I own nothing, as unfortunate as that is..
Alec Lightwood hated kindgergarten. He hated it more then he hated the attention his baby sister got from mummy and daddy. He hated it more then the next door neighbours dog. He hated it more then vegetables!
Alec Lightwood just plain hated kindgergarten The bright colors, the stuffed toys, the other kids forcing him to play with them, the dress up games, the paintings, the stupid story books. He would much rather stay at home and read one of the much more exciting books his parents had brought him, about demons, vampires, and shadowhunters.
But instead, Alec was stuck, sitting at a bright blue plastic table, finger painting of all things. "Stupid paint makes my fingers all yucky!" he muttered to no one in particular.
"I dunno, it's pretty awesome," exclaimed the small boy next to him. Alec noticed his hair was streaked with an assortment of different colors (mostly pinks and purples). The other boy noticed him looking and grinned. "It's not my fault my hair was boring, I like making things pretty."
Alec rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, goodluck with that."
The other boy frowned. "Don't be so grumpy. Oh, I know, I shall call you grumpyboy!"
"My name is NOT grumpyboy, it's ALEC."
"Fine, fine. Alec. I'm Magnus by the way."
"Yeah, whatever."
"Awww, loosen up a bit," there was an odd glint in Magnus' eyes. "Even your clothes are sad!"
Alec frowned down at his faded black clothes. "Clothes can't be sad, don't be silly."
Magnus shrugged. "Whatever you say." His expression turned thoughtful. "I need some help, think you'd be up to it?"
"I mean, as awesome as this painting stuff is, it's a little boring, so I thought maybe you and me could go do something a little more fun."
He hesitated. "Well, I guess so. Okay."
"Then follow me."
Crawling across the floor, commando style, the two boys ended up at the cupboards where the art supplies were kept. It had a big silver lock so the kids couldn't get into it. That wouldn't stop Magnus apparently.
"What are you doing?!" Alec was shocked. This other boy was about to break the rules! And that was bad, very bad.
"Shh, just stay on the lookout, make sure no one's watching." he fiddled with the lock for a few minutes, whilst Alec kept an eye on the teacher who was praising a red-heads picture of a 'giant dinosaur robot attacking the city.' Yeah, okay then.
"I got it!" Pride was evident in the small boys voice, as he carefully (as to not make any noise) opened up the cupboard. He rummaged around the cupboard until he pulled out a tiny pot of a very sparkly (and pink) substance.
Alec was confused. "You...You broke the rules for some glitter?"
"Yup!" He unscrewed the lid and threw a fistful at Alec and ran away giggling.
"HEY!" Shouted Alec bewildered. "That's not fair!" He grabbed a pot of bright green glitter and ran after the other boy. It didn't take long for the teacher to catch on to exactly what was going on, and the two young boys were a giggling pile or glitter.
Even though the two boys were in massive trouble and banned from using glitter for the rest of the year, Alec decided he was rather beginning to enjoy kindergarten.
Review? I'll love you forever? :D