Are you in, or out?

This is my first Fan Fic so any reviews on anything would do me good, if you don't like it constructive criticism would be nice, but if you flame me I'll spam every single one of your stories. (Just joking, although no flames would be nice!) I also don't know a whole lot about New York, because I live in Maine and prefer the country. It takes place between The Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian (and instead of The Last Olympian too. You'll see.) I started writing this five days before The Last Olympian came out, so there may be some confusion Authors notes will look like this, (A/N: Message here.) because it can get confusing later on. Lastly I may be putting some WWE references in this Fan fic so start watching Raw and Smack Down.

Disclaimer: Why the hell would I be sitting here writing fan fics if I owned PJO?

What Just Happened?

Percy POV

My dream started like this.

Dream Start

I was in a dark cave, I could see the opening about ten feet away. But I didn't feel the need to leave. The rain was coming down hard and for some reason I had tears coming down my cheeks. The night sky was clouded, and it looked like one of those scenes in the movies where the main character finds out something horrible. Then I turned around and realized why. Laying down out front of me covered in cuts, bruises and blood was an unconscious (or was she just sleeping?) Annabeth. Once I'd noticed her I felt really weird, like, I wasn't myself, and extremely embarrassed, I didn't know why, I'd never felt this way around her. Blood was caked in her blond hair and her left forearm looked broken in the center, her clothes were in tatters, it looked like she'd been in a long fight with a chain saw wielding lumberjack. She was laying on her stomach like she'd been dragged by someone who either was dying, or so tired they couldn't pick her up or flip her over. Then the ground gave way and I started falling, and I yelled "Annabeth!" But the scene had changed. I was standing out front of a pit the size of a city block. The entire cavern was pitch black and I could barley see anything. Tartarus. Then the icy voice of Kronos spoke in my head, "Confusing isn't it my little hero? Don't you know I have more control over you than you realize?

Dream End

I sat up so fast I felt my brain hit my forehead. What just happened?