Disclaimer: I don't own the Lion King characters Kiara, Kovu, Nala, Vitani, Simba, but I do own Nama (She also has some spelling problems since she's so young), Kisha and Kanaka!

The Lion King 3: The Decision (Chapter 1)

Two weeks have past since the war between the Pridelanders and the Outsiders. But lately, Simba has been having trouble sleeping at night, because he's had nightmare's of the Outsiders attacking the Pridelanders. He, even in those dreams, Nala being killed by Vitani and Kiara also being killed by Kovu.

It was close to noon as a young lioness with light golden fur, brown eyes and a white-creamy underbelly walked down Pride Rock and found a spot in the sun near Pride Rock to lay in the sun. The lioness' name was Kiara, as she found a smooth rock to lay on.

Kiara laid down on her back, letting the sun shine on her chest and belly, closed her eyes and said to herself, "It feels so nice out here, it's so peaceful to. I wish I could do this more often, especially since Kovu…"

But Kiara couldn't finish as a lion with brown fur and a dark mane carried on for Kiara saying, "Is so generous, so much more handsome and good looking then all the other male lions in these lands."

Kiara turned over onto her belly, she looked at the lion who said that, it was none other than Kovu. Kiara looked at Kovu and Kovu looked at her, then they both laughed.

After awhile of laughing, Kiara replied with a big smile on her face, "Yes he is."

Kovu chuckled and replied, "How are you feeling today Kiara?

Kiara nuzzled Kovu, and answered, "I'm feeling fine, what about you?"

Kovu nuzzled her back, and said, "I'm just fine dear, thanks for asking."

Kiara slipped her head underneath Kovu's chin, purring a little, while Kovu ran his head along the back of her neck, as the two nuzzled each other deeply. Kovu, after awhile said, "Well, I'm going to get a drink of water, I'll be back soon."

Kiara giggled a little and replied, "Okay, I'll wait."

Kovu nodded as Kiara turned around and saw a big branch to lay on. So Kiara climbed it and laid down on her belly, allowing her hind legs to dangle from both sides of the branch as she rested her head down on her paw, closed her eyes and took a little cat nap.

After awhile of resting, she opened her eyes and slowly got up and jumped down off the branch. Kiara began to stretch her body for a few moments, trying to get the stiffness to go away.

Kiara then looked beside her and saw Kovu actually taking a nap himself, so she whispered to him, "I'll be right back."

As she turned around, she saw a small lioness cub stop in front of her and said with a huge grin on her face, "Hi Kiarwa. How was your nap?"

Kiara then giggled a bit then answered, "I'm fine Nama, it was very peaceful.

Though, Nama just stood there with a huge smile on her face. After a few moments of silence, nama finally blurted out, "Kiarwa, can you pwease give me a wide on your back."

Kiara was about to say no, but Nama showed her big puppy dog eyes and Kiara finally gave in and said, "Okay, but just for a few minutes. I have to speak to daddy about something important."

Nama pranced around happily for a few moment, making Kiara giggle a bit, and replied joyfully, "Yey, thanks Kiarwa."

Kiara nodded as she leaned down and allowed Nama to climb on her back. After a couple of minutes walking, Nama yelled, "Faster, faster."

Kiara just rolled her eyes as she began jogging a bit. Nama then crawled onto the back of Kiara's neck and put her head up into the wind and said, "Weeeee, I'm fwing, I'm fwing!"

Kiara started feeling some bad pain in her neck, so she ran towards Pride Rock and as soon as they got there, Kiara said, "Okay Nama, you're going to have to get off, because my neck is really hurting, okay."

Nama nodded joyfully, and Kiara leaned down and allowed Nama to jump off and run back to her mom.

Nama was a very adventurous cub, she has tan fur, brown eyes like her mom, has a small turf on top of her head, like Vitani, and has a pure white underbelly. Her mother's name is Kisha.

Kisha is also a young adult lioness, about Kiara's age. Kisha is a Pridelander and has light tan fur, brown eyes and a pure white underbelly. She's a very skillful hunter and fighter as well.

Once Nama ran to her mother, Kiara rubbed the back of her neck and said painfully, "Does she always have to be on my neck?"

Out of nowhere, Kovu said, startling Kiara, "From the looks of it, I'd say yes."

Kiara looked at Kovu and said, "Kovu, stop it."

All Kovu did was chuckled, and asked, "How's your neck, feeling any better?"

Kiara grinned a little and said, "A little, I guess."

Kovu chuckled and replied, "Here, maybe this will help."

Kovu then licked the back of her neck and gave her a small kiss. After that, Kovu asked, "There, any better?"

Kiara giggled a little, and said, "Oh, it feels much better. Maybe if you do it again, it will completely go away."

Kovu smiled again and said, "As you wish dear."

Kovu gave her a small lick on the back of her neck again, then slightly pulled back and gave her a small kiss on the cheek and said. "Kiara, did you know that you're the most beautiful lioness in this pride?"

Kiara blushed a little, and answered, "You really think I'm that attractive?"

Kovu replied in a soothing tone, "Of course you are. You have a great personality, very gently and caring for others. You're very beautiful and just everything about you is great. I don't see how any lion would not find you attractive."

Kovu pause for a moment, looked straight into Kiara's beautiful brown eyes and finished with, "I'm very lucky to have you as my future mate and queen."

