So, as you all requested another chapter, and almost all of you a happy ending, I felt like I had to oblige. And I couldn't concentrate on my other fic, which I haven't updated in over a week, while feeling like you were waiting for me with pitchforks if I didn't write another ending xD So, here it is, the extra-long, improved (I hope..) ending! I hope you like it.. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Bones, never have, and probably never will. But who knows?


Booth's POV

I blinked a few times. Had I just woken up? I vaguely remembered the sound of a door harshly colliding with the wall. A hospital room door, to be exact. Taking in my surroundings, I remembered the reason for my being here. The brain tumor, the surgery, all of it. But where was Bones? Maybe I'd been to optimistic in my assumption that she'd be here when I got out of surgery. Or perhaps she'd gone home to shower or change, but had I been unconscious for that long? Confused, I pressed the button on the side of my bed, hoping a nurse would come soon. She did. Apparently I should only use that button in emergencies.

"Where's Bones?"

Puzzled stare.

"Dr. Brennan?" I tried again.


"She just left a minute ago, looking rather upset, I must say."

"Do you know why?"

"I assume the conversation you were having caused it, but I can't be sure, of course."

"Conversation? Didn't I just wake up?"

"You've been awake for more than a day, agent Booth. Amnesiac, but certainly awake."

"What? Wait a minute, amnesiac? Like in, amnesia?" Stupid question, Seeley. How come I didn't remember.. not remembering? I remembered everything from before the surgery, but nothing after it, not until a few seconds ago.

"Yes. You and dr. Brennan established that you had no memories from the past five years. I can understand that must've been uncomfortable for her."

Five years? That meant.. that I didn't remember ever meeting her. My stomach curled at the realization how much that must have hurt her. I almost didn't dare to ask my next question.

"Exactly how upset was she?" I swallowed audibly as I saw the nurse hesitate.

"I can't tell for sure, she rushed by pretty quickly. I do recall seeing some mascara on her cheeks."

"She'd been crying?" God. I had to go see her.

"That's my assumption, yes."

"Could you leave me alone for a while?"

"Of course, agent Booth. You need all the rest you can get."

No way I was getting any rest before I fixed this. As soon as the nurse had left the room, I started pulling at the tubes connected to my arm. Ignoring the stings and the small drops of blood that welled up out of the needle punctures, I got out of the bed. I was halfway across the room when I noticed my dress state. Dammit. Hurrying back, I threw the drawer next to my bed open, utterly relieved when I saw my clothing in it. Putting on some jeans and pulling a t-shirt over my head with the back on the front, I practically ran out of the room, hoping no one would notice.

In the parking lot, I faced the next obstacle. Where was my car? And even if I did find it, where were my keys? Silently cursing, I reached for my cell phone. My hand came up empty. Cursing harder this time, I considered my options. I could go back upstairs, and risk being caught by one of the nurses as I was looking for my keys. I quickly decided against that, not only did I have to talk to Bones before she did anything stupid, I also wasn't even sure if my car was anywhere near here. The nurses had probably noticed I was gone by now, and it didn't seem likely that they'd let me go anywhere. The only other option that sprang to my mind was walking. It wasn't that far to her apartment, was it? Optimistically, I started to move in what was hopefully the right direction.

15 minutes later, I came to the conclusion that 'not so far' might as well have been 'to Alaska' for someone who'd just come out of a hospital bed. I was panting and something did nót feel right in my left leg. However, as I looked up I saw that Bones' apartment was only a few more blocks away. Straightening, I started walking again, hoping she'd be home. My leg started protesting again at the thought of all of this being for nothing.

After another 10 minutes, I finally arrived at the door. As I started to wonder how I'd get in without letting her know that I was here, I finally seemed to have some luck. One of Bones' neighbors came walking out the door, leaving it open for me to walk in. Hurrying inside, I impatiently pressed the elevator button until the plastic started to show little cracks. After what seemed like an eon, the familiar arrival-announcing 'ping' sounded and the elevator doors opened. I pressed the floor number just once, restraining my own hand from giving it the same harsh treatment as the one in the hall. Another two eons later, I heard the 'ping' again and I was out of the elevator before the doors had even properly opened. I took the last few steps to her apartment, and pressed my finger against her doorbell, not intending to release it until she opened.

