My Dearest Readers, It has literally been like a year since I updated. So much has happened and I deeply apologize. Looking through my reviews I've seen many unhappy readers... Please forgive me... I will try to please you with this next chapter, which will be short because I have taken on quite a number of other stories -_-


Miyuka: URUSEI

Kairi: so she don't own. blah blah. this is gonna suck.

Rima POV

I knew these two were Hiko and Hina's. I sensed Reyn. I truly loved him... I loved so much my heart could burst. Family is something irreplaceable...and I learned that...

It was the same with friendship too.

While searching for my neice and nephew these thoughts crossed my mind. I started feeling frantic, I didn't know where they were. But, throughout all of my freakout-ness... Something caught my eye. There was a note pinned to the broken window. I recognized the hand writing.


by tomorrow,

hah, that's if you wanna see them again.

I knew who wrote this... I truly didn't understand why he would do this...

"Why... Why are you doing all of this...".

Tears started forming. I couldn't stand it. A feeling of anger grew in my heart, My mind and heart had a pounding sensation. I jumped out of the window, and started running full-speed. Emo had automatically chara changed with me, with Emo's help I ran all the way to our old house in Makaha. Surprisingly it took seconds.

For a few moments I stood outside the old place, there was a single light on in the house though. I quietly walked to where the light source was. It was outside our old guest room. It was a girl, she had short green hair and pink eyes and was slender. It was none other than Rani's ex-girlfriend...


She was sitting there crying quietly. She held in her hands something pink. I opened the window and her eyes met mine. Her painful and hurt eyes bore into mine. It felt like she was singing her soul to me. I looked down in her hands and saw, a chara.

It was small and had pink hair, and looked like a mermaid.

"Did you know... Chara's can die?", she said solemnly.

I didn't really know what to say, so all I did was shake my head no.

"They can die from being hurt too much. You see, if your hurt, the Chara hurts too. Why, after all this time... he... WHY?", her sobs got even more uncontrollable and she dropped to the ground."

I looked at her with concern. While still holding her chara in one hand, she reached at something at her neck. It was a locket. She ripped it off her neck,"SCREW YOU. I DONT CARE IF THIS CAME FROM YOUR HEART! TO DO THIS YOU MUST NOT HAVE ONE!". Fate threw the locket at the door and it broke. When it did, a strange green light came out of it.

For a moment I left her there and inspected the locket. I picked it up and looked at the right side. On the right there was a picture of them... Rani and Fate, the other side had bits of green dust left in it. It was pretty, but sad...

"No no Fate-tan. I have a little left in me".

That voice belonged to her small chara. Fate stopped crying immediately and smiled. The chara weakly got up and looked at me," I will help you Rima. To find Rani's heart". Fate's mouth was left hanging in disbelief but the chara turned around and looked at her,"Please Fate-tan. You Love RaRa right? Do it for Meila?". This was a damn good chara, if only Amu's were this good at convincing people.

The chara turned to me, she was afloat but wavering... Even I could tell she didn't have much left in her.

"Im Meila. We need to get to Maui don't we?", she smiled brightly.

Damn she was bright... But what were we supposed to do SWIM THERE.

The chara laughed at me, wait the chara laughed at ME? I staretd getting a bit irritated.

"I read thoughts, and yeah that's the idea", she smiled again. Her smile staretd reminding me of my crossdresser. Wait, no not MY CROSSDRESSER. THE CROSSDRESSER, WHOSE UHH...

Ugh I gave up when I saw Fate jump out the window with Meila in her hands and followed. The house was along the beach and I kind of missed it. While walking along the sand I started having flashbacks. I tripped over a coconut, which reminded me of a time when I was little when me and Rani were playing and I fell over a coconut, I started crying deeply. While I was crying Meila and fate chara-changed(How rude, when I'm having a slight breakdown here!).

Despite the fact I was bitter she ignore my tears and changed I was in awe. Her chara-change was magnificent. Her hair had a beautiful crown of green and pink shells. She had a pink shell bra on and had an amazing sparkling green tail. She looked like one of the mermaids in your wildest dreams. After changing she jumped in the water, kinda like a dolphin. She waved me to come by her. Not really knowing it I jumped high in the air, before I landed in the water a purple light enveloped me. Before I knew it, I had a black fin and looked pretty much like an emo, scary, mermaid. I landed in the water and we started swimming.

We both dove deep and began swimming. Even Michal Phelps would agree i'm more badass than him. Hehehe. When I came up for air, I saw a white figure on the beach with a group of people. Oh crap, it's the others. I looked at Fate and told her telepathically. Or as i'd like to call mermaid talk, 'we gotta go'.

Fate nodded and we started swimming like faster than those african guys that win all the running stuff for the olympics,Seriously.

We finally arrived. I knew where to go, because Rina's home was so equisite. It was a two story home built literally on the water, so we could swim around and beneath it as we pleased.

Than I heard something weird.

"Where'd Rima and Ariel chick go?".



Than I saw Kuukai and Yaya land on the roof. Then I saw something I didn't want to.

Kuukai POV


I was pretty pissed off, Why was Yaya with that weird Green-headed homo anyway?

She shook her head and tried walking away but I grabbed her arm. Yaya looked at me, and she started crying, sobbing actually.

"You rejected me remember?", she said coldly.

Than I had a flashback of the time she told me she liked me... I only laughed because... I knew I wasn't good enough for her...

"Look, I turned you down because... I'm ME!", I said pretty loud this time.

"I don't just like you...I sorta Love you... I grew up for you... I was so alone when you left because everyone was GAGA over Amu. and Yes I am smart. Why won't I ever begood enough for you I-".

I cut her off. It was too much, I just kissed her. I always loved Yaya. I was just afraid... Cause I'm Like 17 to her 14... I was never real sure if she would like me or not. Than i heard coughing and Rima's voice

"Cough Cough. You can get a room after this". I didn't really care and kept kissing Yaya. She really did grow up,I could feel it when my hand wrapped around her waist.

Kairi POV

Ohh Hell No

Miyuka: So thanks for everything guys. It means alot. Please forgive me for not updating. This chapter was pretty much all Rima butyah...Ohh well.

I would like to thank all of the people who reviewed.

Fate was a character who was inspired by one of my reviewers. hehe ya know who you are.

I would personally like to thank:



Like 'Whoosh

You have been reviewing from the BEGINING. and i am sure this chapter has many errors. I just wanted to thank you personally. From one horrid writer to a good one ^-^

Ikuto: Ohh Great Now She's getting mushy cause she sucks as a writer *Everyone sighs*


Musashi: R & R if you would like...

Kairi: Miyuka appreciates all, including the one from the rimaxnagihiko who said the whole butcher knife thing. now THAT'S what I call motivation

Miyuka: *sulking*


Miyuka: But Yeah. Thank You to each and every person for their reviews... I would like to again apologize. Please leave me a review if you have any suggestion or would like me to change anything. I will do my best to please you ^ ^

Ikuto: suck up..