Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Harry Potter series. That credit goes to the brilliant mind of J.K. Rowling. Go Jo! I also do not own some of the material used. Again that belongs to Jo and Warner Brothers.

Harry Potter: The Next Generation


Nineteen years. Nineteen years since a seventeen year old boy with a lightening bolt shaped scar on his forehead defeated the darkest wizard ever known. And on this day, May 2, 2017, the Muggle World seemed unaware of the most celebrated day of the year in the Wizarding World. There wasn't a child in the Wizarding World who didn't know the story of Harry Potter.

Four of these children, however, knew more than the rest. These four children's names were James Sirius Potter, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, and Lily Luna Potter. James, who was born in 2003, and Lily, who was born in 2008, knew their parents married in 2000. Rose and Hugo's parents, Ron and Hermione, were married in 2005. Rose was born in 2006, and Hugo was born in 2008.

There was one thing though that these four didn't know. There was a rumor that there was one other Potter out there. Very few knew the truth, and Ron and Hermione Wealsey were two of them.

Harry and Ginny Potter had gone into hiding several years after James was born. There were still followers of the Dark Lord who wanted Harry and his family dead. James went to stay with Ron and Hermione. The other child was said to be given up, allowing him or her to live a normal life.

When Lily showed up on Ron and Hermione's doorstep a week after Hugo was born, the note left with the child was from Ginny. It said that Lily was a surprise to her and Harry. She asked Ron and Hermione to take care of her because she couldn't because of being in hiding. Lily was given the last name, Weasley. Everyone would be told that Lily and Hugo were twins. Ron and Hermione would sit the kids down and tell them when they were old enough to understand.

So here they were, nineteen years after the final battle, and there were still Voldemort supporters out there, waiting for Harry to show his face. Knowing of at least one of the Potter's children, why hadn't there been any attempts to kidnap James? The thing is that James was never alone. If he was not with Ron and Hermione, whose home, not far from the Burrow, was very well protected with charms, all thanks to Hermione, he was at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where no left over Deatheaters would dare be seen. They knew all to well what Headmistress Professor McGonagall was capable of doing.