Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Harry Potter series. That credit goes to the brilliant mind of J.K. Rowling. Go Jo! I also do not own some of the material used. Again that belongs to Jo and Warner Brothers.

Chapter 13 Return to King's Cross

Albus was sitting down at a table in the Gryffindor Common Room. He was full of nerves about living with his aunt and uncle. Sure, Albus had no doubt that he had met them when he was a baby, and also at King's Cross the day left for Hogwarts. James and Fred had told him earlier that Molly and Roxanne were extremely thrilled about the news. Victoire, Dominique, and Louise were also happy about this.

"How are you feeling?" a voice asked.

Albus looked up and saw it was Rose. Lucy, Fred, and James were walking towards them.

"I'm fine," Albus said.

However, his face didn't look fine.

"You should be more excited, Al," Fred said.

Albus looked down and noticed his was playing with his fingers.

"I would be if my nerves weren't overpowering me," he said.

Lucy smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well, we're all excited for you, Albus," she said.

"Thanks," he smiled.

There was a brief silence before James cleared his throat.

"So, are we packed and ready and go?" he asked.

Rose nodded and started the pull Albus up out of the chair.

"Yes, now come on. Let's eat some breakfast before we leave," she said.

Fred turned and found Albus hadn't move where were he was standing.

"Albus, come on," he said.

He shook away his thoughts.

"I'm coming," Albus said.


Albus had gotten on the Hogwarts express without really knowing he had.

"Albus, you really need to stop zoning out," Lucy said.

He shook his head and looked around. Rose and Lucy were sitting on the other side of him. Fred and James were on the opposite of them.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry," Albus apologized.

"I've told you before. There's nothing to worry about," Rose said.

Albus sighed and looked out the window.

"Yeah, you're right," he said.

Fred and James laughed as Albus yawned.

"You seriously can't be tired," James said.

Excitement should be running threw him, not the urge to sleep James thought.

"I didn't get any sleep last night," Albus admitted with another yawn.

"Get some rest then. We don't want you falling over while getting off the train," Fred said.

They all began to laugh. Albus looked down as more thought ran through his mind.

"I just keep thinking about what to say to them," he sighed.

"You'll know," Lucy assured him with a smile.

She and Albus got up to switch places so he could rest his head on the window.

"We'll wake you when we get there," James said.


Albus woke up an hour before the train reached King's Cross. They continued on with trying to calm him down before the train stopped. They all took a deep breath as the Hogwarts Express came to a halt.

"Here we are," Rose said.

James smiled and wrapped an arm around Albus as the nervous first year hesitated a little.

"Everything's going to be fine," he assured Albus.

"Yeah, I know," Albus sighed.

Molly and Roxanne soon joined them as they made their way towards the exit.

"Come on then," Molly said.

Albus stayed behind them as they exited the train.

"I see my parents. See you later," Fred said.

They waved as Fred and Roxanne went to join their parents.

"Then them hi," Rose yelled to them.

Molly and Lucy soon saw their parents and wished Albus good luck before going. Rose frowned as she looked all around.

"Do you see Mum and Dad anywhere?" she asked James.

He began shaking his head before pointing his finger towards a family of four.

"There they are," James said.

Rose smiled and turned to Albus.

"Oh, Albus, you have to meet them," she said.

They made their way towards her parents. Rose's mother smiled when she saw them. Her dad had a stunned look on his face.

"There you two are," Rose's mother smiled.

"Sorry, Aunt Hermione," James apologized.

Hermione then looked over at Albus. He swallowed hard.

"Who is this?" Hermione asked.

James and Rose glanced at each other and smiled.

"Mum, Dad, this is Albus," Rose said.

Albus was surprised when Rose's parents smiled.

"So, you're Albus?" Rose's father asked.

Albus nervously shook the man's hand.

"That's me… I mine yes, Sir," he said.

The little girl Albus had seen Rose's dad talking to before boarding the train to Hogwarts ran up to James wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I can't wait to go to Hogwarts," she said

James laughed and put a hand on the girl's head.

"I know you and Hugo can't wait, Lily," he said.

Albus got real nervous as Rose's dad turned back to him.

"You look like your dad when he was your age," he said.

James lowered his eyebrows.

"Uncle Ron," he began.

Albus's was totally in shock.

"You knew…" he began, but couldn't finish.

"Albus, there's something you need to know," Hermione said.

They all looked at each other anxiously.

"No way! Don't tell me…" James began.

"James, meet your younger brother," Hermione smiled.

Rose held Albus's shoulder so he wouldn't faint.

"I'm…" Albus began.

"Albus Potter. Harry and Ginny Potter's youngest son," Ron said.


There will be a sequel. What? You didn't think I'd leave it like this now did you?