Awakening of the Spirits

Chapter 1

Kagome was running through the forest, just running not knowing and not caring where she was going furiously angry, she only just wanted to get away from the sight that she had just seen with her innocent eyes. She had just seen Inuyasha and Kikyo together, Kikyo saying she wanted Inuyasha to kill Kagome so she can be alive once again with him, and inuyasha said he would kill Kagome when she was alone with him.

Kagome knew he would ask her take a walk with him but as soon as he entered the clearing she ran, ran as fast as she could when she saw the look in his eyes. Kagome slowed to a stop in a clearing far from the camp site, she fell to her knees and sobbed. Kagome didn't know what to do knowing that she could never go near the group because of Inuyasha's betrayal. She looked around the clearing she had entered to see where she was, she didn't recognize where she was, when she turned to the west she saw a door that was hidden very well by vines and bushes. Kagome slowly got up from where she was and walked towards the door to see what was behind it, slowly she turned the handle and the door swung open hitting the wall next to it. Kagome slowly arched forward into the dark glumly cave, all of a sudden the cave was lit up by torches that lined up on the wall, slowly kagome walked down the long hallway to where she saw another steal door that was at the end of the long hallway.

She made her way to the door only to find the door guarded by a black barrier. Kagome slowly reached her hand out to see if she could get through, when she made contact to the barrier her hand went through. She slowly arched her way into the barrier and opened the door to a large room, covered in Beautiful flowers and vines. She looked around the room and only saw four statues covered in layers of ice, she made her way over to the statues to find they were statues of four beautiful women.

Curiosity she lightly touch the closes one to her when the ice started to crack bit by bit, she touched them all watching as the ice melted and all that was left was four women dropping on the floor at Kagome's feet. Kagome back up when the women fell, she didn't know what to do now.

Suddenly she saw a movement coming from the floor she gasped when she looked into icy blue eyes looking at her from below, Kagome slowly walked over to the women and kneeled down to see if she could help the girl out. The women groaned and rolled over on her back shivering, she hissed out hugging her knees close to her chest because of being in the ice statue for so long. Kagome looked around to see if she could find something to cover them up with to warm them up; she found some sheets in the back of the room to put over them to warm them up. She ran over to the wall to get the sheets and ran back to them and put them over the four women. Kagome kneeled by the women with a worried face she studied them.

The first woman that caught Kagome's attention was a woman with extremely long blonde hair with three buns atop her head with an annoyed and angry expression on her face. The Second was a woman with an orange suit, medium brown hair, Red eyes and twp big orange metal weights with a confused and drowsy expression. The third next women had short white hair with a strand of white hair formed into a curl and two bizarre cone like telescope with a black eyeball on a green surface and dark gray eyes with a cute and bubbly confused expression. The fourth and last women had two black pigtails in braids and light brown eyes with a tired and sleepy eyed expression.

The first women moaned and opened her eyes looking around when she spotted kagome not far away from her. She slowly sat up and spoke.

"Who are you human and where are we?" she spoke harshly

"I'm Kagome. And well you're in this underground cave that I've just found." Kagome said with her hand on her hip.

The women rubbed her forehead and cursed out loudly, when she remembered who had put them there.

"God dammit those basterd's, I'll kill them when I get my hands on them!" She shouted with her hands in the air.

"Kill who?" Kagome asked while looking at the women, still having her hand on her hip.

"Oh my apologies, I didn't tell you my name. I am Lori and my friends are Rachel who's wearing the orange suit, Meaghan who has white hair, and Alex who has black pigtails. We are spirits not of Earth, but of the heavens. We served a higher up god, He was killed by very strong god I suppose He wanted are powers and so when we found out this they tried to kill us. But they were stronger than us and so we tried to flee, failing. They somehow forced us to sleep in these ice statues forever."

"Did you know who they were when you found out your god was killed?" Kagome says intrigued.

"Yes we did and they we're are mate-to-be." Lori says with anger, she glares at the wall.

"Really then why did they kill your god if they were your intended?" Kagome says confused.

"Because their greedy basterd's who only wanted our power and nothing else." They both turned to the side to see the other women start to stir from their sleep. Lori got up to go see how her friends were doing; she sat next to Rachel and waited for her to notice her.

"Where are we Lori?" Rachel asked while slowly sitting up looking around.

