Chapter 11 recap

Once they were all in the feudal era they walked the way to Kaeda's village to find it being attacked by a hoard of demons lead a unknown female demon.

Lori quickly went into action whipping out her whip and sending it towards the female, it wrapped around her neck and Lori jerked her hand backwards pulling her down off her feather sending her flying and crashing into the ground.

Kagome shot off a couple arrows into the hoards of demons killing about 30 of them but more kept coming, Alex through some daggers at the demons killing them, Meaghan whipped her fans around sending vines threw some demons while Rachel cut through the demons with her staff.

The female youkai tried to get up but couldn't when Meaghan wrapped her vines around her body making sure she couldn't move, Lori also placed one of her swords at her neck to make sure she didn't move or try to break free.

"Why are you attacking Kaeda's village, Youkai?" Lori asked pressing her blade more into her neck, the female glared at her and Lori just stared back at her in disgust.

"Because my master ordered me too, girl. He will be attacking you all soon, to get the Shikon." the female youkai said breaking free and taking off on her feather, Lori glared after her grumbling curses. Kagome and the other's walked over to her, Lori told them what the female youkai had told her about this new enemy attacking them soon to get the Shikon jewel.

Everyone knew they had to be on guard on their journey to get on the road to get away from Kaeda's village, so the village was not destroyed if this unknown enemy came and attacked them.

(A couple hours later, on the road)

The gang walked knowing that at anytime this new enemy could attack them, Kagome knew they needed to tell all their allies that there was a new enemy out there wanting the Shikon jewel. Meaghan motioned everyone close and transported them all to Lord Sesshomaru's ballroom, scaring the maids that were cleaning the hall. The maids smiled when they saw their lady there and some maids went to inform their lord that the lady was here and her friends as well, 2 minutes later Sesshomaru appeared in front of them asking what they were doing here.

"It seems that there is a new enemy wanting the Shikon jewel for their own, they attacked Kaeda's village looking for it" Kagome told Sesshomaru who nodded and motioned for everyone to follow him, he showed them to his study and they all talked about what they were going to do about this new threat against them.

"I think staying here in the castle would be the best to protect the jewel, my army will be able to help fight against this new enemy" Sesshomaru stated to the group of female's in his office, Kagome smiled agreeing with Sesshomaru. The other girls also nodded their heads agreeing with him, knowing this was the best plan.

"I'll get a maid to show you to your room's, you all must be tired from your journey" Sesshomaru said motioning to a couple maids to take them to their rooms, Kagome stayed behind with Sesshomaru who would show her to her room later after their little talk.

(A couple weeks later)

Lori said she was going to visit Youko and Kuronue wanting to have Shippo train with them again, while she also would train to become stronger and she would be able to contacted whenever they needed her by having Meaghan communicate with her through their minds. When Lori and Shippo went on their way to Youko's underground place she transported them there so it wouldn't take so long by walking, when they were transported into the cave into Youko's room finding Youko and Kuronue in an interesting position...

End Chapter, Cliff-hanger!

Sorry it's so short but wanted to get it out since I haven't been able to write for a long time since losing my USB with this story on it.