Hello people. Please review, they keep my happy and when I am happy I write.


Fight to the death.


Jacobs's pov

"Crap" we all said at the same time.

The wolves were coming. Not all of them, Sam, Embry and Quil. We didn't have time to think, we phased leaving our clothes shredded behind us. We went out on the lawn and tensed up, what are they doing?!?! Leah thought. I don't know but I hope the Cullen's come home soon we need there help. Seth thought. My mid was to busy to reply. I was thinking about why they would be here and would I be able to attack my brothers. It won't come to that Jacob. I know it won't. Sigh. You don't know that Leah.

I heard; smelt the Cullen's approaching; if I could hear them then I knew Edward could hear my thoughts. Edward. I don't know what they want. In that second the wolves came into view. Did Sam always look so scary? Then the Cullen's came up. Rose and Esme took the babies into the house, but the rest of them were behind us in there hunting positions.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" Carlisle said. Sam looked at Edward. "We need to destroy the children" a Corus of growls and snarls ripped through the air "it is unknown, it can be more dangerous than you" I growled. THE CHILDREN ARE NOT DANGEROUS!! I was so angry I just didn't think I ran at Sam teeth out. I went for his neck. I grabbed his neck and tried to rip this throat out. I let the animal inside of me take over.

Seth's P.O.V

Wow. Jake just attacked Sam! This is something I thought I would never see. I couldn't keep up of who was winning. No one would dare interrupt a fight agents two alphas. The fight broke apart, Jacob had blood round his muzzle and Sam was limping and his left ear was missing. THIS IS FOR RENESMEE!!! With that Jake lunged at Sam once again.

Sam lay lifeless on the floor. Oh my gosh. Sam is dead… was that Paul? Sounded like Paul.

Oh my god. What have I done, I've killed Sam. Jacob. It looked like he was the alpha of a 12 wolf pack.

(1 hour later, after everyone calmed down and phased back)

"So did I tell you guys that we have another wolf called Eden, Seth and Eden imprinted on each other" Jacob said to our extended pack. "good on ya Seth" Paul said to me. Embry piped up, "yeah we have a couple of new additions to our pack as well. Meet Matt, Joe, Harry and Bradley" they all looked like us. But Joe had a huge tattoo on his back of a wolf, how ironic.

I wonder how Emily is doing. Poor Emily. I looked at my watch it said it was 8:00pm. I was tired, so I went up to Edward, "Edward can I sleep on your couch, I feel like I am about to pass out". "Of course, Seth you know you are welcome to stay here". I went up stairs thinking about Eden, I wondered what she might be doing.

Eden P.O.V

I threw the clothes in the case, not caring what they were I had one hour to pack and go. When all the clothes were in, I placed a few belongings I owned into the case and sat on it to zip it up. I looked at the clock it was one in the morning, Chloe should be here soon.

I laid on the bed and briefly closed me eyes, I felt the bottom of the bed move. I sighed and opened my eyes to reveal a shadow figure of Chloe sitting there.

"There ready for us now" She muttered.

We were best friends; she had always stood by me through everything. They wanted her for her 'talents', she would have never of gone if it wasn't for me having to go with them. They wanted me because I was the first ever vampire that was a werewolf too. I hated being a werewolf but it would stop happening soon when they killed me. Me and the twins were different and the Volturi don't do different.

I gave my case to Chloe who went out of the window with it. I quickly scribbled a note.


I'm so sorry.

We are coming.


I placed it on the bed before jumping out of the window into the unknowing darkness.