Kiara blushed even more, and replied, "Yes, you are very lucky. There's no doubt in my mind that you are the perfect lion for me. I love you so much."

Kovu smiled a little and said, "I love you very much too."

Kovu smiled again as the two nuzzled each other deeply once more. After a few moments went by, Kiara said with a smile, "Kovu, I have to talk to my dad for a moment, it's important."

Kovu replied, "Okay, I'll just be over there then."

Kiara nodded, as Kovu left to go find a spot and get some sun. Kiara walked up Pride Rock and was about to enter until she heard Simba talking to Nala. So Kiara stepped back and listened.

Simba said, "I've been having second thought's about Kovu and the Outlanders joining us. What if they try to attack us again?"

"Simba, don't worry to much, okay…they won't attack us. We are one remember? As long as Kovu our daughter are with each other, everything will be fine, you'll see."

"Yes, but how do we know that for sure? I mean, what if Kovu still has some darkness inside him, I can't risk him being close to our daughter."

"Oh Simba, stop worrying to much. Kovu loves our daughter to much to be evil."

"Nala, think about it, Kovu trained to be a heartless killer, and who knows what might happen. Kiara's not nearly as strong as he is. She would stand no chance against him. Kiara's to delicate."

"See there you go again, you're being too overprotective of her. She's now a young adult and can take care of herself. She doesn't need a dad who is still to overprotective of her. Don't you have faith in her?"

"I do have faith in her, but she's to defenseless, and with Kovu around, who knows what will happen."


"No Nala, I'm not going to take any chances with our daughter…Kovu will not be future king and will not be her mate, just be a friend of hers. As for the Outsiders, I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet."

Nala narrowed her eyes, and said, "How could you say that about our daughter, and Kovu? Kovu has changed, and so has the others, you just don't want to believe it. "

But before Nala walked out of the cave, Kiara stepped in with tears in her eyes and asked, "Daddy, is that true? Do you still believe that the Outlanders and Kovu are bad?"

Simba sighed and replied, "I can't take any chances Kiara. You mean too much to me, and I don't want him to harm you in any way."

Kiara replied, "How could you say that about them? Kovu has changed, and so has the others, you just don't want to believe it."

"Kiara, they are Outsiders, who knows what…"

"They are not any more, we are one. Why can't Kovu be my mate, and why can't he rule along beside me? I love him and he loves me, how could you say that about him, don't you trust me?"

"Hunny, I do trust you, it's just that you aren't that strong enough yet to defend yourself if anything happens to you. Kovu is not going to rule, you are, not him?"

"But why not, he's changed?"

"Kiara, I already told you…"

"No, Kovu will rule along beside me, he's my friend and soon to be mate. We love each other so much that if you were to exile them along with Kovu, you would have to exile me too..because I love Kovu and I will never leave his side, never!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me missy, I'm your father and I said no."

"I don't care what you say, it's my life, you can't control it anymore. I make my own decisions, not you. I'm not your little girl anymore, I'm an adult who has found love in a lion that you hate. If you're going to hate Kovu, then you might as well have to hate me to, because I'm not leaving his side."

But before Simba could answer, Kiara ran out of the den to try to find Kovu. Back inside the den, Nala walked towards Simba, and slapped him in the face and left.

Vitani and Kisha were talking to each other, but saw Kiara running towards them. Once she got close to them, Vitani asked, "What's wrong Kiara?"

But when Kiara didn't stop, Vitani looked at Kisha and they both started after her. Though Kiara didn't bother answering, because she was too upset to, so she kept on running, with tears streaming down her face. Kiara ran past the boarders of the Pridelands/Outlands, finally coming to a stop and just kept on crying as she just let herself fall to the ground and just laid there crying.

Vitani and Kisha had just entered the Outlands and spotted Kiara laying on the ground while crying. So Vitani approached her and asked, "What's wrong Kiara?"

Both Kisha and Vitani helped Kiara up, Kiara replied with tears still in her eyes, "It's daddy, he doesn't trust me with Kovu. He said that he will…will not allow him to be my…my mate or future King. He also said he's having second thoughts on you, and he might exile you along with Kovu again."

Both Kisha and Vitani were shocked to hear that, but Vitani hugged Kiara and said, "It's okay Kiara, we'll find a way to change his mind. We'll show him that we have changed, okay."

Kiara nodded, as she just cried more into Vitani's chest. After awhile of crying, Kiara backed away and said, "Sorry Vitani, I didn't mean to cry…"

Vitani replied with a small smile, "No Kiara, it's okay. We're here for you, if you need us at anytime, okay."

Kiara sniffled a little, and replied, "Okay."

After awhile, Kisha finally asked, "Kiara, you want to head back now?"

Kiara nodded sadly as Kisha gave Kiara a lick on the cheek and said, "It's okay to be sad Kiara, I promise you, you and Kovu will pull through this together, and find a way to keep us as one."

Kiara smiled at that a little, and replied, "Thanks Kisha."

Kisha nodded, and the three headed on back home together. Hoping they will stay together as one.

Well, what do you think? I hope you enjoyed it, because it is newly improved, I promise to do my best on updating this story as well and Hoped you enjoyed it!

Anyway, I'm not sure when this will be updated, but as said, I will do my best to Update as much as possible, okay?

Anyway, but for now, Please R&R!!

-Elliot Williams 20