Brennan's POV

I was sitting on the couch, the album I'd managed to snatch as I was leaving open on my lap. I should thank Angela for making it, but at that moment, I only felt like ripping her throat out. The pictures of the happy moments caused more tears in my eyes than those of the sad ones, if that made sense. I didn't care, actually. I hadn't been making sense since this morning, and for some reason, Booth caused me to have serious impulse control issues. I should rip his throat out too, if I was already on a killing streak. Of course, someone chose just that moment to ring my doorbell.

"Go away!" I shouted, though I couldn't even hear my own voice over the persistent ringing.

Grumbling, and definitely not rid of my homicidal intentions, I got up and walked towards the door.

Booth's POV

I thought I heard someone shouting from inside, which was a good sign. At least she was here. Now all she had to do was open up the d-

"Booth?" Her face was a mingle of emotions: anger, sadness, confusion.

"Yep." I smiled my trademark smile.

"What are you doing out of the hospital? What are you doing here?" The sadness had left her face, the anger clearer now.

"I needed to see you. The nurse said you were upset when you left." I took a step forward, making it impossible for her to close the door in my face. She obviously didn't like my proximity, and took a few steps backwards.

"Of course I was. You saw me when I left."

"I don't remember that. It was like I just woke up when you closed the door behind you."

"So now there's something wrong with your short-term memory too? That's just wonderful. Get out, Booth." She meant it.

"That's not my point. I remember you, Bones. I just don't remember not doing so."

"You've got to be kidding me."

I was impressed that she even knew what that meant.

"I'm not, really," I said, closing the door behind me with my foot, "I remember you. I remember the day I first met you, the day you blackmailed me to take you out into the field, when I rescued you from Kenton, when we found your mother's remains, I remember when the Gravedigger kidnapped you, I remember being undercover in Vegas and you in that dress you're wearing right now for some unknown reason, I remember the day I drew that stupid line and regretting it the day after because I knew then that I loved you, Bones. And I can't stand knowing you're upset, much less if it's my own fault."

She stood there, staring at me. For a moment, I thought she was going to attack me. Then a small smile formed on her lips and her eyes got that sparkly blue color they sometimes get. The next thing I knew, I was staggering backwards because of her weight being thrown against me until I hit the door. Her tiny, but strong arms practically crushed me and she buried her head in the crook of my neck. Recovering from the original shock, I wrapped my arms around her too and rested my head on top of hers.

"I missed you, Booth." She mumbled.

"I love you, Bones."

"I know, Booth. Love you too."

I stiffened for a moment, wondering if I'd heard her right. She noticed, looked up at me and smiled. "You being in a coma for four days gave me a lot of time to think, you know."

I was still stunned, though an unmistakable feeling of happiness was making its way through my body. I pressed her against me even tighter, wondering if it was possible to miss someone while in a coma. Apparently, it was.

"I should get you back to the hospital. I have a feeling you've got the whole staff looking for you over there."

"I needed to see you. They'd only get in my way. It was logical not to let them know I was going, you of all people should understand that."

"You could've left a note."

"I didn't see any paper."

"I'm glad you came."

"Me too, Bones."

"I've never been so happy to hear you call me that."

"Glad to help. Bones." I could feel her smile against my shirt.

Brennan's POV

An hour later, back at the hospital, I got a strange sense of déjà vu. I was in the hospital, Booth hooked up to all kinds of tubes and a nurse occasionally walking past the window to check if he was still there. Only this time, there was no memory of barking dogs, no rope marks on my wrist, no bandage on my forehead and no dinner plans to cancel. It was just me and Booth, together in the hospital bed, watching some cheesy movie on the television screen above us. Happy there was no injured arm to be careful with, I snuggled closer to him and felt him press a kiss against the top of my head, making the smile that had been on my face uninterruptedly since he'd shown up at my door even wider.

Maybe brain tumors were good for something.


Okay, I'm just guessing, but I think y'all liked this ending better :P Or was it too clichéd, cheesy, corny, fairytale-happy-ending-y? Anyway, this is really the last chapter :) All you people out there reading this, please let me know what you thought of it! :D

*iz happy she finished a multi-chap fic for the first time*