just walking into school when the most embarrassing thing happened to me. It was evil Natsume! He tripped me! HE FREAKING TRIPPED ME! So I obviously fell, and my skirt flipped up. And everybody saw! Why, oh why did I wear polka dot underwear today? So now he calls my Polka Dots as my name. I wonder how long it will take for everyone to start calling me that…

That was the pits. I can't believe he did that! I mean, I know he's a jerk and all, but I didn't know he would be so mean! I'm so glad its Friday. This week has been way to stressful. I am going to officially die in math. Not only is it my worst subject, but I have to next to the Devil. You know what? Screw it. If I just ignore his nickname for me, he won't think it bothers me and he'll stop, right?

My first class was English, and it stunk. People keep looking at me and snickering. It's really annoying. I know they think it was funny, but come on! How long can they laugh at me. Gosh, I can't imagine what they heard happened. From the whispers I heard in the hall, calling me a slut, whore, and shit, I bet they think I showed my underwear on purpose! And who will believe that it was Natsume who started that rumor? Nobody! He is a demon I tell you, a demon!

My second class is Social Studies, the class with the blind teacher. She's not literally blind, but you can get away with anything in this class. I usually spend my time here texting Hotaru. She can text in any class and still know everything they did in class. She is just that smart. I figured I should ask her what she has heard about this morning. No one has the guts to tell me themselves to see if it's true.

CherryChickadee233: Hey Ho! Omg wat hav u heard about me this morning? Is it bad? Will I hav 2 transfer skools!?!

IceQueenGrl: Relax u retard. They say u fell on purpose, that u wanted people 2 c ur panties. Only idiots would believe tht. It'll probably blow over by Monday.

CherryChickadee233: Wat bout Natsume? Wat is he sayin?

IceQueenGrl: …

CherryChickadee233: Is it tht bad?

IceQueenGrl: let's just say he's never gonna let u live it down.

CherryChickadee233: God. Could my life get any worse?

IceQueenGrl: Yes. And it probably will.

CherryChickadee233: Thx *thick sarcasm*

IceQueenGrl has signed off.

CherryChickadee233 has signed off.

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. It's time for the class I've been dreading most. Math. What is he going to do? Ignore me hopefully. As soon as I got to class I knew I was dead wrong. Natsume was smirking at me. That was the first sign.

The next thing he did was unthinkable. He said, "Well, if it isn't the polka dot panties girl. Come to show us your bra now?"

I wanted to die. How could he say that? He tripped me! It was all his fault. He is so rude. After class started he began passing me notes.

Polka dot underwear. Are you serious?

Shut up! This is all your fault. You tripped me!

My fault? You're the one who wears panties that 5-year olds do.

I said shut up! It's none of your business what underwear I choose to wear. Why did you trip me anyway?

Why not? You're an easy target, being such a klutz.

Jerk. You just like ruining my life.

That too.

Wait. How do you know I'm such a klutz? Are you like… a stalker?

You admitted you're a klutz. So you're clumsy and stupid.

Stop avoiding the question. How do you know I'm a klutz?

He stopped answering the notes. Which was good, I guess, because Mr. Jinno asked me to answer to a question I just solved. But I'm still curious of why he didn't answer the question. Am I missing something here?

Sunday, October 24

I had theater try-outs today. It's the first of three. I'm hoping to get the lead. The play is Mulan. I will settle for any part, but my goal is to be Mulan. She is so cool! I know it's lame to like a Disney movie, but it's my absolute favorite! I watch it at least like… once a week. I'm such a nerd! We get call-backs on Wednesday. It's taking so long because so many people tried out. I'm so anxious!

Today I hung out with Anna and Nonoko, the twins who share a brain!

It's really kind of funny actually. They always complete each others sentences and have the same opinion. If I spent the day with Hotaru, she would tell me shut the Hell up because all I did was stress about how I'm not sure I'm getting a call-back. But my other friends are so supportive and told me I did fine. I know they were annoyed because I was talking nonstop about how I won't get the part, but I couldn't help it. It's an impulse. I'm so glad I got my homework done earlier this week, otherwise it would never get done!


Ok. I'm in social studies right now, bored to death. I decided to text Hotaru. It's not like we're doing any actually learning here.

CherryChickadee233: Omg I'm being bored to death her.

IceQueenGrl: I don't care.

CherryChickadee233: Ah. My best friend. I hav stupid therapy today. Save me!

IceQueenGrl: Good for you. Y r u goin anyway? Y don't u just play hooky?

CherryChickadee233: Cause it's freakin expensive for a therapist.

IceQueenGrl: The rapist.

CherryChickadee233: WTF!!!???!!!

IceQueenGrl: The rapist. That's how you spell therapist. Just split the word up.

CherryChickadee233: OMG LOL!!!! THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!!!!

IceQueenGrl: Shut up, baka. It's not funny. Retarded grl.

CherryChickadee233: Ahhh! Ho! Ur so mean!

IceQueenGrl: Then don't talk 2 me. I hav better things to do than talk 2 sum1 who lowers my IQ by the second.

CherryChickadee233: No way in heck will I stop talking to u! Ur my BFF yo!

IceQueenGrl: I'm my own BFF.

IceQueenGrl has signed off.

CherryChickadee233: MEANIE!!!!

CherryChickadee233 has signed off.

In Math, Natsume passed he a note that pissed me off so much!

I see that it's strawberries today.

Oh my God! You pervert!

Hn. It's not my fault you show off the underwear off to the school.

I do not! I'm not a slut!

Well I'd look at the back of your ass.

What do you mean?

Your skirt is tucked into your panties. Freak.

I quickly turned around to see what the heck he was talking about. He was right. My underwear was tucked into my skirt, showing everyone who sees me to see my strawberry panties. I wanted to crawl under a rock. Now everyone had a new reason to make fun of me. Oh my God I'm slow. I knew there was a reason people were laughing at me. I blushed a tomato shade of red. I quickly untucked the skirt in my underwear to keep from suffering any more embarrassment.

Oi. Strawberry fields. You look as red as the strawberries on your underwear.

Is it possible for like… five minutes for you not to be a jerk?

I'm just stating the facts.

Well it's rude, you big meanie!

Feh. I don't care what you think of me.

Well you should. People should care what other people think of them. If a lot of people don't like you, you should realize that there's something about you that is wrong. You should always try to be the best person you can be.

Natsume never responded because the bell rang signaling the end of class. If I didn't know any better, I would say that he was thinking about what I wrote to him last. I could tell by the look in his eye. Maybe my words were getting to him? Nah, I doubt it. Still…

Yay! My first chapter is finished! Sorry if it's short. i"ll try to update quickly(I hate writer's block...). Please review! I want to make my story the best it can be! :) Luv ya!