VV: So, I hear you have a big announcement for all your reader of Akantha.

WWBMForever: Yes, I have planned this for a long time, but I finally have reached a point that I think I'm ready to stop. The last chapter in Akantha is in fact the final chapter. But, don't be disheartened, I intend to continue this story in a new fanfiction titled Looking for Angels.

VV: Why the switch to a new story ? Why not just have a time skip and continue with Akantha?

WWBMForever: It was just time to move one from this. I mean it's over fifty chapters long. It's reached its limit. I know that my die-hard fans will continue to read it no matter how long it gets, but I also realize that whenever a new fan comes along and sees the length of this story regardless of the good reviews will be intimidated by its length. I have been planning this for a while. Because Bruce and Diana are together now, and I want to focus on their parenthood, and family life in a separate story.

VV: So, what inspired the title Looking for Angels, and what can we as readers expect in the new story?

WWBMForever: Well, the title came from a song by Skillet that I adore. The one lyric that angels show up in the strangest of places seemed to fit this story well. This story starts to focus on many things. You'll learn more about Deidara's powers and what they are. You start to see Brendon some out of his shell. They'll be some dark secrets revealed about Tim. Frank will be old enough for people to start to love him as a character the way I do. Thomas and Martha will be born. So, a lot of fun stuff.

VV: So, you always like to pull from the DCAU and the comics in your work. Can we expect that to continue?

WWBMForever: That is something I love to do, and it will continue. There will be more from Return of the Joker because it's my favorite animated movie. But, I'll probably give the Joker more of the characteristics of the Heath Ledger Joker just because it's so iconic to the character. My favorite comic is the Killing Joke, so expect some of that to show up. I love Terry (Batman Beyond) so he'll be in the story. I am still on the fence about adding Damian Wayne since I already have Helena.

VV: So, another big question. Tell us about your main characters. What influenced their development? And which are your favorites to right?

WWBMForever: Well, this will take a lot of typing, but alright

First, there is Deidara. He was not my brainchild, but a friend of mine who got bored with the character and renounced all rights to me. He's very shy as a child, but you'll see that quickly changes. He has a lot of ninja lore around him.

Secondly, there is Brendon. He's my complete brainchild. Brendon was the second Wayne character to be developed, but he's definitely one of my favorites. He's very sensitive, but he'll be one of the all time best Robins in the future. Brendon was not really inspired by any other known character. He's just kind of always been in my head.

Frank, he was the last addition to the Wayne family. He was the gay character at first. I just thought that would be something different. But then, I wanted to write him as merely eccentric once Whisper was developed and the two of them seemed to go hand in hand. He's very spastic, and the more I volunteered with little kids, the more developed Frank has become.

Thomas was the first Wayne character I ever developed. He's got a lot of a competitive drive. Really, he's the competitive side of me that wants to be a doctor. He's my favorite male Wayne to write.

Ales or Martha, her full name will be revealed later, but she was the third Wayne to be developed, and she's my favorite to write. She got inspiration from Nikitia, Katara, Alex Russo, and Lorelai Gilmore. Most of her person is from Gilmore Girls though. She's a lot of the repressed artistic side of me. I love her the most because she is so close to me.

Pete and Spenser are two characters that are added to the Wayne family. Pete is a vampire and was inspired from the Twilight series. Spenser is a half-demon and was inspired from Criminal Minds. I don't want to say much more about them because it will give things away.

Whisper is Frank's girl. She's very sweet and energetic. She's bright and loves life. She's based on a best friend of mine, and I love righting her. I don't think anyone can hate her character

VV: So, when can we expect to see Calling for Angels, and what will be the first chapter?

WWBMForever: Well, you should see it hopefully before the new year, and the first chapter will be some good old fashioned Bruce and Diana fluff.