Bridgette marched to the elevator with Leshawna on one side and Beth on the other. Courtney had officially lost her mind and broke up with Duncan the night before. So Bridgette decided to talk some sense in her with the help of some other sensible girls. Since she couldn't find anyone else, she settled with Beth and Leshawna.

''I don't understand why we're doing this for little miss prissy. Not like she's ever done anything for me.'' Leshawna grumbled.

''Hey, she's like my best girlfriend here, so chill.'' Bridgette scolded, ''Courtney is in a situation right now where she's not thinking straight, so she broke up with Duncan.'' Bridgette punched the floor number madly. ''Our job, ladies, is to bring some sense to her head.'' Bridgette smiled as they arrived to the right floor.

''How are we gonna do that?'' Beth asked as the three walked out of the elevator to Courtney's room.

''We just have to convince her that Duncan's the best thing for her right now.'' Bridgette replied as she knocked on Courtney's door. Courtney's voice echoed from behind the door, ''Come in!'' The trio opened the door to find Courtney making her bed. ''Hey, um, what's going on?'' Courtney asked looking suspiciously at Bridgette.

''Courtney, we need to talk.'' Bridgette said as the three flopped on the bed.

''Hey I just made that!'' Courtney frowned.

''Court! Sit down! We need to talk.'' Bridgette said. Courtney frowned and sat. ''Look, I don't know if it's that time of the month and you're hormonal.''

''Okay where is this going, and why are they here?!?!?'' Courtney interrupted and pointed to Leshawna and Beth.

''Moral support, and don't interrupt! Back to what I was saying, what were you thinking?!?!?! Why would you break up with Duncan? Is this just because of what happened with heather? Cause you'd think that after the drama with Trent you'd be a little more forgiving!'' Bridgette yelled.

''Wait what drama with Trent, what's going on?'' Leshawna asked glaring at Courtney.

''She and Trent made out one night.'' Beth replied.

''Hey we didn't make out, and how'd you find out about that!'' Courtney frowned.

''Oh your personal life is the talk of the resort, me and Lindsey heard it from a bell hop, she's got quite the way with guys.'' Beth gave and awkward smile.

''Wait Lindsey knows too?'' Bridgette asked.

''She just said my personal life is the latest gossip!'' Courtney groaned and sunk to the floor.

''Well that's what you get Nhmm!'' Leshawna folded her arms smugly.

''Enough! Bottom line is you can't just dump him like that Courtney! Not over a slut like heather.'' Bridgette said.

''Its not just heather. After all the drama I've been through here, what happened Last night is a sign. Me and Duncan weren't meant to be.'' Courtney sighed.

''Says who? Courtney if you two really love each other, than all the other crap will go away.'' Bridgette replied.

''That's the thing bridge,'' Courtney sat down on her bed, ''I don't know if I do or not, or if he even feels the same way for that matter.'' Courtney sighed.

''Look I know me and you aren't really friends,'' Leshawna started, ''but me and Duncan are pretty tight. The dudes crazy about you and if that ain't love then I don't know what is. And I'll be willing to kick anyone's ass who tries to stop that, including heather.'' Leshawna smiled.

''Thanks, but I think I need to handle this one on my own.''

''Courtney, it may seem like you guys don't work. But in reality you guys are perfect. He's all fun, and you're no fun at all. He completes you.'' Beth smiled. The other three just stared at her. ''What?'' she shrugged.

''God thanks Beth that's um, helpful? I think...''Bridgette said awkwardly.

''Enough, okay thanks for the support, but I need some time to think, about some stuff.'' Courtney said looking at Bridgette.

''Kay court, we'll go then, but I really hope you make the right choice.'' she replied as the girls began to leave. ''Oh by the way, you know how we're going back to the island tomorrow for the final, goofs throwing a Huge party when we get back, so better find a date.'' Bridgette smiled and left. Courtney glared at the blond leaving. Courtney shut the door and slid to the floor rubbing her temples. She was leaning against the door when she heard a knock on the door ''what!'' getting up and flinging the door open.

''Um chill, its just me.'' Cody smiled.