"We're in an underground cave that those basterd's forced us in for four centuries because of their selfish desire to be the most powerful spirits on the earth." Lori sneered when she spoke of their ex-intended's.

"Yes, do you think they got away with it after they put us here?" Rachel said while looking at Lori.

"I don't know but I hope they didn't because if they did we would have to serve under them forever and I don't want that because Yue would make me become his slave or worse his wife." Lori said sadly with an angry look in her eyes.

"Don't worry Lori we won't let that happen to you" Rachel said seriously.

"Where are we?" a voice said behind them. Lori and Rachel looked behind them to see Alex and Meaghan sitting up looking around to see where they were.

" We're in a underground cave that those basterd's put us in four centuries ago and kagome-sama found us and somehow she set us free from the curse they put us under" Lori said.

"So what time period are we in?" Meaghan asked.

"Uh…..I don't know actually" Lori said scratching the back of her head.

"You're in the feudal era" Kagome said coming to stand next to Lori.

"Oh…so we've been asleep for four centuries because of them, damn it's been awhile" Alex said angrily getting up from her sitting position next to Meaghan.

"Can we just please get out of this cave, I want to smell the fresh air!" Lori whined while pouting.

"We have to find our weapons first Lori before we can go for your fresh air" Rachel said glaring at Lori.

"Awe…..come on why there right over there on the wall behind you" Lori whined bouncing up and down on her feet. The women turned around to see she was right when she said that their weapons were behind them on the wall. The women walked over to the wall and got their weapons.

"Um…do you have any different outfits to wear?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Oh…ah…yeah why?" Lori asked wondering why they couldn't go out like they were.

"Um...You would really attract attention, people here are suspicious about people with not so ordinary clothes like them, I already attract attention enough with my group of friends" Kagome said worriedly.

"Oh...sure lets us just change and then we can go get some fresh air!" Lori excitedly said, jumping up and down. The women snapped their fingers and in seconds their outfits had change in beautiful kimonos. Lori's kimono was a dark purple with silver designs going from the bottom to half-way up the kimono with a violet obi, Rachel's kimono was black with orange swirls with a white obi , Meaghan's kimono was green with white flowers on it with a black obi, and Alex's kimono was brown with red flames on it with a orange obi.

"So what do you think?" Lori said twirling around and striking a pose.

"Yes, very beautiful Lori-kun" Kagome said giggling.

"Okay, let's bogie out of here!!" Lori shouted running to the door and opening it. Everyone followed her out of the cave, when Lori saw a light shining through she ran toward the door and through open the door shouting to the world. "Freedom!" and started dancing around the clearing the other's shook their heads at her actions.

"Is she always so excited Rachel-sama?" Kagome asked crooking her head to the side.

"Yes, she's always so hyper when she's been in a room to long and she's not been allowed outside for a long period of time." Rachel said sighing while shaking her head but with a smile on her face knowing that Lori was happy.

"Lori-sama would you guys like to join our shard hunting group?" Kagome shyly asked looking at the ground.

"We'd be honored to be part of your group kagome-kun! Right guys?" Lori said looking at her friends with a pout.

"Hai!" They said nodding their head to yes it would be an honor to join her group.

"Yay! We get to travel and see this wonderful land!" Lori said excitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Let's go let's go!"

"Calm down Lori let Kagome-sama lead the way to her campsite" Rachel Said shaking her head.

"Okie Dokie Lead the way Kagome-sama!" Lori shouted excitedly wanting to meet kagome's friends.

"Yes of course this way" Kagome said pointing to the west "we're on our way to the western lands because there was a rumor of a shard that way" Kagome said walking through the forest back to camp.

"Kagome-sama your aura is sad you don't want to go back to your friends" Lori asked coming to walk next to kagome.

"It's just that I found my crush once again with my reincarnation, and he said he loved me and only me but I found him with her, it hurts so much that e would do that to me with a dead women?!" Kagome sobbed falling to her knees. Lori kneeled down next to her and put her arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a semi hug, kagome launched herself into Lori's embraced and cried her heart out. Lori put her arms around kagome and slowly rubbed her back in circles to soothe her.

