this as after there honeymoon in breaking dawn. this is my first fanfiction.

my edditor is magicangel30, thank you!!!!!

anyway here is the story...

dasclaimer : i do not own twilight, stephenie meyer owns it. :(

Chapter 1 – home.

I looked out of the small aeroplane window, the view of forks slowly approaching, I gulped...what was I going to do now? Charlie would be worried and go mad if he found out. A million worries flooded through my body. I gently stroked my stomach and felt a little kick from the creature inside of me, my baby. But then I felt another kick, to the left of where I had just felt the other kick. I screwed my face up that really did hurt. I sighed to myself and thought nothing of it. Edward squeezed my hand looked at me hard in the eyes. His were filled with concern.

The little light above my head flashed then the pilot came over the intercom, "ladies and gentlemen we are coming in for landing, please fasten your seat belts". His voice sounded bored and unwelcoming. Well I was too...It had been a long and slow flight.

When we landed I carefully unfasten my seatbelt and tried to get up but failed miserably. Edward went to help me but I refused "I can do things for myself" I wasn't going to let this baby get in the way of my life. But when did he ever listen? He put his arms around me and lifted me to my feet.

When we got out of the airport Alice was the first person I saw. She immediately embraced me in a hug and whispered something in my ears "Bella don't panic I won't let them touch it" I looked at her, my expression filled with questions. She looked at Edward but he was talking to Carlisle and she continued with what they were saying "Edward wants it out of you as soon as possible but I know you don't want that" I thought about this…did I want a baby? "But Bella" She continued "This baby could kill you" She walked over to where Carlisle was and joined their conversation.

The journey home was quite and the silence was deafening you could have cut a knife with it. I could tell everyone was worried and tense. But I couldn't work out why. It can't be just because of me? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward nod and shake his head, Perhaps Alice was asking questions.

When we got home, rose was the one who opened the door for me, "don't worry Bella, everything will be fine". She picked me up gently and lead me into their house I sat on the plush white sofa and looked around; I imagined what it had looked like a few weeks ago, when I got married. I was alone for what seemed like hours but it must have been only minutes I fiddled with my wedding ring, wondering what was going on. "was everything going to be okay?"

Jacob was inside, he just looked at me with a dumbfound expression. "Hey Jake" He stared at my bulging stomach and started shaking. I took a step back not wanting to make him angrier than he already was. But he was good, he closed his eyes and then the shaking slowly stopped.

He did calm down, but he looked at my stomach again and he looked like he was going to throw up. He ran towards the back door, took of his shirt fast, and he shaking started again. He phased. He howled in agony as he ran away. Guilt fled through me even though I knew I shouldn't be feeling it.


I lay in bed and started at the ceiling. I had only been pregnant for three weeks but I could easily pass as nine months. The out of the blue I screamed out in agony. It was unbearable, Pain fled through my body. The baby was coming.

I didn't stop screaming; Carlisle came to my side and spoke so fast to the other I only caught a few words.

In that second it all went so fast. The only thing I new was: I was in Eedward's arms, I was going up the stairs and my baby was coming.

I was carried to a big white room filled with equipment I had never even seen before. Carlisle was in there with a scalpel ready to help the baby. There was a loud ripping noise, I screamed, the pain was horrible I just wanted to die. Then a baby's cry filled the room. "Renesmee" Edward said in my ear. A girl! My baby! My baby girl Renesmee! I was still in pain but filled with joy that Edward accepted out baby.

I looked to see why I was still in pain but saw my stomach wide open. Then Edward shouted "CARLISLE! THERES ANOTHER BABY!" baby number two? I was quite happy with one baby to be honest.

Then Carlisle was looking over me, Edward came over to me "Bella don't die on me PLEASE" what? What did he mean by that? Suddenly my eyelids felt heavy I tried with all of my effort to not let my eyes fall from my angels face. "NO, NO, NO" Edward had his hands on my face "Bella stay with me" The coldness from his hand sent shiver down my spine. "I love you Ed-"

Then the darkness consumed me and the fire fled through my body.

good bad????

revew, revew, revew.

bye. xxxxxxxxxxx