''Oh sorry, it's just Bridgette been bugging me about the whole break up.'' Courtney sighed and flopped on her bed again.

''What she say?'' Cody asked closing the door and sitting next to her.

''Well actually it was her, Leshawna and Beth.'' she replied.


''Yea I know, and they were all like 'what did you do, you kissed Trent?, pick the right choice, he completes you, I'll kick heathers ass, Bla bla bla'' Courtney began to rub her head again.

''Okay sooo...yea I didn't get any of that.'' Cody shook his head..

''I'm just confused, as usual. I like Duncan a lot, but we really really don't make sense, and I think that's why all this bad stuff has been happening. It pure logic that are differences are keeping us apart.'' Courtney sighed.

''Court, love doesn't make sense. Its not logical. It causes people to do crazy things they'd never do. Its passionate, insane, nerve racking, but its one of the biggest things we as humans live for. Just look at some of the biggest couples in history, Cleopatra and marc Antony, Romeo and Juliet, lady and the tramp.'' he smiled. ''All were considered crazy in their societies, but they found happiness.''

''Romeo and Juliet and Cleopatra, and marc Antony committed suicide, and lady and the tramp is a cartoon about dogs!'' Courtney frowned.

''Okay maybe those weren't the best examples, but bottom line is they followed their hearts and didn't listen to what the rules said was acceptable, and they found true love.'' Cody said. ''Listen to your heart Courtney, what does it want.''

''Truthfully, my heart wishes I didn't kiss Trent, then things wouldn't be so complicated.'' Courtney slumped.

''Don't worry about what happened, figure out what you want now. Do you want Duncan or not.'' Cody looked into her eyes.

''I-I don't know...'' Courtney looked down.

''Well I guess you've got a decision to make,'' Cody shrugged and stood up. ''I'll leave you to think. Want me to get you for dinner?''

''No I'll probably get room service, but you can come and hang out later'' Courtney said quietly.

''Yeah, okay I'll see you later then.'' Cody said and opened the door.

''Hey Cody?'' Courtney's voice stopped him.


'' Do you wanna go to the party together, y'know as friends? I just don't wanna go alone.'' Courtney frowned. Cody smiled.

''Yeah its no problem. It'll be fun''
''thanks Cody, for everything,'' Courtney smiled. ''You're like the best friend a girl could have.''

''It's really no problem, you're an amazing girl and I just wanna see you happy'' Cody said and made her blush. She got up and hugged him tightly.


Duncan and Geoff were walking in the hotel on their way to Trent's room.

''Dude, I'm not sure if I'm okay with hangin out with him.'' Duncan said looking down the hall.

''What I say earlier dude, bros before hoes.'' Geoff smiled. They kept walking when they noticed Courtney's door open. Duncan looked in hopefully to find her and Cody in a tight embrace. Geoff raised his eyebrow at Duncan.

''You're right,'' Duncan and Geoff pounded fists. ''Bros before hoes,'' he muttered as Geoff chuckled and the two kept walking down the hall.


Courtney smiled as she saw Cody walk out the door. She opened the drawer on the bedside table, and pulled out the wooden skull. She shoved it in there after she broke up with Duncan. She felt so hurt after she saw what happened at the camp, but what made it worse were her own feelings of guilt. She was really getting tired of the guilt, it was ruining her life. She decided to do something that Bridgette suggested a while back. She made a list of all the things she was guilty about since arriving on the island, the kiss, lying to Duncan, Cody drama. The one thing she couldn't bring herself to do was write kissing Duncan, because of what her head kept telling her, her heart knew that she loved even the smallest time she spent with him. And that's when it hit her. Cody said to follow her heart and her heart was still head over heels in love with Duncan. She picked up the paper and lit it on fire. She watched as everything she wrote disappeared in the flames and turned to black ashes that flew into the dark Muskoka sky. She knew she had to make this right.
-The next morning-
''hurry hurry people! We've gotta get back to the island.'' Chris hurried to get the ex-campers onto a bus so they could get to the finale. All the teens were excitingly chatting about whether Gwen or Owen was going to be the big winner. Courtney and Cody walked on the bus when Courtney spotted heather pouting in the front seat trying on a really bad wig. Courtney glared at her and marched up.

