AUTHOR'S NOTES: I fixed the spacing! Yey!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter…

Ms. Magic

Chapter 1: The Challenge

"There is no way in hell I'm going to do it." A loud roar from the Transfigurations classroom was heard from the silent dark halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Sit down Miss Granger." An equally loud, domineering voice yelled from the said classroom. The students in the Transfigurations class looked utterly stunned at what had just happened. Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, is scolding her mentor and headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"I didn't even sign up for that!" Hermione said, making other students cringe. "Miss Granger, your co-students and professors have voted you as Hogwarts' representative. You have no choice but to accept, otherwise you'll be left with guilt for letting Hogwarts down." Hermione turned to look at her classmates with anger written all over her place. "What is wrong with you? I'm not qualified for that contest." Hermione yelled at her classmates. "Hermione, you're more than qualified. You're Order of Merlin, First class and you have outstanding grades. You'll do great." A guy with jet black hair and piercing green eyes said. Hermione slammed her fists in the nearest table. "I am not qualified. I am not the type of girl to enter that competition. Send Lavender, Pavarti or for Merlin's sake Parkinson. You can send Luna Lovegood for all I care, just not me" Hermione pleaded.

"So you're saying that you're chicken?" A blonde Slytherin said from the back of the room.

Hermione snapped her head towards the Slytherin's statement. If there's anything that makes a Gryffindor tick, it would be being called a 'chicken' because it defies what the Gryffindor house is all about.

"What did you call me Ferret?" Hermione drew out her wand. "Miss Granger, put your wand down." Professor McGonagall ordered.

"I said, are you too bloody chicken to join the bloody contest?" Malfoy smirked, the kind of smirk that made Hermione want to relive a certain slap in third year.

"I know my limits Malfoy and I tell you, that contest is beyond my limits." Hermione said, putting her wands down.

"I thought you Gryffindor don't back down on any challenge." Malfoy said.

"Why won't you join then?" Hermione snapped back as she sits next to Harry.

"You just know that you can't win. You hate losing." Malfoy replied with a sing-song manner.

"Of course I'll lose, it's a Beauty Pageant! You said it yourself Malfoy, I'm a bushy haired know-it-all beaver." She said. Suddenly, another Slytherin spoke from the back of the room.

"You're right. I'll bet that Granger will end last place." A smirking Blaise Zabini said.

"Don't be so sure, I bet Hermione will end in the top ten" Ron Weasley said, "Weasley, you can't join a bet, and your house can barely qualify as house." Malfoy insulted the red head.

"Shut up Malfoy, I bet I can win the whole thing and if I did you're going to kiss every male student in Hogwarts." Hermione triumphantly said while the male populations gagged in disgust. "If not, you'll stay a week in my house." The Gryffindors gasped. Malfoy Manor is the nest of all bigotry in the Wizarding World; it will be a real miracle if Hermione will survive a day on that house.

"Fine" Hermione said.

"Fine." They shook hands to seal the deal.

The students cheered, Hermione Jane Granger just agreed to join a Beauty Pageant.