"Shhh….it's okay kagome-sama, he doesn't know what he gave up to be with that dead thing, we'll help you get over him we'll find you someone else who will like you for you not for who you're not" Lori whispered into kagome's ear. Lori looked down to see that kagome fell asleep, she picked kagome up and carried her bridal style through the forest just following where she could feel kagome's energy to a clearing with two human's, two demon's, one dead smelling priestess, and a hanyou. They stepped into the clearing; the occupants sprang up from their position ready to fight. Lori stopped on the side of the clearing watching them spring up and tense ready to fight.

"Are you kagome-sama's companions?" Lori asked looking them over with a wary eye.

"Who the hell are you bitch? And what did you do to kagome?!" Inuyasha yelled pulling out his tetsaiga and pointing it at them.

"Kagome-sama found us and asked if we would like to join the group she is travelling with to help find the shard's of the shikon-no-tama, and we agreed to help" Lori said looking at Inuyasha with a raised eyebrow.

"Let her go Wench before I hurt you!" Inuyasha screamed.

"Why don't you shut up and sit your hanyou ass down before I make you" Lori said with a scowl on her face. Inuyasha's mouth dropped opened.

"Keh…whatever wench" Inuyasha said with narrowed eyes.

"What did you just call me half-breed? That's it I don't know what she saw in you but I won't take your attitude" Lori said angrily while leaning kagome down against the tree next to them. Lori took three steps forward then raised her hand and the wind picked up, inuyasha flew backwards into a tree 50 yards away. Lori put her arm back to her side and looked towards kagome's other friends and looked them over.

"Will it be alright we you if we come along on your travel Monk, Taijiya?" Lori said looking at them seriously.

"Yes that's alright with us Ms…?" Miroku said.

"Sorry I'm Lori, these are my friends Rachel, Alex and Meaghan" she said while bowing to them.

"Pleasure to meet you Lori-sama, Rachel-sama, Alex-sama, and Meaghan-sama, I'm Miroku the monk, this is Sango the Taijiya, Shippo the fox, Kilala the fire cat, and you already met our hanyou friend inuyasha" Miroku said coming over to them and bowing.

"Yes Pleasure to meet you as well monk Miroku and Taijiya Sango" Lori politely said.

"How did kagome find you if that's alright of me asking Lori-san" Sango asked curiously coming over to stand next to the Miroku.

"Kagome-sama freed us from a spell that we were put under four centuries ago by warriors who defeated our Kami-sama, we tried to stop them but they were stronger than us and I hate that we couldn't save him from his death" Lori said while looking at her friends with sad eyes.

"It wasn't your fault Lori okay we just have to get stronger" Rachel said looking at Lori with a small smile on her face.

"I know but we trusted them and look where it got us, stuck in ice statues for four centuries" Lori said angrily while plucking out blades of grass and putting a pile together without knowing it. A moan was heard from the tree where kagome was resting, everyone turned towards kagome, and Lori walked over to her and kneeled down.

"Hey you alright now kagome-sama?" Lori said while pushing kagome's bangs out of her eyes.

"Yes, but I thought I heard inuyasha a while ago?" Kagome said groggily, sitting up and looking around to see where she was.

"Ahh…yeah about that...I kind of blew him into some trees earlier" Lori sheepishly said rubbing the back of her head.

"Oh...okay" Kagome said tiredly. Her friend's sweatdroped and fell down anime style. Everyone turned in the direction of crunching leaves and trees falling down.

"Uh-oh seems muttface is back, oh well I liked not smelling his disgusting scent that smells like earth, bones and death" Lori said pinching her nose so she didn't have to smell the scent when he came into the clearing.

"Yes, he does smell like that doesn't he?" Meaghan says quietly while looking at the forest where the smell was coming from. Lori takes a deep breath of air and then stills.

"There's another demon coming, but it's coming from the west and he's coming fast, but he weird thing is that he feels like inuyasha but different" Lori said confused.

"Oh that must be Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's half-brother, he's the Lord of the western lands, and really strong" Kagome says looking around into the surrounding forest.

"Oh is he also a half-demon like inuyasha?" Alex asks Kagome curiously.

"Oh no Sesshomaru is a full inu demon" Kagome says to alex. Alex nods her head in understanding. Trees are suddenly ripped out of the way by an angry inu-hanyou but before inuyasha could get in a word he sniffed the air and started growling.

"Sesshomaru's coming; he's come to get my sword again basterd!" Inuyasha angrily said, while getting ready to fight his brother.


End Chapter