''Ugh what do you want miss stuck up?'' heather rolled her eyes. Courtney slapped her across the face

''That's for being such a bitchy whore.'' Courtney smiled at the red handprint that was left on her face. She spun around on her heels and walked down the aisle and sat next to Cody, leaving heather speechless.

''Yeah, you go girl!'' Leshawna cheered from the back of the bus. Duncan was next to Trent and smiled when he saw her. He really missed that attitude of hers and despite what Geoff kept telling him, he really missed her. He wanted her back and he didn't care if she kissed Trent. Yeah it hurt, but it's not like he was perfect, and her seriously didn't believe it was something for them to break up over. Hell they weren't even official when it happened.

''Gotta love Courtney for making a big deal over nothing.'' he muttered too low for anyone else to hear. Maybe he could win her back, he'd just have to whip out the charm, and soon enough she'd be back. It would work, it had to work, and Duncan was desperate. His mind was racing when Courtney began walking down the aisle. She stopped in front of him and looked at Trent.

''Hey can you move, I wanna talk to Duncan.'' Courtney asked.

''Sure, whatev.'' Trent got up. ''I've been meaning to talk to Cody anyways.'' Courtney took his seat and looked to the floor. It was silent for a while until Duncan started

''Sooooo you got a date for the party?'' Duncan asked awkwardly.

''I do actually, why?'' Courtney looked up.

''I dunno, just making conversation." Duncan replied.

"Well I'm going with Cody for your information." Courtney replied smugly.

"Oh, well that's cool, I guess." Duncan chuckled.

"Hey at least I have a date, Mr., uh Dateless! That's it, you're Mr. Dateless." She pointed at him and smiled.

"How do you know I don't?" Duncan raised his eyebrow and gave her that smile that made her squirm.

"Just making an assumption, I mean who would go with an ogre like you." She smiled.

"Look princess, did you come back here to insult me or did you have an ulterior motive." He asked. She bit her lip when Trent walked back.

"Okay, out of my seat, no way I'm sitting next to him any longer." Trent grumbled referring to Cody.

"Whatever," Courtney got up, flustered. "See ya Duncan." She got up and went back to her seat next Cody. Duncan glared at him.

"What?" Trent asked as he took his seat.

"Why is that you keep getting in between me and Courtney?" Duncan asked dryly.

"Oh, hehe, whoops sorry man. It's not intentional." Trent shrugged.

''Yea well I'm not so sure right now,'' Duncan rolled his eyes and looked out the window as they arrived back at the camp.

''Let's go lets go people, we've got deadlines to meet.'' Chris barked from a megaphone. Everyone walked off the bus and followed Chris to the middle of the camp. Everyone took their seats in the peanut gallery of failure while Chris kept rambling on about the events about to occur. Duncan smiled when Courtney sat next to him and she responded by rolling her eyes. Everyone watched in anticipation as Gwen and Owen took off for the race. Everyone began to follow them as Gwen made her way to the cliff, with Owen slowly behind. Gwen and Owen had their eggs and began to make their way across the gorge. ''Angry eagle parents,'' Chris deviously smiled at Duncan.

''Oh snap that is messed up.'' Duncan smiled and high fived the host. Courtney shot a glare to him

''What you mean you like watching this? They could die!'' Courtney fussed as she turned back to look back at the gorge.

''Oh mellow your yellow babe, this is awesome TV.'' Duncan smiled. Courtney began to feel a tinge of anger and excitement at him for calling her babe.

''Why would I want to watch Gwen and Owen risk their lives?'' Courtney raised her eyebrow as she shot back.

''This is life at its most raw. Check out Elvis here with his guitar. One misstep and his girlfriend is shark bait. Now that would make for an interesting song.'' Duncan chuckled. Courtney wasn't sure what she was feeling right now, but she decided to just go with it. She grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him like she'd never kissed anyone else before. She pulled back after a few seconds and breathed. Her lips were tingling like crazy as Duncan stared at her with a shocked expression. Courtney knew she had to say something.

''You're still not my type,'' she gasped.

''You make me sick,'' he replied. Then they came back together and began making out in a way that could beat Bridgette and Geoff by a landslide. Chris just stood there with a weird look on his face,

''Oookkaay, this is awkward.'' he said as he slowly slid away. After a few minutes Courtney pulled away and stared at him with her eyes wide.

''Uhhh, okay well, um I think I'm gonna go now.'' Courtney bit her lip and began to walk away when Duncan grabbed her wrist.

''Courtney, wait, we need to talk.'' Duncan stared at her with sincerity.

''Okay we can, but I can't right now, at least not here okay?'' Courtney frowned.

''Okay then when can you talk.?" Duncan raised his eyebrow.

''How about after lunch, at the dock?'' Courtney smiled.

''Okay then, after lunch, at the dock.'' Duncan replied.

''See you later then, Duncan.'' Courtney smiled and left to go join the others. Duncan stood there dumbfounded.

''Wait, what the hell just happened?" Duncan asked himself, then just shrugged and walked away.


Everyone just got back from the island. Strangely enough Owen ended up winning the game. Everyone was either busy talking to Owen and Gwen, or heading over to get lunch. Courtney wasn't hungry so she headed to her room. She was fairly nervous about what happened at the island and about what was about to happen in about an hour. Courtney closed her door and took a deep breath. She walked over to her freshly made bed and collapsed. She stared at the ceiling.

''What was I thinking?'' Courtney whispered to herself, ''oh that's right, I wasn't.'' she replied to her own question. ''Damnit, that's the last time I listen to Cody,'' she cursed and began to muse on what to do. ''Well I guess I'll just talk to him, and hope for the best.'' Courtney sighed and she sat up. She smoothed her hair and looked at the clock. ''Looks like I better go,'' Courtney sighed. She looked in the mirror and checked her makeup. She grabbed her key and headed out the door.


Courtney approached the dock, but Duncan wasn't in sight. She sat on the dock. She thought about what she was going to say, but what confused her most was what Duncan wanted to say, being he was the one who initiated the meeting. Courtney decided just to insist on saying what she wanted first, analyze his reaction, and then bail if necessary. Courtney smiled at the genius of her plan. She looked at her phone; she'd been waiting there for about fifteen minutes. ''Where is he?'' she mumbled as she turned around when she saw him at the front of the dock, standing there with a nervous face. She got up and walked to him slowly. He followed suit and approached her just as slow. They both met at the middle.

''Hey,'' she said.

''Hey'' he mumbled.

''Soooo...'' Courtney started.

''So,'' Duncan replied.

''Um well I guess I'll start.'' Courtney said as she stared in his teal eyes with seriousness. ''Duncan, I know I've really screwed up this time, and I wouldn't blame you if you were mad about what happened.'' Courtney started as Duncan looked back at her. ''But when I saw what happened with you and heather, it was the top of the crappy tower of bad things that has happened since I've been here. It really hurt and made me realize how much I do feel for you. And I know I'm fussy, and over dramatic, bossy, pushy, overbearing, and possibly over the top. But the one thing I know is that underneath all that, under all the drama that's happened, I'm still just a girl. A girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." Courtney sighed and looked into his eyes with despair. He looked at her for a second more, until he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to his face. He lifted her up and the two continued to kiss. Tears were streaming down Courtney's face when the two began to pull apart.

"I love you Courtney, and truthfully I don't give a damn about what happened. As long as I have you, I'm fine." Duncan smiled and wiped a tear that began falling down her cheek. She kissed him again then rested her head on his shoulder.

"I Love you too." Courtney said as the two stood there, in each others arms.





And so it turned out they decided not to go to the party, they ended up taking the "Bridgette and Geoff" route and made their own fun in Courtney's room. LOL, sorry readers, there's a reason I put this under "T". But it turned out to be a lousy party cause it began rain, and Geoff was not too happy about that. But hey, this story isn't about him, so I don't really care. But this is the end for now. Yay for the completion of my first series!!!!!! Please comment cause this was defiantly the hardest chapter to write.
